Douluo: I, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, become stronger in one-on-one combat

Chapter 122: Did the Titan Giant Ape cause trouble at the critical moment?

Chapter 122: Did the Titan Giant Ape cause trouble at the critical moment?
"Vice Captain! What do you know?" Lei Tian said subconsciously

"I said this dark pavilion is so familiar. He is the mysterious force that caused a sensation in the mainland before. Holy shit!"

At first, Zhu Zhuqing didn't mention that Zhao Feng had killed Ghost Leopard Douluo, and Lei Dong couldn't even remember what kind of force the Ange was.

"What a shame?! This kind of force that dares to challenge Wuhun Palace actually invites us to join?" Lei Tian was extremely excited.
"That's right, don't worry, there are many benefits in the Dark Pavilion, such as self-created soul skills, rewarded soul bones, countless training resources, and you can even get guidance from Titled Douluo!"

"And the positions in the Ange are clear. As long as you are strong enough and pass the review, you can be promoted to a higher level! As for the positions in the Ange, you will know when you join!"


There was a twinkle in Xiao Yunju's eyes. He was a common soul master and had great luck in joining Thunder Academy.

He originally wanted to join Wuhun Temple, but Wuhun Temple's behavior is completely inconsistent with his character, and I'm afraid it won't be easy for him if he joins Wuhun Temple.

After all, he didn't have any background power in Wuhun Palace, and joining Wuhun Palace would be nothing more than cannon fodder. He was unwilling to do so.

Now that he had the opportunity to join a force as powerful as Wuhun Palace, he would not give up the opportunity.

"But can you really make the decision, Zhui Feng? We have so little strength."

Lei Dong was very willing to join the Ange, but he knew that they were weak.

"Don't worry about this. I am the person in charge of recruiting new blood outside. You just need to tell me if you are willing!"

Zhui Feng and others just looked at Lei Dong and the others.

"We are willing!" the three said in unison

The three of them looked determined and agreed without even thinking.

"very good!"

Zhui Feng waved and threw the three tokens into the hands of Lei Dong and the others.

"You can know the rules of the Dark Pavilion by inputting your soul power. There is no need to read it now. You only need to remember one thing in your mind. You must not betray the Dark Pavilion. Otherwise, even if you escape to the ends of the world, you will still be killed by the powerful Dark Pavilion!"

"That's how it should be!"

"We must remember it!"

"Now we are all colleagues, hahaha~"

"Now that you've got it, let's move on. We're not far from the mixed zone. Cheer up, everyone!" Zhui Feng glanced around.

"Good Le!"

Everyone stopped and continued to move towards the mixed zone. They were not far from their destination.

At this time, outside the valley somewhere in the mixed zone, there was a light blue lake, and flashes of silvery fish could be seen swimming in it.

In the center of the lake stand five huge lotus terraces, with four lotus terraces surrounding the middle one.

There were four figures sitting quietly on more than four lotus dais around them, and behind them all there was a long sword that exuded a sharp edge.

Similar to Seven Kills, but not Seven Kills!
The four of them are swordsmen codenamed Tiandi Xuanhuang. They only have swords in their eyes. Their cultivation has reached level 87 Contra. The combined strength of the four of them is extremely powerful!
The four of them were still practicing as usual, but there was no one on the lotus platform between them.

What is surprising is that there is a wooden house made by an unknown thousand-year-old plant-like soul beast by the lake. The entire wooden house exudes a light blue light, and there are blue lines flowing on the house.

There is a pavilion outside the wooden house, and three people are drinking tea leisurely under the pavilion.

"Mr. Ling, it's time to go back to the dark pavilion after practicing in hiding for so long!" Yu Zhantian picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

The water for making tea is light green and contains a rich flavor of life.This tea was brewed by Ling Tianjue from the Lake of Life at the core of the Star Dou Forest.

Of course, Ling Tianjue and Yu Zhantian did not have the habit of drinking the bath water of the Azure Bull Python. Ling Tianjue took the water from the upper stream of the waterfall.

That day, the green bull python did not dare to go up there to pollute the water source.

It's already good enough for it to soak in the peripheral Lake of Life.

"It just so happened that I broke through to level 98 five months ago, and now I have completely consolidated my cultivation. The Pavilion Master came at the right time!" Ling Tianjue smiled.

"Master Tianjue Palace has indeed taken that step, congratulations!" Zhao Feng cupped his hands and congratulated him, but there was no expression on his face.

"Well, your talent is very strong. Don't waste it. Try to break through level 98 within ten years!"

Ling Tianjue is also very optimistic about Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng's talent is the ceiling of ancient times.

"Young man must work hard!" Zhao Feng remained calm.

"Pavilion Master, I want to have a fight with that old boy Long Aotian when I leave the Star Forest this time! I have already broken through level 98, I'm afraid he is still at level 97 now, hahaha!"

When Ling Tianjue thought of Long Aotian's face, he felt like giving it a hammer.

"Mr. Ling, Mr. Long has already broken through level 98, but you are just a little faster than him!" Yu Zhantian's mouth twitched when he heard this.

"He actually broke through? But this time I won, I'm one step ahead of him!" Ling Tianjue was in a good mood and stroked his beard.

The three of them had a pleasant chat under the pavilion, but no soul beast within a ten-mile radius dared to enter this geomantic treasure.

This area seems to have become a forbidden area in the heart of the soul beast.

"Mr. Ling, are you doing anything interesting in the Star Dou Forest these days?" Yu Zhantian asked curiously
"There is indeed an interesting thing. There are two fun spirit beasts that I used to play with every day, but they no longer want to play with me. But since they don't play with me, I naturally look for them to play with."

"It can't be me, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, right?" Yu Zhantian said in surprise.


Just as the three of them were talking and laughing, the ground suddenly shook violently, and trees in the distance fell to both sides.

A Titan ape with a height of more than 90 meters was revealed. The Titan ape's body was wrapped in rocks, with thick lines flowing on it.

It looked like a suit of armor covering its body, and its yellow eyes were as big as a lantern.

The Titan ape was extremely fast and disappeared from the sight of the three people. A path was opened directly wherever it passed.

The surrounding soul beasts all avoided this forest king.

Along the way, the Titan Giant Ape also let out a high-pitched roar, and some thousand-year-old soul beasts were knocked unconscious.

"That's the Titan Giant Ape? The direction it's heading toward is the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest? How could it go toward the outskirts?" Zhao Feng murmured.

Next to him, Yu Zhantian clenched his chin in deep thought.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right? Can we still meet Xiao Zhansan and the others?" Yu Zhantian thought to himself.

"Who cares what the reason is? If you dare to spill my tea, I can't bear it! It seems that I still haven't hurt it!" Ling Tianjue's face suddenly turned dark.
The Titan Giant Ape behaved like this when he met the Pavilion Master for the first time. If you don't come out normally, you would act like a monster since the Pavilion Master.

Are you going against me? Today I will let you know the power of the Taixuan Sword in my hand!
The sword intent in Ling Tianjue's body boiled, and a phantom Taixuan Sword flew out directly, killing the Titan Giant Ape at extremely high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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