Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 63: Weeping Blood Record to contain and win easily!

Chapter 63: Weeping Blood Record to contain and win easily!

With the sound of gold and iron clashing, their weapons collided.

Compared with ordinary swords, soft swords are far less lethal in direct confrontation.

However, due to its good flexibility, the angle of the sword can be very tricky, and you will be injured if you are not careful.

Just like now, after Li Yunxiao's flute sword was successfully blocked, the soft sword used this as an inflection point and slashed towards his neck again.

Lean back slightly to avoid it.

Good guy.

So far, this is not about martial ethics.

He came up and scratched the person's neck.

Li Yunxiao complained secretly, and the falling rain sword moves in his hand became more and more powerful.

Suddenly it was like a violent storm, dense and dense.

The sixth lao Li Cunli is also not a vegetarian, and his swordsmanship is unpredictable.

Once they fought, no one could defeat the other for a while.

Of course, this is when Li Yunxiao is blocked from most of his means.

Even for the Falling Rain Sword Technique, he did not add attribute points to it, which resulted in it not being able to keep up with the version.

But he didn't want to waste those attribute points to force a match that he could have easily won.

no point.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao's eyes flashed with determination.

One hand holds a sword, while the other hand holds a flute and scabbard, but there is hidden inner strength.

The blood-crying pattern on the body of the flute was slightly bright, but no one noticed it under the glare of their eyes.

During the inadvertent confrontation, Li Yunxiao made Li Cunli see the lines on it.

In his next blow, he just turned slightly to avoid the vital point, but did not completely avoid it.

Li Cunli scratched his left arm.

A clear tingling sensation came, but Li Yunxiao seemed not to feel it. He didn't even frown, and directly replaced the injury with injury, and also scratched Li Cunli's waist and abdomen.

Then he jumped up and kicked his feet away.

In a hurry, the injured Li Cunli could only raise his arm to block, but was kicked back several steps.

Li Yunxiao used this force to distance himself.

In mid-air, he turned gracefully in a circle and returned the long sword to the flute sheath.

Hold the flute to your lips with both hands.

The next moment, an exciting piece of music was played.

It turned into a series of translucent sound blades.

Li Cunli's eyes darkened slightly. He knew that the sound technique was usually what Phantom Sound Jue was good at.

We have to close the distance!
Not stupid enough to resist attacks of the same level.

Facing the pain in his waist, Li Cunli dodged and quickly moved in.

He felt that the reason why the opponent was retreating was because the offensive was exhausted. As long as he added more strength, he would be able to defeat the opponent, or even kill him!
However, Li Cunli obviously feels somewhat good about himself.

This time, Li Yunxiao's level was higher than his.

Before he could even take a few steps away, the energy and blood in his body began to surge.

This sudden abnormality almost caused Li Cunli's energy to go awry, and his true energy almost went backwards, blocking his meridians.

The whole person was forced to stop, and he took two sound blades abruptly.

A cut was made directly on the chest.

The bright red blood instantly dyed the entire clothes red.

The severe pain caused Li Cunli to kneel on the ground with a ferocious expression.

Seeing this, Li Yunxiao did not go for the last touch.

After all, this was Tongwen Hall. If he killed a sect leader here, it would be difficult for the empress to leave today.

It doesn't matter if Li Siyuan is alone. The key is, who knows whether Jin King Li Keyong's retreat has ended?

In front of that person, the empress was not satisfied at all.Li Yunxiao looked at the extremely embarrassed Li Cunli with a dull look.

Just now, he first made the opponent suffer from his own blood-sucking record, and then exchanged injuries for injuries to make them bleed.

After pulling away, he seemed to be attacking with the sound blade, but in fact he was activating the Weeping Blood Record.

It's not as obvious as causing the opponent's blood to surge, but simply restraining the opponent's actions. On the surface, the means of determining victory or defeat is sound skill.

This scene ended so quickly that it was a bit surprising.

"Brother Tsubasa, it seems that my people are better."

The empress showed a satisfied smile, and it was obvious at first glance that it was sincere, much more sincere than the fake smile when she was polite to Li Siyuan.

She didn't care why Li Cunli stopped halfway while hiding, anyway, if he lost, he would lose.

This time, she finally regained her face.

Are you, Li Siyuan, the only one?
She also has experts in Huanyinfang, right?

Li Siyuan's little eyes narrowed again and again, looking up and down Li Yunxiao's body, secretly frightened.

Unexpectedly, even Lao Liu was no match.

If this girl grows up, she will be in endless trouble!

It's not scary to be young, it's not scary to be high, and it's not scary to be strong.

But it’s hard to say when the three are combined into one.

If no accident occurs, this woman will definitely be promoted to the Great Heavenly Position!
However, Li Siyuan, who almost became the biggest winner in the future, had excellent self-cultivation. Even if he lost face, he still smiled and said: "Prince Qi's men are indeed very powerful. I, Tongwenguan, can't compare to them."

After speaking, he glanced at Li Cunli and said, "Go down and bandage."

"It's eldest brother." Li Cunli responded, standing up with some difficulty, and was carefully helped down by the surrounding Tongwen Hall minions.

Before leaving, he turned back and took a deep look at Li Yunxiao, with fear hidden in his eyes.

"Now, we can talk about what we discussed before." The empress felt comfortable and ignored it.

He didn't feel that he had just slapped Tongwenguan in the face.

"This" Li Siyuan still hesitated and looked in the direction of Li Yunxiao.

The empress understood, and turned to Li Yunxiao in a gentle voice: "Yunxiao, please rest outside for a while while I discuss something with the Holy Lord."

That kind and cheerful attitude was something I had never seen before.

This shows how satisfied she is with Li Yunxiao.

He can fight, he can serve others, he talks very little (can't talk at all), it's just perfect.

Li Yunxiao didn't know what the empress thought of him.

He just bowed to show his obedience.

"Come, go down and entertain this young distinguished guest." Li Siyuan said immediately.

Li Yunxiao understood that this seemed to be a courtesy between the host and the guest, but in fact, he just wanted to keep an eye on him, otherwise he would barge in on his own.

Anyway, with the empress here, the other party can't do anything to him.

So, he swaggered out, followed by the masked soldiers.

It gives people the impression that this is a person from Tongwen Hall, leading a bunch of subordinates.

Li Yunxiao also knew what they wanted to talk about.

At this point in time, Li Siyuan should have just faced Yuan Tiangang for the only time in his life.

Then there is the plot of the two of them going to find Li Xingyun together to show their loyalty.

This second meeting may be to discuss relevant matters.

As expected, before Li Yunxiao left, Li Siyuan couldn't help but asked, "I wonder what King Qi thinks of Bad Handsome?"

The empress' answer was straightforward, "I haven't been in contact with it, so I don't know."

Then, the conversation changed, "But the other party's behavior of building momentum for Li Xingyun, I'm afraid there will be big moves."

"What?" Li Siyuan was a little surprised, "Didn't the bad handsome guy come to see King Qi?"


Li Siyuan: "."

Then why come specifically to beat him?
(End of this chapter)

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