Chapter 37: Selection, blood restores the arm!
Li Yunxiao walked closer.

Jiangchen's bookshelf is made of bamboo strips woven together and is divided into three levels. Fresh bouquets of flowers are placed around it, which is very delicate. The top of the shelf is filled with books or bamboo slips.

Since there were no names printed in the middle of the book like books in later generations, he could only pull them out one by one and read them.

"The Rhyme of Poetry"


"Essential Points for Postpartum Sows"

"Ou Yezi's Blacksmithing Technique"

Looking at the books he pulled out one after another, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but twitch his lips.

What is this all about?

It’s a mess, useful and useless, only the unexpected, and there’s nothing that can’t be found on the bookshelf.

Although strange, it unexpectedly fits Jiang Chen's identity.

However, Li Yunxiao read the covers one by one and could not find the Jiuyou Xuantian magic skill that he had been longing for.

It's not that he doesn't know martial arts, he also knows it.

"Dark Water Palm", "Fire Dragon Palm", "Golden Wind Palm".

Basically, in addition to the top-level skills, the martial arts of the Xuanming Sect are among them.

Li Yunxiao felt a little uncomfortable.

"Have you read them all? You can only choose three books." Jiangchen didn't look back, but a faint voice sounded at the right time.

Li Yunxiao trembled.

I took back my original idea of ​​reading all the books and imprinted them on my mind, and started to make a serious decision.

He is now a person who possesses the two top-level skills of Weeping Blood Record and Phantom Sound Jue.

As for those ordinary skill secrets, he didn't like them at all, the upper limit was too low.

Don't say that the Flame Dragon Palm is the only one in the world, and if a thousand come, a thousand will die. That's just a lie. You are a real fool if you believe it.

Zhaosheng Yanjun Jiang Zhaoyi, that guy had been beaten by him a few years ago when he was in the early stage of the big star position when he was doing missions.

Picking feet of dishes.

After several decisions, Li Yunxiao finally chose these three books.

"Ou Yezi's Blacksmithing Technique"

"The Godly Creation of the Mechanism"

"Ten Thousand Medicines"

A blacksmithing method, a mechanism technique, and a herbal encyclopedia.

All are extremely practical knowledge.

It's not that he doesn't want to know about Jiang Chen's magical technique that can resurrect the dead, but it's a pity that this should be Jiang Chen's own experience and insights accumulated over the years, and it has not yet been written into a book.

Therefore, he could only settle for the next best thing.

"Senior Corpse Ancestor, I have chosen." Li Yunxiao said and displayed the books in the distance.

Jiangchen glanced at it, pursed his lips, and nodded: "Well~, you are good at choosing. Just look at it and don't disturb my research."

"it is good."

Li Yunxiao found a place to sit down and began to read.

As soon as he came up, he saw Ou Yezi's blacksmithing skills.

Li Xingyun has the Longquan Sword, and Zhang Zifan has the Tongwen Fan.

Ji Ruxue has the Suxin Sword, and Lu Linxuan has the Half Sword.

It seems that no one in the protagonist group fights empty-handed.

Li Yunxiao felt that it was necessary for him to come up with a handy weapon.

He had already thought of the look.

It was still the flute he was most used to, but he wanted to create a sword flute.But in terms of materials, we definitely can’t use bamboo like he does now.

In order not to be cut into two pieces directly, he had to be careful when using the flute as a sword and wrap it up with internal force.

So, be sure to choose good materials!
Oh, by the way, I have to add the Record of Weeping Blood to it, just like Hou Qing did later.

Let's see if we can add some mechanisms to make it more versatile.

Li Yunxiao carefully read through the book until Golden Finger had completely entered it.

Because blacksmithing is not a martial art, it does not occupy the four battle grids.

However, he has basically never been exposed to these before. Unlike music, which has a large number of music attribute points, he can only teach himself first.

When I go back, I must visit various blacksmith shops to observe.

Li Yunxiao thought to himself.

Jiang Chen used various methods to test the blood, but no matter what, she could not determine the cause.

The vitality nurtured is obviously much thicker than ordinary blood, but there are no incidental problems in other parts of the blood.

There was no other way, so Jiangchen had no choice but to practice and gain experience.

The blood basin was placed on a delicate wooden device, swinging up and down like a seesaw to prevent the blood inside from coagulating.

He hurriedly opened a stone plate and went down to the cellar through the hole.

When he came out again, he was holding a shrunken frozen human arm in his hand.

Jiang Chen used his internal force to thaw it without changing his expression.

This was something she finally got, an arm from the corpse of a very famous demon concubine a hundred years ago.

I am also planning to play it on myself after a while.

However, she was really curious about this abnormal blood. Rather than pressing on it, she wanted to experiment first!

Jiangchen forced the fresh blood into the blood vessels that had shrunk to the point of being shrunk.

He took out a sealed jar from under his feet and opened it. A pungent smell no less than burning came out, but Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously and plunged the arm into the unknown yellow liquid.

At the same time, in the cross section of the arm, the internal force is still used to circulate the blood.

After a while, take it out and wipe it clean.

I saw that the originally dry arms were now smooth and white, and even had elasticity after pressing them.

Looking at the cross section, the shrunken human flesh has become plump and bright red, and the gray bones are as white as ever.

It's like being cut from a recently deceased person, so fresh!
Jiangchen's wine-red eyes burst with intense joy.

Normally, it would take at least a month to restore limbs that have been dead for a long time, under the stimulation of her daily internal energy and blood transfusions, and soaking in her secret altar.

But now, he recovered in just over a quarter of an hour!
The status is completely ready for transplantation!Even more perfect than she expected!
Is this the impact of vitality?


Jiangchen shook his head, it's not that simple.

Because it’s not like she hasn’t taken the middle heaven position, the great heaven position, or even her own blood for cultivation, but the effect and efficiency are far inferior!
This shows that the blood yang energy blessed by skill is of no use to these corpses. There is something else in the blood!
Thinking that there was still a thigh in the ice cellar, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

First, she put the arm back into the ice cellar for further storage. Then, she carried the empty basin and walked up to the boy who was reading.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Li Yunxiao raised his head and looked at the self-evident little basin placed in front of him again, his expression almost tense.

Putting down the book, he forced an awkward smile.

"Haha. Uh, Corpse Ancestor, what are you doing?"

"More, it's not enough." Jiangchen smiled slightly, and he was no less generous than Hou Qing's straightforwardness.

Seeing the obvious resistance on the young man's face, he continued: "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. I can let you pick three more books."

Li Yunxiao: "."

This is not a question of whether to write or not, right?
The question is whether he can still read the book!
[ps: I would like to ask the readers for their opinions. Do you want to surrender? 】

(End of this chapter)

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