Douluo: I, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, become stronger in one-on-one combat

Chapter 102 Shrek 7 monsters were defeated, Li Xiang’s identity.

Chapter 102 The Shrek Seven Devils were defeated, Li Xiang’s identity.

"How could it be so fast? When you were training in the team, wasn't your defense very strong?" Tang San's expression suddenly changed.

But Li Xiang had been knocked away at this moment, and only Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Tang San were left on the field.

Tang San had to distract himself from taking care of Ning Rongrong, and even faced attacks from seven people.

"The seven treasures turn out to contain colored glaze. The first is strength, and the second is speed!"

Ning Rongrong spread her hands, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower quickly hovered in her hands, and a stream of colorful light poured into Tang San and Xiao Wu's bodies again.

"Xiao Wu, be careful!" Tang San reminded quickly
"The second soul skill, charm!"

"The first soul skill, waist bow!"

Xiao Wu suddenly turned her head, staring at the two of them with a pair of extremely charming pink eyes. The two monkeys instantly looked dull in the air.

In their opinion, Xiao Wu was a quick attack type soul master, but in fact, Xiao Wu was a powerful attack type soul master, but she also had a control type soul skill, which they did not expect.

Kuangxi, Spider Woman, and the two sheep were dealing with the most difficult Tang San, so they didn't care about the two monkeys anymore. They just hoped that they wouldn't be defeated by a little girl.

Just when Xiao Wu was about to use the Eight Stage Throw, a steady voice came from behind Kuang Xi and the others.

"The second soul skill! Return the chessboard to its position!"

Star Compass Soul Master has been observing the fighter plane for a long time, and now is his chance to take action.

In an instant, the entire arena seemed to turn into a huge transparent chessboard, and the two charmed monkeys appeared inexplicably in front of the Star Compass Soul Master.

Xiao Wu's attack failed and she looked at the Star Compass Soul Master with a solemn expression.

This kind of method would actually appear on a soul master who seemed to be ordinary and could not be more ordinary.

Kuangxi glanced at him with a look of pride, the Star Compass Soul Master had always been the trump card of their Kuangzhan team.

"Third brother, stop inking and help us defeat them!" Spider Woman shouted loudly.
It took them so long to fight a team that was mostly composed of great soul masters. They could already feel the burning pain on their faces.

Especially the Tang San they were dealing with was as slippery as a loach and couldn't be caught.

"Damn, if it weren't for the body skills within our power that can't be exchanged for cultivation, otherwise I would want him to look good!" Kuangxi smashed his arms on the ground angrily, and a yellow shock wave forced Tang San back.
"Look at me! The first soul skill, the power of repulsion!"

"The third soul skill, fanaticism!!!"

The two soul rings on the Star Compass Soul Master rose rapidly.

Kuangxi and others were wrapped in a ball of red energy, and their aura was rising rapidly. Kuangxi's strength at this moment had reached the Soul Sect level.

Tang San's eyes were tingling at this moment, and he didn't dare to continue to open the Purple Demon Eyes. After all, it was just right, and he didn't want to go blind again.

At this moment, a huge repulsive force suddenly appeared on Ning Rongrong beside him, and Tang San was instantly pushed back before he could react.

Ning Rongrong was rushed out of the ring.

And Tang San approached Kuangxi and others at extremely fast speed.

"No, something is wrong with them! It was that Star Compass Soul Master who did it! Damn it, I should have paid attention to it earlier!"

"The second soul skill, parasitism!"

Tang San's soul power was almost at the bottom at this moment, so he immediately activated Parasitism, which consumed relatively little soul power. Kuangxi and others' bodies were suddenly wrapped in blue silver grass.

Kuangxi's clothes were torn to pieces, but their bodies were not damaged. They were all wearing golden soft armor underneath.

"The little blue silver grass wants to trap me too? Break it into pieces for me!" Kuangxi roared and ripped off the blue silver grass Tang San created out of thin air with his arms.

At this moment, Tang San was at the end of his rope. At level 29, he was too weak, and his soul power was not enough. Apart from hidden weapons, he had no trump cards.

Tang San originally wanted to use the hidden weapon, but Yu Xiaogang's words rang out at the critical moment, and his right hand did not touch the hidden weapon.

Tang San, whose soul power was exhausted, was beaten wildly by Spider Woman's six spider legs, and was finally kicked off by Kuangxi.

"Oh yeah~ Team Mad Sentai eliminated Senju Shura. Now Shrek is really helpless. Based on the battle just now, we can tell that Senju Shura is the core of the entire team. After the core was eliminated, only Rougu Mei was left. Rabbit is alone, it seems the winner has been decided.”

"Well done to Team Madness! Defeat Team Shrek!"

"Shrek has no chance of winning at all. Mad Rhino was still level 37 before, but he reached level 39 in two months. The other team members have also been promoted by about one level. They are all high-level soul masters, and Shrek"

Tang San and others on the edge of the stands limped to the side of Flanders and the others, all of them lowered their heads with shameful expressions on their faces.

Now Xiao Wu is the only one left in the arena, and the winner has been decided.

"Little girl, you are the only one left~ Do you want to fight again?" Spider-woman walked out of the team with cat steps, twisting her graceful body.
Xiao Wu looked at Spider Woman, then at Kuang Xi and the others, then shook her head helplessly and said:
"I surrender!"

Xiao Wu walked off the ring without thinking. She would lose if she continued to fight. She was not a 10-year-old soul beast at this time. She was just a great soul master.

As Xiao Wu surrendered, the host immediately announced the victory of the Mad Fighting Team. The Mad Fighting Team had won eight consecutive victories, and everyone greeted the audience's cheers on the ring.

On the side, Yu Xiaogang took a deep look at the members of the Mad Battle Team, and then led them out of the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Yu Xiaogang didn't speak during this whole journey, and Tang San and others also fell silent.

Along the way, everyone returned to the small town on the edge of the Star Dou Forest.

Yu Xiaogang stood at the entrance of the village without saying a word, but looked at Tang San and others with a very ugly expression.

Flender and Zhao Wuji didn't speak, and stood silently beside them.

"The spirit fight tonight made me very angry!" Yu Xiaogang said slowly

"Master, that's because their soul power level is too high!" Ma Hongjun said unconvinced.

"Yes! Their soul power is high! But are you defeated so easily? Two monkeys are running through your team, but you don't take any measures.

What’s more, you still don’t know how to protect yourself! Could it be that in your lifetime you can only defeat soul masters who are weaker than you? "

Yu Xiaogang was rarely angry, and Ma Hongjun was speechless. Everyone was shocked by Yu Xiaogang's momentum.

"Dai Mubai's impulsiveness, Tang San's failure to control the battle situation, Ma Hongjun's disobedience to command, Xiao Wu's solo fighting, Ning Rongrong's confusion, Li Xiang doesn't know what state he is in!"

"Look at you guys like this. Let alone revenge, I think you might as well go back to your own house and sleep!"

Yu Xiaogang angrily yelled at everyone, how could he not see the problems in this team? If he wants to make the team stronger, he must resolve the team's conflicts.

"No! Teacher, I want revenge! It was my mistake today, and I am willing to suffer double punishment!" Tang San spoke at this time

"Okay, you go run a hundred kilometers, and you're not allowed to sleep until you finish. It's the same old rule!" Yu Xiaogang's face was expressionless.
When Tang San heard this, he turned around and ran outside without any complaints.

"Damn it, this Yu Xiaogang really has a way. The master of the pavilion is indeed right! It won't work like this." Li Xiang thought to himself.

"Third brother, I will accompany you, I also have a problem today!"

Li Xiang shook his head and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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