Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 24 Complete the mission and capture the red snake!

Chapter 24 Complete the mission and capture the red snake!
"There is actually a snake!" Li Yunxiao bent down, grabbed the scarlet snake in his hand, and continued to hold it down for seven inches to avoid the possibility of it exploding.

He rubbed the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his elbow and said with a lingering fear, "Really, I almost bit Sister Shengji."

But from the moment he recognized Bago, he had always paid attention to the snake.

Even Lao Li, whose strength has reached the Great Heavenly Level in the fifth season and is proficient in medical skills and Huayang Acupuncture, cannot detoxify this poison. It is really too dangerous.

He didn't want anything to happen due to a moment of negligence.

Fanyintian is his current designated thigh, so nothing can happen to him, otherwise everyone present at Huanyinfang, not one of them, will be able to escape.

Sure enough, the moment he saw Li Yunxiao subduing the poisonous snake, Bago's originally calm expression suddenly broke.

"Damn girl! How dare you!"

Even if Li Yunxiao was not exposed among the women in Huanyin Square for half a year, Ba Ge naturally could not recognize her.

Fanyin Tian glanced at the snake in Li Yunxiao's hand, and was shocked and frightened.

She didn't hear any sound just now and didn't pay attention at all!
If it weren't for Xiao Yunxiao, I'm afraid she would have been bitten by now!
Judging from the pattern and the other party's reaction, this is clearly a venomous snake!
"I just saw a lot of people twitching and falling down. If nothing else, it must be this snake, right?" Li Yunxiao pointed out.

Fanyintian's beautiful eyes were slightly cold, she restrained her charm, and sneered: "It is difficult to raise a villain and a woman. It is indeed the Tongwen Pavilion. Our Huanyinfang only occupies one of them, and you two occupy both."

Li Yunxiao: "."

He actually scolded someone for taking him first, which is awesome.

"Give the snake back to me and let's retreat." Bago said forcefully.

Fanyintian thought about it and thought it was feasible, but when his eyes fell on Li Yunxiao again, he found that the other party was secretly gesticulating rejection to him.

Although she was a little confused, she instinctively chose to believe it.

So he said without giving in: "With the current state of the two of you, I'm afraid you have to leave, right?"

As he spoke, he pressed his fingers on the pipa strings again.

"You!" Bago was so anxious that he immediately took action.

This snake is her treasure, the main source of her combat power!
"Calm down! Keep Qingshan here!" Tomoe quickly stopped him.

Both of them were in bad shape, and there was no one around them.

If we continue to fight to the death, the best thing is to end up dying together, which is not worth it!

Taking a deep breath to calm down the same aggrieved mood, Tomoe said coldly: "Let us go!"

Fanyin Tianhao turned his wrist lightly and waved.

She didn't really want to fight with the two of them, what if the other party was hiding something?

The disciples of Huanyinfang made way.

Ba Ge was extremely unwilling, but she still knew that life was the most important thing, and she didn't dare to gamble.

Staring with phoenix eyes, his expression completely lost control, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Next time, I will take it all back!!!"

"Then I'll be waiting for you." Fanyin Tian smiled slightly.

This is the same as I will take your life next time. They are the standard harsh words of a loser. They are of no use except to comfort the speaker himself.

Bayabago led the few remaining Tongwenkan minions and left.

During this period, Bago turned back three times with each step and cast a reluctant look at Li Yunxiao.

Even though he knew it wasn't him who was looking at him, he still felt his scalp numb from being fucked.

"Performing well." Fanyin Tian smiled gently at Li Yunxiao.

Regardless of strength, the mentality and calmness when performing tasks are very rare.

Moreover, he saved her life again~

"Then I can continue to perform tasks in the future?" Li Yunxiao asked quickly. He didn't want compliments with no substantive meaning, but something real.

Fanyintian's smile faded, he didn't say a word, and set off directly towards the things escorted by the Xuanming Sect.

Li Yunxiao: "."

Damn, who is it!
He ordered the maid to pry open the box, and all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry were revealed.The large number made Li Yunxiao a little dumbfounded.

Oh my god, if he had just one of these things in his previous life, he would have been able to live a peaceful life!

But he just took a casual look and passed by.

Fanyin Tian snorted softly, "This Zhu Wen dog thief is quite sincere towards the Mobei barbarians."

As he said that, he took out the hidden letter and opened it.

The two willow eyebrows immediately frowned together.

Zhu Wen actually wanted Mobei to send troops to form a pincer attack on Qi and Jin, and then divide the territory equally? !
But then he thought about it again, and his brows stretched again.

Before setting off, she got a spy report, and there seemed to be chaos in Mobei.

How could it be possible to comply with Zhu Wen's wishes when he had too much time to take care of himself?
It's just wishful thinking.

"Take them all back." After putting the letters away, Fanyintian said lightly: "Anyway, it's just a waste to Mobei, so let me, Huanyinfang, accept it."


Turning around and looking at the snake that Li Yunxiao was still playing with, Fanyintian asked puzzledly: "You don't want to return it. Is there anything special about this thing?"

"Yes." Li Yunxiao explained: "I saw that people bitten by this snake not only died, but the woman just now was able to control these people. It was obviously not an ordinary poison."

"Can you control people?" Fanyintian groaned, "It sounds a bit like poison!"

"I don't know." Li Yunxiao shook his head. He didn't understand the Shatuo clan's secret techniques.

Anyway, what Bago boasts about in the play is that even the King of Snakes and Poisonous Lord cannot be solved even if they are still alive.

Whether it's really that great, or whether everyone can compare Lu Bu once he dies remains to be discussed.

But there's no denying its horror.

Anyway, it seems that the toxicity has taken shape. Even if it is not as good as the poisonous snake that Bago has accumulated after time in the fifth season, it is still a trump card if it can be raised well.

No matter how bad it is, digging out the snake's gall will still be priceless.

The more venomous the snake, the stronger the detoxification effect of its gallbladder.

Like this, I am afraid it can be used as a panacea!

However, Li Yunxiao's words changed. "I see that woman's reaction was so great, so this snake is definitely not simple. I won't give it to you if you can."

"The bright colors look pretty good. I really want to keep it and play with it."

"Well, then take it back." Fanyintian agreed.

This means that there is no need to hand it over, you can just keep it for yourself.

After that, they continued to make arrangements for the retreat.

After all, no one can guarantee whether Xuanming Sect and Huanyinfang will counterattack.

This is not a place to stay.

Every disciple of Fanyin Tianming carries some jewelry, even Li Yunxiao is no exception.

Only in this way will it be easier to rush back.

Although some people may be greedy for ink, it doesn't matter, Huanyinfang will make money no matter what.

Otherwise, with a big box, wouldn't Chun Chun let the other two families come back for revenge?

During the short period of time when the disciples were dividing the spoils, Li Yunxiao also began to count his gains.

[Martial arts value: 3127]


In one mission, he picked up a mistake, and he actually gained nearly 3000 martial arts points!

(End of this chapter)

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