Chapter 120 Ye Lingling, plot?

I saw that it was a young girl, about twelve or thirteen years old, with long dark blue hair shawl, and a delicate face as cold as ice. Just standing there gave people the feeling that no one should approach her.

Wearing a black skirt, the girl's graceful figure was still vaguely visible even though it was wrapped tightly.

In contrast, there was a girl with dark hair who was equally beautiful and slightly older than her. She was Dugu Yan, who was familiar with Lin Yu.

Compared to the coldness of the blue-haired girl, Dugu Yan always had a look of helplessness on his face, "Classmate Ye Lingling, I have already said that the captain is no longer here, and my words don't count. Also, before the captain left, He told me that he doesn’t need an auxiliary soul master!”

That's right, the blue-haired girl in front of her is Ye Lingling, the contemporary eldest daughter of the Ye family, the owner of the Nine Hearts and Haitang martial spirit.

Because of the current strength of the Qibao Glazed Sect and the restrictions imposed by the Jiuxin Haitang inheritance, the world rarely heard of their existence.

But in Tiandou City, the imperial capital of this country, the existence of the Ye family has never been a secret.

Although they, who also started out as auxiliary martial souls, could not rely on the special effects of marriage and martial souls to gather together in the mountains and dominate an area like the Qibao Glazed Sect, they could also rely on their own ability to save people to win over an unknown person. Small family.

The Ye family is a single lineage, but the marriage is similar to that of the Qibao Glazed Sect. If the descendant is a female, it is basically a male who will marry him. This is why Ye Lingling's mother originally asked Lin Yu to marry into her mother-in-law.

It's very simple. The rules of our ancestors cannot be changed by anyone who wants to.

(Similar to the emperor’s reforms on TV, the minister always says this is an ancestral system)
Seeing Dugu Yan's refusal, Ye Lingling, who was not good at speaking at all, didn't know what to say. He was silent for a while, and then softly uttered two words, "Farewell!"

After speaking concisely and to the point, Shi Ran was about to leave, but he happened to meet Lin Yu who was coming.

Blocked by Lin Yu who was coming, Ye Lingling didn't say anything. When he was about to go around, he was attracted by Dugu Yan's words...

"Lin Xiaoyu, where have you been this year? Do you still know that you are the captain of the Royal Dou Team?"

For a moment, Ye Lingling, who was right in front of Lin Yu, raised his head suddenly, but subconsciously blurted out, "Are you Lin Yu?"

After the martial soul evolved, he refined the ultimate five elements origin, and Lin Yu, who broke through the soul king in cultivation, naturally listened clearly to the conversation between the two, and also knew that the indifferent girl in front of him was the original plan In the timeline, Ye Lingling was the group favorite of the Royal Dou Team.

It was fine in the past, Lin Yu didn't feel much about her, but ever since the day her mother, Mrs. Ye, came to visit, he already had a certain prejudice against Ye Lingling.

Although for some reason her character was so indifferent, Lin Yu had never been a nosy person and ignored her from beginning to end.

Just when Lin Yu was about to apologize to his sister Yanzi, something unexpected happened. Ye Lingling actually grabbed Lin Yu's sleeve.

When his sleeves were pulled, Lin Yu frowned and shouted to Ye Lingling, "Let go, or don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Lingling shook his head and said in a very cold tone: "My mother asked me to apologize to you, and she also said that you can let me try to get along with you..."

She is a girl after all. As soon as she said these words, even the frosty Ye Lingling couldn't help but blush on her face.

Dugu Yan, who originally planned to go to the royal restaurant and kill Lin Yu with a knife, also had a strong eye for gossip.

It is always human nature to eat melons and watch movies, even for Dugu Yan, who has been pursuing to surpass Lin Yu.But who is Lin Yu? The man who can hold the young master of Wuhun Palace in his arms. He always eats other people's melons, how can he let others eat his own melons!

Besides, I really have no interest in a woman as cold as an iceberg like Ye Lingling.

He pulled the sleeve that Ye Lingling grabbed over arrogantly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, "No need, I have my own heart, and I really can't compare to the women of your Ye family!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Dugu Yan did not tease Lin Yu, but followed Lin Yu back to the Mimic Training Base of the Royal Dou Team.

The two left, leaving Ye Lingling alone, sighing silently in his heart.

In the past few days, Wuhun Palace and the other party headed by Qibao Glazed Sect have come to Ye's house more and more often, and their purposes are naturally self-evident.

It was okay for Wuhun Palace to say that they were just recruiting them, but the Qibao Glazed Sect put Ye Lingling's mother, Mrs. Ye, under great pressure.

Very simply, the intention of Qibao Glazed Sect is to merge the Ye family into Qibao Glazed Sect and let Mrs. Ye serve as the great elder of Qibao Glazed Sect.

It doesn't seem like much, but in reality it's like a blunt knife cutting flesh. Once you agree, it's easy to be completely controlled by the Ning family.

As for not agreeing, Ning Fengzhi, the smiling tiger, was quite dark-hearted and might let a master destroy the Ye family that day.

Ye Lingling's frosty temperament was able to say those words to Lin Yu before, with the purpose of using Lin Yu to get closer to Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire.

If Xue Qinghe or the Tiandou Empire were willing to protect the Ye family, then everything would be easy.

It's just that Ye Lingling didn't expect that in the huge Tiandou City, although she was a little immature, but she was still considered a rare beauty, she would be so gorgeously ignored by Lin Yu.

The plan of relying on the temptation of her own beauty failed, and Ye Lingling, who was a little disappointed, had to run back to Ye's house.

When she returned to Ye's house, Lin Yu finally gathered the members of the Royal Dou Team.

The graphite stone mill brothers, Osluo, Gexiang, and Xue Qingliu, with the help of a snow lotus inherited from Lin Yu that can only enhance soul power, the five of them spent a year, and finally broke through one by one. The realm of Soul Master is all level 31.

Dugu Yan has also made a breakthrough. At the age of 16, she is now at level 45 of the Soul Sect, and is still No. 1 under Lin Yu in the Imperial Team.

After seeing the strength of the Huangdou Team, Lin Yu once again tortured several people except Dugu Yan with one hand.

The five of them were lying on the ground. Lin Yu shook his hands casually and said in a calm tone: "It's okay. I didn't waste my things in vain. I still have six years to go. I believe that no matter how dishonest you are, you can still do it." Break through the Soul Sect, just don’t hold me back when the time comes.”

After checking the cultivation of the Royal Dou Team, Lin Yu finally felt at ease before the Lantern Festival.

Taking advantage of this period of time, he should learn some things. After all, he has worked so hard and is now about to succeed. No matter what, he can't give up, right?

(End of this chapter)

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