Chapter 5 Doubts!Get the technique!
As the core organization of Qi Kingdom, Huanyinfang is directly adjacent to Prince Qi's Mansion.

The lofts in the square are intertwined, the stone paths are quiet, the flowers are flowing, and the water is flowing, giving it a graceful and soft color.

Just like this woman from Huanyinfang.

Li Yunxiao followed for a while before arriving at where Fanyintian was.

At the maid's signal, he knocked on the door twice and walked in alone.

As soon as you step in, the familiar fragrance hits your face.

The scent is warm and yet natural, completely different from the industrial products of previous generations.

"Little guy, are you here?"

Fanyintian's voice is still so charming, making people feel numb when listening to it.

At this time, she was sitting sideways on a chair, and her pink dress had a tendency to collapse that could not be concealed.

Li Yunxiao swallowed his throat secretly. This was too terrible. She was indeed the most charming existence among the Nine Heavens Saint Princess.

Fortunately, he has read countless films and may have a thicker soul after traveling through time, so his willpower is strong enough.

"Yunxiao, please give my regards to Sister Shengji." Li Yunxiao saluted gracefully. Along the way, the maid also gave a general introduction to Huanyinfang. It was not rude for him to call her like this.

He is just a child now, and if he shows his desire for sex, he will definitely arouse suspicion.

He just wanted to survive and establish himself in Huanyinfang, but he didn't intend to cause too many troubles.

"Come." Fanyin Tian raised his wrist gently and said with a sweet smile: "Come here, let me have a look."

Li Yunxiao stepped forward obediently.

Fanyin Tian was stunned when he saw that healthy and white face.

Then he took Li Yunxiao's wrist and felt his pulse without leaving a trace.

The pulse is like the rising sun, very vigorous.

Fanyin Tian was confused in her heart. She had already absorbed Yunxiao's yang energy yesterday. Even if she could replenish her yang energy by recuperating, it wouldn't be that fast, right?

It’s not like he ate the treasures from heaven and earth, how could this happen?
Could it be said that there is really such a talented person?

Didn't she find a treasure?
Seeing that the other party didn't speak for a long time, Li Yunxiao was also a little confused.

What's going on with Fanyintian?

Why is his expression a little unbelievable when he sees himself?

Before he could think about it, Fanyintian spoke again.

"I never thought you'd look pretty good in women's clothes."

"But I think only Sister Shengji can be called good-looking." Li Yunxiao responded without hesitation, but he didn't believe that Fanyintian was silent for so long just to express his appreciation for his outfit.

The premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Fanyintian took him in so easily, but his purpose was anything but pure.

If possible, it is better to find out as early as possible.

"Little guy, you have to dress up like this from now on." Fanyin Tian reminded softly.

"My Huanyin Workshop normally only recruits women. If your identity is exposed, you will be expelled."

"When the time comes, you may be living on the streets without enough food to eat." Fanyintian said that he did not forget to scare him at the end.

Li Yunxiao did not answer the question, but asked: "In that case, will I never see Sister Shengji again?"

"That's right." Fanyintian's red lips opened slightly, a little surprised.

Obviously he didn't expect him to say that.

"Then I don't want to leave." Li Yunxiao stated his position directly.

He's not licking, it's just that the situation is stronger than the person.

Just a few nice words, nothing to lose.

As expected, Fanyin Tian hid his face and smiled, as if he was pinched by Li Yunxiao's sincere but not straightforward beautiful words. "You little guy, you have such a sweet mouth. If you are so eloquent, how many girls will you seduce in the future?"

Li Yunxiao simply blinked his eyes to seduce a woman?Sorry, this is not what he should understand at this stage.

Fanyin Tian's eyebrows were soft, and he stretched out his slender hand to place a little between the boy's eyebrows.

"Okay, since you are determined to stay in Huanyinfang, I will try my best to train you."

"Huanyinfang will not raise idle people, so you will also have tasks in the future."

"Forget it, why am I telling you this now? I don't understand."

Fanyin Tian pursed his lips angrily, and continued: "At least you won't have any worries about your life until you grow up, but you won't be free either. There are many things you need to learn."

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao nodded pretending to be ignorant.

Freedom or something like that is not something he should consider at the moment.

In this kind of world, if there is no strong strength, how can we talk about freedom?
Even if there are countless masters, aren't they still pawns manipulated by the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang?
Now, he just wants to become stronger!

Looking at Li Yunxiao's body again, Fanyintian couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that you are a man. If you want to learn what I can do, it will be much more difficult."

"I'm not afraid of hardship." Li Yunxiao stated firmly.

Fanyin Tian just shook his head, "I don't expect you to succeed in your studies in the future. I just hope you have some ability to protect yourself."

"do you understand?"

The last sentence was said seriously, indicating that Fanyintian cared about this very much.

She was indeed worried about Li Yunxiao's safety.

After being trained, people in Huanyinfang must perform tasks unless they are assigned a special position.

She didn't want to wait until Li Yunxiao reached adulthood to absorb Yang Qi, and the other person would be gone.

Li Yunxiao's eyes narrowed.

The hope is just to keep him alive?

Shouldn't he practice martial arts well and report to Huanyinfang in the future?
Li Yunxiao could feel Fanyintian's faint emotions.

She didn't want to die.

But he didn't think that just meeting him twice would make Fanyin Tian look at him with admiration or even care about him.

Perhaps, it was the same as his doubts just now.

"Little guy, can you read?"

"I know a little bit." Li Yunxiao came back to his senses and replied.

Even if he couldn't write traditional Chinese characters, he could still make a rough guess as long as it wasn't a sloppy font.

Fanyintian nodded slightly, "In that case, it will be much more convenient."

As she spoke, she stood up, swaying, and walked to the shelf in the room and pulled out a book.

"This is the general inner strength and mental method of my Huanyin Workshop. From now on, you should use this first to practice."

Li Yunxiao took it and looked at it, and couldn't help being speechless.

"Basic Internal Strength", does this name really conceal it at all?
However, Li Yunxiao didn't have much opinion on the technique itself. Although it looked cheap at first glance, if he had to work hard on his own, he might not even be able to get this copy.

Since Fanyin Tian said to practice this first, it means that as long as he practices well, he will be given better quality techniques.

Moreover, he can use his golden fingers to pick up the secret book fragments revealed by others and synthesize the whole book. However, compared with the martial arts value, the probability of the cheat book fragments appearing will be much lower.

Yesterday, he only got one from Fanyintian.

It's a pity that it's not the most advanced phantom sound art in Huanyinfang. Even if you are the Nine Heavens Saint Princess, you are not qualified to practice it, right?
But when it comes to the skills among bad people, Li Yunxiao's favorite ones are Old Uncle Li's Qi Jing and Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill (new version of course.).

One is purely show-off, the other is domineering and showy, in short, Taiku is hot!
But these are still too far away from him.

(End of this chapter)

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