Douluo: My martial soul has evolved, and my killing power is unparalleled.

Chapter 188 The pain of making a big sacrifice, meeting Feng Xiaotian again

Chapter 188 The pain of making a big sacrifice, meeting Feng Xiaotian again
In a courtyard around the enshrinement hall, Lin Yu and Qian Daoliu exchanged cups, feasting on wine and meat.

It was the first time he drank alcohol. Lin Yu, who had not used his soul power to eliminate the alcohol odor from his body, was already slightly tipsy. He burped and looked at Qian Daoliu sitting opposite him with some surprise, "Grandpa, I didn't expect that you, a young People are actually so... tough!"

Unlike Lin Yu, Qian Daoliu's face was not drunk at all, as if he had not drank.

Even if you don't look at it, you know that Qian Daoliu definitely used his soul power to clear away the smell of alcohol. Lin Yu can say anything and dare to say anything. Reason with this old man, he doesn't mind talking to you about physics.

Qian Daoliu took a sip and smiled, "What's the matter? When I was young, I was among thousands of flowers and never touched a single leaf. Although I couldn't beat that guy Tang Chen, in terms of looks, hehe, ten Tangs Even Chen can’t compare to me!”

Who would have thought that the big worshiper who usually worshiped with great piety in front of the angel statue would be a romantic figure in his youth. From his hometown Wuhun Palace to the two major empires, as well as various large and small forces, he had attracted the hearts of countless women.

Those women who could be attracted by Qian Daoliu were naturally not simple people. It was just that Qian Daoliu was too wild-minded and had never planned to start a family. As a result, all the people who fell in love with him at that time felt sad and gradually left her. He left...

This incident was a big blow to Qian Daoliu. His heart was sealed until he went to Poseidon Island and met Bo Saixi, who once again made his heart beat.

But God's will plays tricks on people, and he never thought that his identity as a waiter of the gods, which he had always been proud of, would one day become a stumbling block on his emotional road.

Although Bo Saixi's choice of Tang Chen had nothing to do with him as a god's attendant, he didn't think so in his heart. After all, Tang Hao, who was not a god's attendant, had a chance of becoming a god, but he and Bo Saixi did not!
I wonder if Qian Daoliu remembered some unforgettable memories. He had been using his soul power to cheat, and he also forgot to use his soul power. After a while, he was just like Lin Yu, drunk.

"Not to mention that I can't offend you, kid, I am also a person who has been through it all. If you meet someone you like, or someone who likes you, if you can accept it, then don't hesitate!
If you hesitate, it will be ruined. Yes, I only have some old buddies around me. I get annoyed when I see them..."

Before he finished speaking, Qian Daoliu lay down on the table. A familiar figure came from not far away and placed a piece of soul beast blanket on Qian Daoliu's body.

"Xiao Yu, you are serious, why did you let grandpa get drunk?"

Qian Renxue, who was slightly annoyed, lost her temper at Lin Yu. She looked cute and holy, with a hint of charm.

Lin Yu, who was a little dizzy after drinking, couldn't help but smile bitterly, "You can't blame me, the old man has been cheating just now."

Qian Renxue, who had covered Qian Daoliu with a blanket, once again took out a blanket from the storage soul guide and came to Lin Yu's side.

Although the smell of alcohol on Lin Yu's body was a bit unpleasant, Qian Renxue wrinkled her nose slightly and still patiently sat on Lin Yu's lap, using a blanket that was bigger than Qian Daoliu's. Wrapped the two of them tightly.

After leaning into Lin Yu's arms, Qian Renxue whispered beside Lin Yu: "I know, I just hope you will give way to grandpa.

Although I don’t know much about it, I have heard from several other grandpas that grandpa puts a lot of things on himself. Although he seems to be prosperous these years, he doesn’t know how uncomfortable he is in his heart. "

Listening to Qian Renxue's words, Lin Yu fell silent for a moment.

Indeed, burying everything deep in your heart protects others, but it also persecutes yourself.

But Qian Daoliu had no choice. He was the great priest of the Wuhun Palace and the attendant of the Angel God. For his granddaughter, for the old brothers, and for the Wuhun Palace, no matter what happened, he had to bear it. "By the way, I asked Third Grandpa just now. He usually doesn't have anything to do, but he is willing to teach a student. If Bing'er is willing, she can let Third Grandpa be her teacher. After all, Third Grandpa's martial spirit is Qingluan. In addition to There is no one in the world who is more suitable to be Binger’s teacher.”

A phoenix raises nine chicks, and Qingluan happens to be one of them.

As Qian Renxue said, from the perspective of martial arts, Sanzongfang is the most suitable teacher for Shui Bing'er.

Moreover, the descendants of the Sanzong family are really not up to par. Apart from him, the strongest one is a soul saint.

Allowing Shui Bing'er, who was a sister to Qian Renxue, to become his disciple, to a certain extent, helped San Chongfeng's family to prevent their status in Wuhun Palace from plummeting after San Chongfeng's death.

Sanchangfang himself must be happy to see this matter come to fruition. For Qian Renxue's sake, it is always good for his unsatisfactory descendants to leave such a lasting impression.

But Shui Bing'er didn't know about this yet. Lin Yu and Qian Renxue also planned to wait until the Soul Master Competition was over before telling her about this and letting her make her own choice.

After a night of silence, Lin Yu and Qian Renxue rested until early morning and then quietly left through a secret door in the back mountain of Wuhun Palace.

After leaving, Qian Renxue returned to that manor and changed back to Xue Qinghe's clothes.

Lin Yu, after simply eating some breakfast on the roadside, went straight to the martial arts competition final venue.

After yesterday's five elimination matches, in addition to the Wuhundian team, there are still six teams left to participate in the competition, including the Royal Dou team.

Today's match is not a failure. At most, it means that the Royal Dou Team and the Xingluo Team will not be allowed to meet in advance.

After a while, the results of the draw came out. The first game was Star Luo Royal Academy, and their opponent was the Elephant Academy.

In the second game, it was Shrek Academy, and the opponent was Thunder Academy. It was indeed exciting to see brothers Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin fighting each other.

The last scene was really fate and coincidence, it was Tiandou Royal Academy and Blazing Fire Academy. When Feng Xiaotian saw Lin Yu, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

There is no doubt that in the first game, with six soul sects and the trump card of martial soul fusion skills, Star Luo Royal Academy has a huge advantage.

No matter how strong the Elephant Armor Academy's defense was, it was still unable to block Xing Luo's offensive. Tian Xiang, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, also had no expression. In his opinion, it was quite difficult for the Elephant Armor Academy to reach this point. .

The second game was similar to the first, with Shrek Academy defeating Thunder Academy in a devastating manner.

If anything is different, it may be that Shrek Academy is completely Tang San's personal show. With the strength of the Soul King, he can win by throwing a handful of bones and scum to win compared to the original timeline finals. Don't be too nice! (Bat Wing Reincarnation, I really can’t help but complain)
As the first two games ended and the last game was about to begin, a slightly cold soft jade hand was placed on Lin Yu's palm. Shui Bing'er smiled, tilted her little head and said: "Let's go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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