Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 34 Complete the Blood Crying Record?Go see the surrender!

Chapter 34 Complete the Blood Crying Record?Go see the surrender!

I go!

That's right!

Li Yunxiao rubbed his eyes in surprise, but the writing on the panel did not change at all.

Using the fragments of the Weeping Blood Record, he could actually complete the incomplete Weeping Blood Record he got from Hou Qing!
Being mutilated has side effects, so wouldn’t the original version not have the weakness of being afraid of blood on the skin?

When he got it during the day, he didn't look at it carefully because he wanted to teach Hou Qing how to play the flute.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao was very excited.

If this is the case, then Weeping Blood Record is really a flawless top-level technique!

Even when facing an enemy who knows about the Weeping Blood Record, he can take advantage of the opponent's taken-for-granted psychology to make calculations and surprise him.

As for how to get the fragments of Weeping Blood Record, it was of course to pick up the wool from Hou Qing's body!

Even if the skill is obtained in its entirety, the fragments will still explode when it is time to explode.

When the Phantom Sound Jue had been synthesized before, even though the contact with Ji Ruxue was reduced in the remaining few years, a few additional fragments of the Phantom Sound Jue were still exploded.

He just added some random touches and blended them into it.

He raised his head and looked out the window at the dim sky.

Li Yunxiao shook his head with regret, it was too late, let's forget it today.

Wearing a skirt with half-arm collar, it would be quite weird if someone saw him knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

In order not to reveal his identity in Huanyin Workshop, he has not worn men's clothes in the past ten years.

There are also some people who agree with the view that there are only zero and countless times for women’s clothing.

It's not that he's a pervert, as he likes women's clothing.

It's just that most people will subconsciously put women, especially good-looking women, in a disadvantaged position, and their vigilance will be much lower, which will have unexpected effects in completing tasks.

This is also the reason why Huanyinfang can be named after the other two. The cultivation level is low, but it can rely on this advantage to overcomplete some tasks.

Over time, he got used to it.

And this is a bit like a horse-faced skirt that can be worn by both men and women. It is unisex, easy to wear, and not burdensome.

"Want me to practice for you?" The next morning, Hou Qing was about to go to the next door to continue learning the flute. As soon as he opened the door, he was blocked first.

"Well, because I feel that the Corpse Ancestor's Blood Crying Record is very profound, I want to observe it carefully and find inspiration for cultivation." Li Yunxiao opened his eyes and told lies.

Although Hou Qing was a little confused, he still agreed.

However, he is not a loser.

For the backhand, Li Yunxiao needs to teach a few more musical instruments.

It seems that the concept of a BGM accompaniment corpse band has been implemented.

Li Yunxiao agreed wholeheartedly.

It’s hard to say how good the disciples of Huanyinfang are in martial arts, but their attainments in music are definitely exquisite.

As a wall hanging, he was not only proficient in the flute, but also learned the essence of the pipa from Fanyintian, and also dabbled in other things.

After all, strictly speaking, the probability of Huanyinfang's music score being high is higher than that of martial arts score, so he can naturally control various musical instruments with ease.

This is a deal that both parties feel is profitable.

[Martial arts value: 100]

[Martial arts value: 100]

[Martial arts value: 100]

As Hou Qing demonstrated Qi Xue Lu's exercise method in the guest room, attribute points popped up one after another.

Starting from the big star position, the limit of martial arts points obtained by Li Yunxiao increased tenfold, but it did not happen when he reached the middle star position.

Therefore, it is estimated that he will continue until he is promoted to the Zhongtian position, becoming a base of [-] points of martial arts value.

Li Yunxiao still smiled at these attributes, but he lost the initial excitement and impatience.

There is no way, after so many years, I have gotten used to it.

In the past, a small amount of martial arts value made him eager to see what he could do. But now, with hundreds of hundreds of dollars in his account, he feels calm and has no troubles. Maybe this is growth.Li Yunxiao secretly said.

[Crying Blood Record Fragments +1]

Since Li Yunxiao and Hou Qing exchanged martial arts and music every day, the speed of going to the general's residence also slowed down a lot.

Ten days passed in a row.

Compared with Chi Meng's careless teaching of the Rhythm Control Gu in the anime, Li Yunxiao's teaching can be said to be very meticulous.

Similarly, some people know a skill simply by themselves, while others can explain it to others very well and let them learn it.

This is the case for Li Yunxiao, who has a golden finger.

With the addition of corresponding instruments, he will be improved in all aspects, and he will naturally be able to direct better and more professionally.

Hou Qing has really learned a lot of basics, and can already play a few basic simple tunes.

As for Li Yunxiao's progress, it is also very gratifying.

In addition to the Weeping Blood Record fragment that exploded during the day the next day, three more Weeping Blood Record fragments exploded within a few days.

This efficiency made him dumbfounded.

You must know that it took him two years to collect the phantom sound secret fragments that exploded from Ji Ruxue!

In comparison, the gap is not small.

Li Yunxiao didn't think his luck would be so good. It was probably due to Hou Qing's luck.

If he wasn't unconditional and couldn't beat him, he would have burned incense and made an offering to this guy.

If he continues at this rate, maybe within a month or two, he will be able to complete the upgrade of Weeping Blood Record!
No. 11 days.

Hou Qing led Li Yunxiao to the small courtyard of a thatched cottage surrounded by mountains and rivers. Wisps of smoke were rising from the chimney on the roof. .


"Looks like I'm lucky at home."

Hou Qing simply turned over and dismounted, and walked straight into the yard, completely ignoring whether the horse would run away.

Li Yunxiao has been a model worker at Huanyinfang these years. He has received countless rewards, but he is not short of money, but he is not that extravagant.

He tied his horse in front of a big tree and then followed.

Looking at this cabin that was almost exactly the same as in the anime, Li Yunxiao felt a little excited but also uneasy.

The Four Great Corpse Ancestors.

Hou Qing, a man who regards quality as the most important thing in his life, seems to be indifferent, but at many critical moments, he is unexpectedly reliable.

Welder has a fierce appearance but a delicate heart. Apart from being a bit of a love-minded person, he is good as a friend.

Ying Gou is obsessed with madness and has dual personalities, one is funny and the other is cold and murderous, but she is surprisingly pure.

Only the general, although the anime shows an interesting woman in a very short space, can't hide her mystery and danger. Otherwise, how could the other party become the leader of the four corpse ancestors?

This is what Hou Qing brought him here on his own initiative, and he also asked for help from him.

Li Yunxiao just wanted to try his luck.

If it were only him, he would never dare to go looking for this strange woman when he only has a small position in heaven.

Li Yunxiao walked closer and took a deep breath to keep his mood calm.

Hou Qing also raised his hand, preparing to knock on the door.

But it hasn’t fallen yet.

I just heard an explosion in the hut!Even the roof shook twice and was almost overturned.

Then there was a bang, and a figure in purple clothes with red hair and a black face rushed out of the door.

While running, I coughed violently.

Hou Qing's eyes were quick and his legs were quick, and his internal energy poured into the soles of his feet. He retreated three meters away.

Li Yunxiao, whose cultivation was only at the level of Xiaotian, had no time to react and was directly knocked to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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