Chapter 120 Zhao Wuji is Lei Kuang’s Uncle Zhao?
"Dare I ask Snake Woman which force they come from?" Zhao Wuji took back his aura and gritted his teeth and asked.
"What do you think of the best beast spirit family in the world?" Chao Tianxiang said calmly.

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!!" A name suddenly appeared in Zhao Wuji's mind

"This is. Is this the son of Zidian Kuangxiong? Could it be his son?" Zhao Wuji's eyes fell on Lei Kuang, and he suddenly lost consciousness.

Even the desire to take action was gone. He thought of his old friend who came from the same village as him.

Go back a few decades.

Two geniuses were born in Daxiong Village one day, and their martial spirits were both bear-type martial spirits, standard attack-type soul masters.

One of them was Zhao Wuji, and the other was Lei Ao, who was the law enforcement elder of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

The two of them practiced together, but one day they offended a dandy from a family. Lei Ao was hunted down, but he managed to escape.

Later, he heard the news of Lei Ao's death. From then on, Zhao Wuji became grumpy and bloodthirsty. After reaching the Soul Emperor level, he successfully destroyed the other party's family to avenge himself.

Because the other party had a background in Wuhun Palace, Zhao Wuji was also hunted by more than a dozen red-clothed palace masters. From then on, he began to avoid pursuit until he met Flanders.

After he saw Lei Kuang's martial spirit again, his whole arms began to tremble slightly. It was because of Lei Ao's cover that he was able to avoid being chased.

"Huh?" Chao Tianxiang looked at Zhao Wuji in confusion. He felt a different kind of aura on Zhao Wuji's body.
Chao Tianxiang also put away her momentum. At this moment, Zhao Wuji's martial spirit was also put away. She didn't know what Zhao Wuji meant.

After all, Mr. Long doesn’t know where he is now, so it’s better not to take action if he can.

"Stop it!" Zhao Wuji shouted.

Zhui Feng slashed Tang San away with one wing, and then pulled away. Tang San's palms had turned a forest white color. He had just blocked Zhui Feng's attack with his black jade hand.

Except for Tang San and Dai Mubai, who were a little better, everyone else was knocked to the ground.

However, Zhao Wuji paid no attention to Tang San and the others. Zhao Wuji appeared in front of Lei Kuang in a flash, and a pair of thick arms pressed down on Lei Kuang's shoulders.

"What!! So fast!" Zhui Feng was stunned. He only felt a gust of wind passing by him.

Although Zhao Wuji is a relatively slow attack-type soul master, he is a soul saint!Before, I just kept it.

"It looks like! It's so similar! What's your name!?" At this moment, Zhao Wuji's thoughts were all on Lei Kuang.

Zhui Feng also noticed that things seemed to have become interesting at this moment. He quickly stopped Lei Dong and others and just watched from the side.

"Young master, I can change my name or my surname, but that's the case with Lei Kuang!" Lei Kuang slapped Zhao Wuji's palm away, raised his head and said proudly
"Hahaha! Your expression and personality are so similar to him! What is your father's name? What is the martial spirit? Tell me quickly!" Zhao Wuji smiled instead of being angry, and then continued to ask
"Hmph! Zhao Wuji, don't think that you, the Soul Sage, are so great. I'll scare you when I tell you about my father. My father is the elder of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Lei Ao! Naturally, the martial soul is just like me, the Purple Lightning Bear!" Lei Kuang didn't even mention it. Not afraid of Zhao Wuji
Because his father is much more powerful than Zhao Wuji.

Hear it!

"What! Is Lei Ao really your father? Lei Ao is not dead!"

"You old boy, you're crazy about gain and loss, aren't you! Your father is dead!" Lei Kuang scolded angrily.
"My father is indeed dead. Boy, call me Uncle Zhao!" Zhao Wuji has confirmed that Lei Kuang's father is his old friend Lei Ao.

"Bah! This old boy wants to take advantage of me! He just wanted to attack us!" Lei Kuang didn't give Zhao Wuji face.

To put it bluntly, there are no such coincidences in the world. "Your father, Lei Ao, and I have been good brothers since childhood. Why don't you still believe it? You..." Zhao Wuji was helpless now.

Tang San and others behind him looked at Zhao Wuji in surprise. They always thought that Zhao Wuji was a loner, but they didn't expect that Zhao Wuji actually had brothers. They had never heard Zhao Wuji say that.

"Third brother, do you think Teacher Zhao admitted the wrong person?" Ning Rongrong said.
After being trained by Flanders, Ning Rongrong has changed a lot.

"Probably not!" Tang San wasn't sure either.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar also spread their hands in confusion. Only Dai Mubai and Li Xiang behind them didn't know what they were thinking.

Zhui Feng just glanced at Li Xiang meaningfully, and the two of them gave each other a look.

Zhao Wuji and Lei Kuang were still chatting on the side, but he didn't listen to anything Zhao Wuji said, and Zhao Wuji became more and more anxious.

"Why don't you believe me?! Just wait for me. After this is over, I will personally go to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to find you. If you don't call me Uncle Zhao then, I will beat your ass to pieces!"

Chatting with Lei Kuang almost made Zhao Wuji angry to death.

"Snake Woman! It was indeed a misunderstanding just now. I will take my students and leave here right now!" After Zhao Wuji said this, he didn't care what she meant and took Tang San and others away.

"Teacher Zhao, that's my soul ring, it's just gone!" Oscar said anxiously
"Then what can be done? You can only absorb the soul ring by killing the soul beast yourself, and the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb has been killed by that girl, and it is almost absorbed!"

"Besides, the Star Dou Forest is so big, can't we still find a soul beast?" Zhao Wuji said with hatred that iron cannot become steel.
"Oh~" Oscar nodded helplessly.

It's just that Xiao Wu behind him felt a little uncomfortable listening to Zhao Wuji's words. First it was Zhui Feng and then Zhao Wuji. Should the soul beast die?

Before leaving, Tang San glanced coldly at Zhui Feng. Zhui Feng already had a way to kill him in his heart.

Zhui Feng had just cut through the Bluesilver Grass cage that Tang San had built and also cut him back. A thin mark appeared on the palm of his hand.

Zhui Feng's attack directly broke Tang San's Xuan Yu hand.

After Feng Yi came to Thunder Academy, Zhui Feng and Feng Yi often competed with each other, and Feng Yi also taught Zhui Feng how to better utilize the wind element.

Zhuifeng's wings have become his weapons, and the elements flowing on them are even more sharp.

His fighting power becomes more powerful.

After Zhao Wuji led everyone away, Meng Yiran happened to finish absorbing the soul ring. According to her explanation, her soul power had reached level 32, which was one level higher than Chao Tianxiang expected.

"Yiran, what is your third soul skill?" Chao Tianxiang asked curiously
"My third soul skill is Snake Shadow Strangulation, which is a range control skill!" Meng Yiran was also very excited. This soul skill is a very powerful soul skill.
Everyone only saw Meng Yiran raising the snake staff in her hand, her purple third soul ring rising, and a huge phoenix-tailed crested snake emerging from the snake staff and appearing on a big tree in the blink of an eye.

"Boom~!" The powerful strangulation force directly strangled the big tree to pieces.

"What a powerful soul skill! Still, you don't have enough to thank everyone. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have gotten this soul skill!"

"Well! I was too rude just now, thank you all!" Meng Yiran showed his true feelings this time
(End of this chapter)

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