Douluo: I, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, become stronger in one-on-one combat

Chapter 118 Snake Woman Chaotianxiang!The charming Meng Yiran!

Chapter 118 Snake Woman Chaotianxiang!The charming Meng Yiran!

Without thinking, Feng Yi rushed directly into the depths of the bushes in front of him. Suddenly, there was a collision sound, a sharp soul power erupted, and the surrounding bushes were shattered.


A pink tail whipped out from the bushes, and Zhui Feng and the others narrowly escaped.

"Holy shit! What a big spicy stick!" Lei Kuang complained
The tail just grazed his face, barely missing him.

Zhui Feng and others immediately pulled away and looked around, creating enough space for Feng Yi to perform.

Now everyone could see the true face of this soul beast. This was the first time they had seen such a strange soul beast.

"Zhui Feng didn't expect you to actually know this kind of spirit beast!" Lei Dong said in admiration.
They only knew that Zhui Feng practiced seriously every day, but they didn't expect that Zhui Feng's research on soul beasts was so in-depth.

"I also read it in a book from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect."

Everyone's eyes turned to the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb and Feng Yi again. They saw a sharp and extremely fast sword slash out. A sword struck the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb's head, directly cutting out a sword mark and a stream of swords. A stream of purple blood continued to flow out.


The crest of the cockscomb was hit, and it suddenly let out a painful roar. It had no intention of fighting these humans, but these humans attacked it, and it became angry at this moment.

A strange pink mist burst out from the cockscomb's head. The next moment, the cockscomb snake suddenly sprang out. The speed shocked even Zhu Zhuqing.

She didn't even expect that this soul beast could actually explode.

The cockscomb snake opened its bloody mouth and bit Feng Yi. Feng Yi frowned slightly, and he could smell the disgusting stench.

"Your mouth stinks! Let me brush your teeth! The third soul skill! Sword Shout to the West Wind!"

The wind sword in Feng Yi's hand directly turned into sword shadows that circled around Feng Yi to form a hurricane. The fierce sword shadow hurricane rushed directly towards the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb without any fear.

"This phoenix-tailed crested snake is considered top-notch among snake soul beasts. It's a pity that this soul beast will become a dead soul under Feng Yi's sword!" Zhui Feng showed a look of pity on his face.

"So what? The soul beasts have a deep hatred for us. If they die, they will die!" Lei Dong didn't care at all.
"What you said is correct, but I seem to have a bit of a holy mother's heart!" Zhui Feng nodded when he heard this.
"Little friend, the beast remains under the sword!!!"

Suddenly a voice came from far away, Feng Yi was startled, and then the wind sword in his hand suddenly used the blade of the sword to fly it away.

The cockscomb snake didn't even get close to Feng Yi, its mouth was cut off, and a row of sharp teeth were blown away.

The crested crested snake smashed into a row of trees and collapsed to the ground, screaming feebly.

Feng Yi glanced at the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, and then looked in one direction.

Zhui Feng and others also walked behind Feng Yi and looked in the direction where the sound had just come from.

I saw two figures walking out of the bushes. The first one looked a little old, holding a snake staff, but his eyes were full of energy.

Behind her were girls with purple hair and purple lips, wearing skirts that resembled purple snake scales.

Feng Yi and others looked at the old woman with vigilance. It was definitely not easy to bring a young girl to the Star Forest. Based on the voice just now, they could tell that she was a powerful soul master.Chao Tianxiang's eyes fell on Feng Yi and his pupils shrank suddenly. This young man didn't look big, but he didn't expect that he was from the Soul Sect! !

"Huh~ Thank you so much, little friend, for keeping the beast under the sword! Chao Tianxiang, this is my granddaughter Meng Yiran!" Chao Tianxiang came back to her senses and thanked her.
"I didn't expect it to be a snake lady. I'm a bit surprised to see a snake lady here!" Zhui Feng took two steps forward and spoke.

Feng Yi, on the other hand, looked confused. He had been practicing in Fengjian Sect and had never heard of the name Snake Woman.

"Oh, it's you?"

Chao Tianxiang looked at Zhui Feng in confusion, then looked at Feng Yi and the other young talents, and found that these people were led by Zhui Feng.

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Zhui Feng!" Zhui Feng smiled and did not hide his identity at all. The deterrence of the three Sects is still very powerful.
But Zhui Feng didn't let down his guard at all. Not only was this Snake Lady a powerful Soul Emperor, but Duke Long and Snake Lady never acted alone. If Snake Lady was here, then Duke Long would naturally be nearby.

He was not afraid of Snake Po, but worried about Duke Long. Duke Long was a powerful Contra, much stronger than Snake Po.

"I didn't expect you to be disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!" Snake Woman was shocked.

Disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect have rarely been seen on the mainland, but they didn't expect to encounter a group of them here.

"I'm not from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect! I'm from the Fengjian Sect!" Feng Yi was unhappy when he heard this. He only had one sect, and that was the Fengjian Sect.
"Anyway, thank you very much, little friend. My granddaughter has broken through to level 30 soul master, so she needs the soul ring of this soul beast!"

"But the beast was too fast, and I couldn't worry about my granddaughter, so I let the beast run away. You can look at the beast's belly. That means it was attacked by me!"

The snake woman pointed at the Cockscomb that was lying on the ground. Everyone looked at it and saw that there was a dark scar on the Cockscomb's abdomen.

In other words, this soul beast was Snake Woman's prey from the beginning, but it was intercepted by them due to some strange combination of circumstances.

"I said that the soul beast had no intention of fighting me at first. It turned out that he was running for his life!" Feng Yi said.

"I see! In that case, let's give this soul beast to Snake Woman!" Zhui Feng waved his hand and directly gave the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake to Snake Woman. It was considered a smooth favor.
Feng Yi didn't have any objections. After all, it was better to do less than to do more when walking outside.

"Then I'd like to thank you little friend, but I still haven't said thank you! If they hadn't stopped this crested snake, I would have had to work harder!" Chao Tianxiang looked at Meng Yiran
"Grandma, this is our prey! They are just"

"Shut up!! Thank you!"

This time Chao Tianxiang did not follow Meng Yiran, but scolded her. How could she not see that Zhui Feng and others were first-class geniuses, and Feng Yi was a Soul Sect at a young age!
No one wants to mess with this kind of genius unless it reaches an irreversible point.

"Grandma, hum! Thank you. Thank you!" Meng Yiran had never been so angry. She reluctantly thanked her.

"What do you mean! Don't think that your elders dare to be tyrannical here. Do you really think that there is no one behind us??" Lei Kuang, who had a somewhat grumpy temper, was immediately dissatisfied.
Lei Dong and others were suddenly possessed by martial souls, and soul rings continued to emerge.

A burst of dazzling and brilliant light appeared, and the momentum of the crowd was so strong that Meng Yiran was instantly frightened back behind Chao Tianxiang.

Chao Tianxiang was even more shocked. The leaders Zhui Feng and Feng Yi were clearly soul sects. Lei Dong and others were also soul sects. Although Lei Kuang only had two soul rings, the aura exuding from his body was that of a genuine soul sect!

There was no strong person protecting these people, and she wouldn't believe them even if they were beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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