Douluo: My martial soul has evolved, and my killing power is unparalleled.

Chapter 169: Laying out 7 treasures, Tang San gets married

Chapter 169 Laying out the Seven Treasures, Tang San gets married

After the match between Shrek and Kamikaze, the other matches were not very good. They were either the other four element academies beating the weak, or the rookies pecking each other.

The members of the Imperial Fighting Team were a little bored, so they simply meditated and practiced on the spot, attracting the attention of many nobles nearby.

After giving Dugu Yan a few words, Lin Yu left the Great Soul Fighting Arena, transformed into a young man, and then quietly came to the Tiandou City Spirit Temple.

Because his current identity is still unknown, although Lin Yu is the Son of the Holy Son, he does not have the identity token of the Holy Son.

When I came to the Spirit Temple, I also used the Demon Bear's Elder Token that I was addicted to as the dean of the Spirit Master Academy.

Under the leadership of a soul sect, Lin Yu came to Salas's usual office and waited for Salas' arrival.

It can only be said that Salas was loyal to him. After knowing Tang San's identity, he rushed back as soon as the opening ceremony ended.

Not long after, Salas opened the door and saluted respectfully as soon as he saw Lin Yu, "Salas, the Platinum Bishop of Tiandou City, has met the young master!"

"Well, Salas, you must have seen it all."

Lin Yu sat on the chair where Salas usually worked. His eyes were on the bookshelf, as if he was looking for something. He didn't pay attention to Salas, and his words were a little careless.

Salas, who was standing aside, couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, and said tentatively: "Sir, do you mean that Tang San of the Haotian Sect?"

Because of the Clear Sky Hammer, Salas subconsciously classified him directly into the Clear Sky Sect, but strictly speaking, Tang San could not be considered a member of the Clear Sky Sect yet.

However, Lin Yuye did not deny it, nodded and said, "That Tang San's father is named Tang Hao. The year before last, when Xue'er and I went to hunt for souls in the Star Dou Forest, we happened to meet him and had a fight."

"Then since Tang San is his son, doesn't it mean that Tang Hao..."

After spending so many years in the Spirit Hall, the cunning Saras naturally knows how to speak.

The reason is very simple. There are some things that your boss only tells half of, and the other half must be difficult to talk about. It is the stupidest thing to do to get to the bottom of it.

Being able to reach the level of the Master of the Spirit Temple and the Platinum Archbishop, Salas's greatest ability, apart from not offending others, is to observe people's emotions.

In the end, Salas's thoughts were also very obvious, and he went straight to the point, so that the superiors would not be suspicious of him.

These performances were also noticed by Lin Yu, but he didn't say anything. As long as Salas had no other thoughts, he was still willing to deal with such smart people.

"In that battle, Tang Hao was hit by Xue'er's eighth soul skill, and his figure completely disappeared. Logically speaking, he should have died, but not even a soul bone was left behind.

Therefore, I suspect that Tang Hao is still alive and may be hiding somewhere now. There may be some variables in our Spirit Master Academy Competition in the Spirit Hall this time! "

Hearing this, Salas's expression changed and he took the initiative and said: "Does this matter need to be reported by my subordinates?"

"Okay, there's just something. You have to help me!"

"Please show me, my lord!"

Without any hesitation, Salas, who didn't know what the order was, immediately agreed.With a little more force on his toes, the chair made a heartbreaking sound. Lin Yu turned back to Salas and said, "It's very simple. That time we fought against Tang Hao, Xue'er and I were on Ning Fengzhi's side. It has been exposed. Now that it has been exposed, I have no intention of hiding it anymore. I will just destroy the Qibao Glazed Sect.

But before that, I hope you, Bishop Sa, can help me antagonize Ning Fengzhi a little more and draw my attention a little bit, how about that? "

Destroying one of the only two powerful sects in the world would be a great achievement for him, and maybe he could use his achievements this time to move his position.

Therefore, Salas was naturally lucky enough to be able to participate, and happily accepted the task assigned to him by Lin Yu to delay and paralyze Ning Fengzhi.

While the two were discussing in secret, Ning Fengzhi took Tang San and Ning Rongrong back to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Without meeting the 10-year-old rabbit Xiao Wu, Oscar's love for Ning Rongrong was ended before it even started. Coupled with the "death" of Tang San's father Tang Hao, Ning Fengzhi also had some other thoughts.

In terms of marriage, compared to other forces, the Qibao Glazed Sect, regardless of whether a man marries a woman or a man marries a woman, it is basically a marriage.

In the past, due to the influence of the times, Tang San, who had a rigid and stubborn mind, would never have been able to accept such a thing as becoming a wife.

But form is stronger than people. With Ning Fengzhi's advice, he also understood that there was a blood feud between his family and Wuhun Palace. He also saw his father "die" in the hands of Wuhun Palace.

How could he not avenge the blood feud?
Besides, his martial spirit also completely exposed his identity. In Tang San's opinion, it was not a wise move to rely on others when he was helpless.

After some thought and weighing the gains and losses, Tang San also agreed, thus becoming the son-in-law of the Qibao Glazed Sect and Ning Rongrong's fiancé.

The fact that Ning Rongrong, who had long been secretly designated as the successor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, had chosen a husband also caused quite a stir in Tiandou City.

If it hadn't been for the grand event of the Continental Senior Elite Soul Master Academy Competition, Tang San would have been spread throughout the streets and alleys of Tiandou City.

Although it had not spread among the people of Tiandou City at this time, it had already spread among the nobles of the Tiandou Empire.

Most of the nobles basically congratulated the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. As for Tang San, they gave him a lot of face for the sake of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and Haotian Sect.

After watching another day of qualifiers, Lin Yu was about to go home, but not long after he walked out of the Grand Soul Arena, he saw a familiar carriage.

On top of the carriage, Qian Renxue, who was wearing a white veil, quietly poked out half of her head. When she saw Lin Yu, her bright eyes curved into beautiful crescents.

Lin Yu also looked at her and smiled, got on the carriage, pulled down the curtain, and held the beauty in his arms.

"Xue'er, you are getting bolder and bolder. Now this place is not our territory."

Qian Renxue, who held Lin Yu's waist and nestled her little head in Lin Yu's arms, whispered softly: "I see, you must have heard about Tang San, and I don't know what he thinks. We have such a big hatred, but we still dare to participate in the competition.

If he advances by then, I don't believe he really dares to go to Wuhun City to participate in the finals. He really thinks that the Qibao Glazed Sect is invincible in the world! "

There are some things that Qian Renxue can't figure out even if she wants to. When the enemy is strong and I am weak, let alone not running away as soon as his identity is revealed. He actually rushes to send him up. It really makes people doubt his IQ. .

In Miss Qianda's words, if he was a fool, I would have considered not killing him.

(End of this chapter)

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