Douluo: I, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, become stronger in one-on-one combat

Chapter 105: The martial soul opens, and visions of heaven and earth appear

Chapter 105: The martial soul opens, and visions of heaven and earth appear!
Yu Zhantian and Zhao Feng had already arrived outside the Botanical College.

Zhao Feng glanced at the nearby buildings with interest. It was strangely quiet outside the Botanical College, with not even a single student.

"Master Zhao Feng, it seems like someone is waiting for us!"

Yu Zhantian's perception is not weak either. Although he is not as good as Zhao Feng who can feel the surrounding situation with a shock of soul power, he can also feel the breath of the soul master in these buildings.

"They're just a bunch of crooked melons and cracked jujubes, they're just here to die!"

Zhao Feng chuckled twice, and then entered the Botanical College with Yu Zhantian.

At this time, the Botanical College seemed to have been emptied.

As I walked inside, my view suddenly widened, and a very large open space appeared. I saw a group of women in emerald green skirts standing not far away.

Ji Yunfei watched the two men in black walking toward them. She was also very nervous. After all, one of them was a strong man with the strength of a titled Douluo.

"I am the dean of the College of Botany. Please forgive me for the poor reception!" Ji Yunfei leaned slightly and forced out a smile.

"Not well received? Haha~ interesting!" Zhao Feng couldn't help but smile after hearing this.
He could already feel the three mice hiding in the dark. The strength of the three demon bears still seemed insignificant in front of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng just detected the three people with his soul power, as well as the three Contras hiding around, but Zhao Feng did not point these people out directly.

Ji Yunfei's expression suddenly changed after hearing this, and she smiled helplessly. His Botanical Academy was already filled with soldiers from the Spirit Hall.

There are also three Titled Douluo hidden, three powerful Contras, and she dare not disobey them.

Yu Zhantian didn't make things difficult for Ji Yunfei. He knew that Ji Yunfei couldn't help himself. Since the people hiding in the dark were not in a hurry to come out, he naturally wasn't in a hurry either.

For now, let’s defeat a few students from the Botanical College first.

"Dean, I won't make it difficult for you. Get out of the way. Our purpose is just to meet the talented students in your academy!"

Yu Zhantian spoke slowly, while Zhao Feng next to him was wary of the surrounding area to prevent these rats from making secret moves.

Ji Yunfei was overjoyed when she heard this and thought to herself at the same time

"It seems that this force called Dark Pavilion is not as domineering as Wuhun Palace. He actually didn't make things difficult for me! But"

"My name is Ji Yunfei, and the seven people behind me are the most talented members of my Botanical Academy. This is the captain Yao Zi, a level 38 soul master."

Ji Yunfei introduced Yu Zhantian one by one with a particularly respectful attitude.

He saw that Zhao Feng behind Yu Zhantian seemed to be headed by Yu Zhantian, and his identity was definitely not simple.

She still has this sense of judgment.

"I wonder who you want to fight first?" After Ji Yunfei retreated outside, Yao Zi was the first to ask.

At the same time, pairs of curious eyes looked at Yu Zhantian, as if they wanted to see through Yu Zhantian, but the black windbreaker on his body shrouded Yu Zhantian's body.

Moreover, he was wearing a dark golden mask on his face, making it impossible to see Yu Zhantian's true face.

It's just that you can tell how old Yu Zhantian is by his skin.

"Come one by one. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. Come on together!" Yu Zhantian smiled and spoke slowly.

With his current level 48 soul power, he can't easily deal with the seven people from the Botanical Academy.

"You are too crazy!" Mu Yun Teng said angrily.
It was because Yu Zhantian and Zhao Feng came underground that their Botanical College was requisitioned by the people from Wuhun Palace, and the entire college was filled with a depressing atmosphere.
"Sisters, then I will come together as he wishes and activate the martial spirit!"

Yao Zi's face darkened when he heard this, and he stretched out his hand to stop Mu Yunteng.

Then, with an order, a green light suddenly appeared on the field, and everyone summoned their own martial spirits, all of which were plant martial spirits without exception.

It's just that Yao Zi's martial spirit is special. Her martial spirit actually has the element of fire.These seven people are much better than the Mad Sentai team. They all have the best spirit ring ratio, and I am all a control-type spirit master, so I can restrain the attack-type spirit master.

"The Red Fire Thorn Martial Spirit? It's quite strange." Yu Zhantian looked at it and sighed.
"Hmph! Unleash your martial spirit!" Yao Zi shouted coldly

Yu Zhantian did not speak, but condensed an energy light group out of thin air in his hand. This light group had thunder outside and black ice inside, which was extremely strange.


Yu Zhantian suddenly threw the energy light ball into the air, and instantly a blue light pillar shot straight into the sky.

"Boom~" Thunders appeared out of thin air, shocking everyone's minds.

But the vision didn't end, as black ice suddenly fell from the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Black ice fell on the mountain one after another, creating cracks.
"Defend quickly!" Yao Zi's face suddenly changed and he shouted.

The seven people cooperated tacitly and immediately reduced their formation. A green vine above their heads condensed into a shield, covering everyone below.

The black ice hit the green vine one after another, making a dull sound, and everyone looked at Yu Zhantian solemnly.

"Just summoning the martial spirit can be so powerful. What is his martial spirit!?" Yao Zi looked at Yu Zhantian in shock and thought to himself

She has never seen a soul master make such a move when opening his martial soul.

"The best martial spirit in the world, the Haotian Hammer, and the best beast in the world, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, are nothing more than that!!!" Ji Yunfei from a distance could only see shock in her eyes.

"Yan~!" Suddenly, a dragon's roar that resounded through the soul came from the thunder clouds, and everyone looked up instantly.

I saw an extremely domineering Thunder Black Ice Dragon bathed in thunder and black ice, entwining a beam of light from the clouds and landing quickly.

When the Thunder Black Ice Dragon arrived, a burst of energy spread out, a strong light shone, and everyone covered their eyes.

This strong light came and went as fast as an eye! Yu Zhantian folded his arms and stood proudly on the head of Thunder Black Ice Dragon.

Four circles of dazzling soul rings circled around Yu Zhantian.

"Soul Sect!!!"

"What a strong aura! Is this the oppression brought by the dragon spirit master?"

"We clearly restrain the power attack system, why do I always have a feeling in my heart that he is restraining us?"

"It turns out he asked us to come together. He has great strength!"

"Look at his soul ring. It has four rings and ten thousand years!!!"

"Black Black"

Yao Zi and others were a little distracted looking at the four circles of soul rings and the Thunder Black Ice Dragon at the feet of Yu Zhantian.

The impact of Yu Zhantian's dark soul ring was really too great. The fourth ring was actually a ten thousand year soul ring, which was unprecedented.

Not to mention them, even Ji Yunfei said what the class teacher said at this moment. The soul skills brought by the ten thousand year soul ring are very powerful. Yao Zi and the others have no chance of winning.

The Demon Bear and others hiding in the dark looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts. The second son cannot be kept!
"Don't be afraid, he is an offensive type, we are a control type, we can restrain him, and there are seven of us, so there is no chance!" Yao Zi quickly reacted.

"The captain is right! As long as we trap him, we will win!" Mu Yunteng agreed.

"Mysterious man, level 48 attack type fighting spirit sect, martial spirit thunder black ice dragon"

(End of this chapter)

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