Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 90 If heaven does not give birth to surrender, the Xuanming Sect will last forever like a lo

Chapter 90 If heaven does not give birth to surrender, the Xuanming Sect will last forever like a long night!

Li Yunxiao smiled brightly, "Are you surprised?"

Jiangchen was very energetic.

I rolled my eyes.

This is not nonsense, her Xuandu Wu is inaccessible.

No one has come to see Li Yunxiao since he left last time.

I thought it was Hou Qing, but what kind of problem did that kid have? I was about to beat him up to avenge myself for being woken up, but I found out that it was actually him.

But it's just the same person.

The surrendered minister didn't say anything and started to take action directly.

This startled Li Yunxiao and he quickly blocked it.

Convulsions? Is this it?
But he was still a little inferior to Jiang Chen, who had a higher level of cultivation. He rushed in front of him, grabbed the boy's arm, and tried to throw the same big swing that he used to throw Ajie in the sixth season.

With your feet off the ground, the virus shuts down.

Li Yunxiao subconsciously used some Yin Lei defense, which numbed Jiang Chen's flashlight and caused him to loosen his grip in pain.

He also turned over and landed smoothly in the air.

"You woman, you are crazy." Li Yunxiao couldn't help but condemn.

But then I thought again, even if this woman is not a madman, she is still giving in.

Jiang Chen lowered his head and glanced at his still numb hands, then stared at the person in front of him, and asked in surprise: "Have you been promoted to the Great Heavenly Position?"

"I didn't expect you were observing very carefully."

Li Yunxiao nodded.

How about it?Frightened by his super fast improvement speed?
However, when Jiang Chen opened his mouth, he said, "You won't use any evil tricks, will you?"

Under normal circumstances, even a person with extraordinary talents would never be able to complete the transition from the Small Heaven to the Middle Heaven and then to the Great Heaven within a few months.

Otherwise, how can those so-called martial arts wizards survive?
"Have you absorbed other people's skills?" Jiang Chen guessed again.

"How is that possible?" Li Yunxiao's eyelids twitched and he quickly retorted.

Those attribute points are not wanted by Hades Emperor, he just makes the best use of them to avoid wasting them.

He laughed to cover up his embarrassment, "It sounds like you've smoked it before."

"I've smoked it before." Jiangchen nodded truthfully.


"I once created a technique that can absorb internal energy. It can absorb other people's internal energy into my own body. It can even absorb the internal energy of a person within seven days after death."

It's just that absorbing too much inner energy from others will cause the inner energy to become disorganized, and it's easy to go crazy.

And converting it into one's own internal strength is also a very time-consuming matter.

So she tried it casually and threw the secret book aside. Later, it seemed that Emperor Hades used it to supplement the Xuanming Sect's secret book collection.

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao asked tentatively: "The secret book you just mentioned is not the Thousand Corpses Poison Palm, right?"

"Well, it seems to be called this." Jiangchen nodded thoughtfully.


Li Yunxiao blurted out.

Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Power plus Thousand Corpses and Ten Thousand Poison Palms.

Good guy, if heaven does not give birth to a subordinate, the Xuanming Sect will be like a long night for eternity. I am afraid it will not be able to open!
The minister was not in high spirits because of Li Yunxiao's heartfelt praise.

The name of Thousand Corpses Poison Palm made her even more suspicious, and her face rarely showed seriousness, "I'll know if it's there or not."

With that said, he strode forward and grabbed the young man's wrist.

Li Yunxiao did not dodge or dodge, but still relied on Jiang Chen to hold him like this.

My heart warmed up.

He knew that Jiangchen was just worried.

Worry about taking shortcuts and taking shortcuts.

Like Li Siyuan, who is addicted to absorbing internal energy in the sixth part, the original god not only sucked out the physical signs of his obsession, but was finally exploded by Gangzi's heart that was integrated into 300 years of internal energy.

Jiangchen gently probed the internal energy into his meridians, but was extremely shocked to find that there was no trace of external internal energy in Li Yunxiao's body. It was all refined from the original decoration, and the state was as stable as a rock.

This is simply unbelievable.Seeing Jiang Chen's mouth open wide, eager to swallow something, Li Yunxiao's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Although he received Zhu Yougui's internal strength, it was enhanced with martial arts value after being transformed by Golden Finger for the second time. His internal strength was better than what he had cultivated himself.

Cheating, only what is detected is called evil.

What cannot be detected is called personal strength.

Seeing that Li Yunxiao was fine, Jiangchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe there is some other opportunity.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of Li Yunxiao's magical physique.

Who told this man to be full of secrets?

But her expression became very calm, she let go of her hand and turned around.

Li Yunxiao shrugged and walked in uninvited with the corpse puppet following him.

Looking left and right, the structure of the room had not changed at all compared to before he left.

The only surprise was that there were two more corpses taking the initiative to clean up.

Noticing the gaze, Jiangchen said softly: "I felt that the corpse puppets I helped Hou Qinggu create were quite convenient, so I made two of them randomly to take care of my daily life."

But there was one thing she was embarrassed to say.

That is, the food cooked by these two corpses is more delicious than hers.

As soon as Li Yunxiao sat down on the bamboo chair, one of the corpses came forward and poured him a glass of water.

With a special smile on his lips, he nodded and said, "It's really convenient and very considerate."

Things like corpse puppets are not artificial intelligence and can serve people on their own. This must be the secret order of the woman in front of him.

Jiangchen: "."

She turned her head away.

I felt a little embarrassed in my heart.

She regrets it now.

This guy really has no awe at all after he is not called Corpse Ancestor!

Rubbing her still numb palms, she changed the subject and said, "What was that thing you just said? It's obviously the internal power of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, but why can thunder and lightning appear again?"

Regarding the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, Jiang Chen, the main inventor, is even more familiar with it than Hades, so naturally he will not admit his mistake.

"That's what happened."

Li Yunxiao didn't hide anything about his woman.

Inform me about the fusion of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art and Wu Lei Tianxin Jue.

Of course, he omitted such unimportant things as fooling around with Alzheimer's disease.

"Are you saying that the Heavenly Master Zhang Xuanling, who has been missing for many years, has to take the initiative to teach you martial arts because of your amazing bones?" Jiang Chen concluded.

Li Yunxiao nodded shamelessly, "That's right."

Jiang Chen was doubtful, but fortunately she did not dwell on the truth or falsehood, but was quite interested, "Is it also a fusion between Zhiyang and Zhiyin? It's interesting."

"Can you demonstrate?"

Li Yunxiao was self-sufficient, and immediately performed all the changes in the Jiuyou Xuanyin thunder method. The woman was so excited that her eyes burst out with the light of exploring the truth.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiangchen asked: "Can you show me the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue? I also want to give it a try."

Rubbing thunder with bare hands, I feel like this is a great skill!

It just so happened that she had conceived many experiments related to thunder and lightning.

Li Yunxiao is not the kind of stingy person, and he tries his best to be satisfied with his woman, in every aspect.

What's more, Jiangchen actually showed him the improved version of Jiuyou Xuantian's magical skills, even though it was hard work.

He directly informed Wu Lei Tian Xin Jue.

However, when Jiang Chen finished listening, he looked strange.

He tilted his head and asked doubtfully: "Are you sure that the other party is sincerely giving you the exercises? Why doesn't he even have the most important general outline?"

Li Yunxiao: "."

(End of this chapter)

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