Chapter 9 The Body of the Double Ninth Festival! ! !

As time passes, the blood in the wound gradually solidifies and scabs form.

Li Yunxiao understood it in his heart.

It seems that the natural recovery rate of the wound is only normal.

It's not the ability to speed up recovery.

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Then there is only one last possibility left!

In addition to Bad Guys in his previous life, he had also read other works in the Painting Jianghu series, and he already had a guess in his mind.

In the boring ancient times when there were no entertainment facilities, Li Yunxiao finished washing up early and lay down on the bed.

But his bright eyes showed that he was not sleepy at all.

Gradually, in a daze and random thoughts, the time came to midnight.

When Li Yunxiao finally couldn't hold on any longer, he suddenly felt a warm current coming from his Dantian, traveling through the eight extraordinary meridians.

This vision jolted him and he instantly regained his energy.

Is it finally here?
Li Yunxiao thought to himself.

The next moment, something miraculous happened.

Li Yunxiao saw an illusory shadow floating out of his body with his naked eyes.

And the shadow looks exactly like himself!

At the same time, the moment the previous shadow dispersed, another shadow appeared.

But this time Li Yunxiao was shocked, because the new shadow turned out to be the handsome appearance of his previous life.

When the new phantom integrated into the body, a majestic vitality swept through the body.

Li Yunxiao felt that his fatigue all day had been swept away, and he was extremely energetic.

I waited patiently for a while until it was quiet.

Li Yunxiao sat up quickly as a carp stood upright.

He couldn't wait to hold out his scratched palm.

I saw that the blood-brown hideous scab had long since disappeared, replaced by a jade-like palm that was as intact as ever.

"As expected, as expected!" Li Yunxiao murmured to himself, his face full of excitement, and even his body was trembling with excitement.

This effect cannot be anything else!

Li Yunxiao dared to be 100% sure at this moment.

In addition to his golden finger, he also awakened an extremely special and even somewhat mysterious physique.

The body of the Double Ninth Festival!

This physique is not a product of the world of bad people, but comes from the spirit master who is also one of the animation series "Hua Jiang Hu".

Those with this physique will undergo a yang soul change every midnight!

After the change, all previous injuries will be instantly healed and you will look brand new.

The replaced Yang Soul will recover in nothingness until the next replacement comes!
It's like having a brand new body for you to use without any restrictions,

As long as the person is not completely beaten to death, even if the person is shattered to pieces with only half a breath left, he will be resurrected with full health in the middle of the night.

It is simply an existence against the sky!
Because of this, Li Yunxiao took the initiative to cut himself to experiment.

He let out a long breath and finally calmed down a little.

Thinking of what he just saw, the figure that belonged to his previous life, Li Yunxiao became somewhat enlightened.

The memory gained from time travel, the predecessor definitely did not have this ability.

It seems that his soul from another world traveled through time, causing special changes with the original soul. It can also be replaced, and this is how the Chongyang Body is awakened.

Further down, there are things that are too profound that Li Yunxiao cannot explain.

Just don't think too much about it, it's a good change for him anyway.

With this Double Ninth Body, the safety of his life must be improved by at least several levels.

If he fights with others in the future, both sides will suffer losses, and when the time comes, he will be resurrected with full health, which is really great!I feel that in some aspects, even Li Maozhen’s Death Life Gu may not be as good as myself!


Li Yunxiao was stunned.

If he could get a Meteorite Gu in the future, wouldn't he become an unkillable bastard?Various resurrections!

Well, it works!

Li Yunxiao was very moved and silently wrote down this matter.

Ever since he traveled through time, he has always felt uneasy deep down in his heart.

Because Yuan Tiangang in this world is really too outrageous. Even if he casually calculates hundreds of years after his predecessor was born, even if he has been dead for three seasons, the back-ups left behind can still be effective. (Li Siyuan’s heart burst.)
Li Yunxiao was really afraid that Gangzi would detect the anomaly in him, so he went to Huanyinfang to give it to him that night.

Although this probability should not be high, it is not impossible.

He has no intention of being hostile to the protagonist and just wants to live a good life. He even has great respect for Yuan Tiangang, a loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty, but he can't stand Gangzi's tyranny!

No matter what he did or what impact it had, if Yuan Tiangang felt that he would disrupt the chess game, he might kill him directly.

Now that I have awakened to the Chongyang Body, I finally feel relieved.

From now on, pay more attention to life-saving martial arts, maybe even Yuan Tiangang won't be able to kill him!
Li Yunxiao joked a few words silently before settling down.

For five or six days in a row, Li Yunxiao was very actively looking for the girls from Huanyinfang to pick up attributes.

Because he is sweet-tongued, smart and sensible.

They all completely fell in love with themselves, of course, just normal likes.

The harvest is also relatively rich.

If all the accumulated martial arts values ​​are added up, his realm and internal strength level can be directly promoted.

However, Li Yunxiao was not in a hurry to do so.

Because in the process of picking up attributes, he discovered that some of these women suddenly couldn't reveal themselves.

After careful observation and analysis, Li Yunxiao discovered another major limitation of Golden Finger.

That is, once your own strength exceeds the target, the target will completely lose the ability to explode attribute points!
This is what happened to the weaker women among the women after he added the newly acquired attributes to himself.

So Li Yunxiao immediately stopped adding points and simply continued to pick up attributes and collect wool.

The seventh day.Fanyintian finally summoned him again.

Following Zhiyue, Li Yunxiao once again came to the slightly luxurious and elegant room.

Still the familiar scent.

He looked around the room, his eyes fixed.

Today's Fanyintian is not wearing the standard and hot clothes, but is wearing plain clothes.
The dark brown hair is draped behind her head like fine silk.

The beautiful and gorgeous facial features are not painted with makeup and return to their original color, which weakens the sharp and enchanting aggressiveness and makes them more pure and tranquil.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of purity and lust, but overall lust is the most important thing, and the nature is still the charming thing.

Li Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, looking like he had just gotten up.

"Yunxiao, come here."

The moment he saw Li Yunxiao, a smile appeared on Fanyintian's face.

Li Yunxiao obediently obeyed, "Greetings to Sister Shengji."

"Yes." Fanyintian nodded slightly, and then pulled Li Yunxiao up.

"How have you been practicing your martial arts these days?"

"Back to Sister Shengji, Yunxiao doesn't dare to slack off even a little bit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yunxiao's head was slightly hit and his brain collapsed.

"You little guy, you actually learned to lie!"

"In the past few days, you have obviously been going to the martial arts training place of the Huanyinfang disciples to watch the excitement. How can you say that you dare not slack off?"

(End of this chapter)

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