Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 60 Who are you? You need help from someone else to take a bath!

Chapter 60 Who are you? You need help from someone else to take a bath!

"Come on, let's continue." The empress said calmly from where she was.

Even if Li Yunxiao only had peripheral vision, it was a bit dazzling.

He swallowed secretly, placed the bra wrap on the table nearby, lowered his gaze, and then approached again.

The whole person held his breath and concentrated, and his hands trembled slightly while performing the operation.

Afraid of being noticed if something is wrong.

Fortunately, the other party only regarded his avoidance behavior as shyness and did not notice it at all.

Thanks to the Empress, given Fanyintian's temperament and the special nature of her practice, she would have been able to see through him long ago through her Yang Qi perception, which is comparable to radar.

The sound of rushing water was followed by the gurgling microwave.

It seems that the empress has already stepped in.

Li Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned his back. While avoiding it, he pocketed all the attribute points on the bed.

But before he could take a closer look at how much he had harvested, the empress called him again, "Come here and take a bath with me."

Hearing such a reasonable tone, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Why do you look like an emperor?

Also, in the Qi Kingdom, isn't the empress the emperor?
In the original work, there is a time when the Holy Lady of the Nine Heavens is called to bathe and change her clothes.

Forget it, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Anyway, he saw everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen.

If it is discovered in the future, it will just be mailed, so it is better to read enough now.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao's heart skipped a beat and he risked his life!

With his identity, he can delay it as long as he can.

When he is promoted to the Great Heavenly Position, even if he is discovered, he can run away directly!
If it really doesn't work, I can hide in Jiangchen's small place for a few years, which is quite comfortable.

Li Yunxiao came behind the empress without squinting, taking in the beautiful scenery at a glance.

In ancient times, if there was no counterfeiting technology, it would be good and it would float.

He just sighed a little and didn't think anything else.

After Li Yunxiao had been with Fanyintian and Jiangchen, his resistance to female sex had become much stronger.

There was no yellow waste forming a head.

The empress was leaning on the edge of the barrel, squinting her eyes slightly.

Although there is nothing as good as her special bathroom outside, it is still very comfortable to take a bath after a long day's journey.

After hearing footsteps approaching.

The slender and soft catkin poked out of the water, pointed to the thin and smooth shoulder, and whispered softly: "Use the ladle and keep watering on it."

I really enjoy it.

Li Yunxiao criticized in his heart.

I don't think he has ever done this before.

Of course, it's not that I don't want to enjoy it, but I'm afraid that my identity will be exposed.

Resigned to his fate, Li Yunxiao picked up the small gourd scoop and poured water on it from the ground one after another.

This method must be done more frequently, otherwise your wet shoulders will become even colder if exposed to the wind.

When digging water, Li Yunxiao had to bend down slightly, and the sparkling scenery was truly unobstructed.

This kind of looming, but more flavorful.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took before the empress made another request.

"Give me a squeeze on your shoulders again."

Li Yunxiao: "."

Good guy.

I am just the killer of Huanyinfang!Are you really treating her like a maid?

It's a pity that he is a 'mute' and has no human rights, let alone protest.

Putting the gourd and ladle aside, Li Yunxiao took a deep breath and slowly put his hands on the weak shoulders.

The rough palm calluses caused by martial arts rubbed against the delicate skin.

The wonderful electric feeling made the empress tremble all over and tense up instantly.

It wasn't until I quickly got used to it that I relaxed again.Li Yunxiao pinched it repeatedly, but it didn't fool him.

In his previous life, due to irregular sitting posture, his back, neck and shoulders were sore and painful.

So I have to go to a regular Chinese medicine massage parlor to relax from time to time.

After a long period of time, he will naturally become familiar with those techniques, but he will not be able to be self-sufficient.

But now that he has internal strength, he is more aware of the major points all over the human body, and his massage techniques are only better than those of the old Chinese doctors.

The empress's reaction is a good example.

With the excellent massage technique, the sour and refreshing feeling on the acupuncture points made her relax her brows and purse her red lips slightly, showing a contradictory feeling of wanting to scream but suppressing it.

It was impossible for Li Yunxiao to ask the empress if she was eating hard and how strong she was.

I can only figure it out on my own.

Although the empress's skin is very delicate, as a martial arts practitioner, she must be quite strenuous, right?

Li Yunxiao thought like this, and when he saw that the other party didn't say anything, he thought it was because he was too weak.

He immediately increased his strength and even used his internal strength.

However, he was very cautious and only used the internal power of the Falling Rain Sword Art to avoid the possibility of being exposed.

Compared with the normal practice of multiple techniques, as long as the techniques on the four columns are combined, Li Yunxiao can fuse them if he wants to, and use them individually if he wants to, and no one will notice anything strange.

Curl your index finger, aim the joint at the acupuncture point and press it.


The empress was directly off guard by this sudden attack.

Under the steaming heat, the beautiful face is glowing with pink clouds, maybe because of the heat.

The empress' eyes suddenly opened, with a trace of shame and annoyance in her eyes.

She actually made such an embarrassing sound in front of others? ! !

What a formality this is!
However, before she could say anything to stop him, the next attack struck again.

Even more comfortable than before!
Li Yunxiao's hands were wider than those of ordinary women, and her palms were warm. Coupled with the thin calluses on her hands, the feeling of massaging the skin was simply wonderful.

What's more, the other party is well versed in this technique, which is far better than the trash who specializes in serving him.

The empress hesitated, she was reluctant to stop.

Forget it, they are all women anyway, so what if they hear it?

She is the Empress and King Qi, and even she dare not tell her!
Well, that's it.

After finding an excuse to comfort herself, the empress began to enjoy herself with peace of mind.

In the room, subtle moans were heard from time to time.

This is simply a crime!
If it had been any other man, he would have pounced on him and been beaten to death by now.

Li Yunxiao was speechless while pressing the button.

This means that you are very determined.

Even though he only practiced pornography for one year, the intensity was probably something that most people wouldn't be able to withstand for ten years.

It's all about talent, talent that is visible to the naked eye.

At that time, he had just learned that he had awakened the Double Ninth Body, and he felt that the future was in sight.

But in the end, he didn't expect that the biggest help this physique brought to him was not in fighting, but in
Well, this is also a kind of battle.

Anyway, he doesn't have any physical problems now, but mentally, he has entered meditation as fast as the old monk and is as tenacious as ever.

Of course, he can't be blamed for natural reactions.

Because Li Yunxiao's pressure was so comfortable, the empress couldn't bear to end it.

It wasn't until the entire tub was cold that he had to say, "Okay."

call!It’s finally done!
Li Yunxiao pinched each other's mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.

Even with internal support, long-term massage is still a challenge!

His hands are sore.

Just when he thought everything was fine.

The empress stood up directly and said, "Wipe yourself and change your clothes."

The breath he exhaled was sucked back again.

(End of this chapter)

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