Chapter 105 Ancient Warcraft, Nether Blood Wolf

Jiang Cheng didn't know what it was. He didn't go into the depths at the time, so he didn't have a deep understanding of unknown creatures.

Unless you can see it yourself, it's difficult to guess the name of this thing based on the paw prints.

However, he kept an eye on it. The strength of this kind of creature should not be too weak, just like the salamanders in the magma of Canaan College. Their general strength is between Douzong and Douzun, and there are even one and a half A saint-level existence.

I just don’t know if there will be any strong people here.

The closer you get to the depths, the weaker the fighting spirit becomes. All that is left is a thick poisonous mist, and the visibility is less than ten meters.

However, Jiang Cheng could see very far away. After all, he was a strong Fighting Saint, and this poisonous miasma could not block his sight.

"Sir, this place is so weird. There is poisonous miasma everywhere, and you can't see very far."

The little medical fairy pouted.

"This place is really a ghost place. No wonder it is called the Ancient Nether Poisonous Land."

Suddenly, a strong wind roared, and the poisonous miasma wherever the wind passed was directly split in half.

The little medical fairy immediately stretched out his arms in front of him, "Sir, save me."

Jiang Cheng's expression changed slightly, and the folding fan he was holding suddenly opened, and an even more terrifying strong wind blew out of him and rushed towards him.

A loud bang.

Countless pale white fragments shattered in mid-air, and the generated air waves made the little medical fairy unconsciously step back several steps. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng was by his side, so he did not fly out.

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, "Now that you're here, come out. I didn't expect the creatures here to grow to this extent."

As the purple smoke faded, a strange creature quietly appeared here. This creature was just as Jiang Cheng guessed. It was tall, three meters long, covered in purple-black hair, and looked like a werewolf.

The stones were easily traced under the sharp claws.

Especially that ghastly face made people feel frightened, and a lot of saliva flowed from his mouth.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and said with a smile, "That's it."

Jiang Cheng, who was familiar with countless books, also recognized the identity of this object. It was a ghost blood wolf that existed in ancient times.

The Nether Blood Wolf is a magical beast from ancient times. Like the Salamander Man, it uses different places to evolve its strength and body to reach a higher level.

It's just that it was recorded in ancient books that the Nether Blood Wolf has disappeared for thousands of years, and I didn't expect it to appear here.

Moreover, the Nether Blood Wolf is quite powerful and is a social animal. If there is one, there will be another one.

The Nether Blood Wolf let out a harsh cry, "You cunning human, you dare to trespass into our territory, you are so brave!"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "I didn't expect you to have evolved to speak human words?"

"Hmph, how can this king be something that humans like you can spy on?" the Nether Blood Wolf said with a ferocious face.

Ancient books once recorded that the Nether Blood Wolf had a special body shape and could only speak after reaching the level of Dou Sage. Now that the other party was only a three-star Dou Sage, it was indeed a bit surprising.

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "If you are sensible, get out of here. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Faced with Jiang Cheng's warning, the Nether Blood Wolf not only did not flinch, but instead let out a arrogant laugh, "You are really a sharp-tongued junior. This is the ancient Nether Poisonous Swamp. If you want to establish your authority here, you are not qualified." Having said that, the Nether Blood Wolf was too lazy to continue talking nonsense. Its huge body shot straight towards Jiang Cheng's position like a hungry tiger pouncing on food. Even though it was far away, Jiang Cheng could still feel the disgusting stench on the opponent's body.

With a wave of his right hand, invisible power instantly enveloped him. The severe pain not only did not make the other party feel scared, but instead let out a harsh wolf roar.


Jiang Cheng's expression changed slightly. He glanced at the pairs of blue eyes in all directions and realized that this guy was calling his companions.

The Nether Blood Wolf sneered: "Boy, you have entered our Nether Blood Wolf clan. Even if you have the power to reach heaven today, you will surely perish here!"

"Then I will kill you first."

With a sudden explosion, the previous three-star Dou Zun immediately turned into a ball of fragments and scattered all over the ground.

Densely packed purple-black figures quickly flashed out of the purple-black poisonous mist. In just ten seconds, they spread out and surrounded Jiang Cheng.

Little doctor Xian Dai frowned slightly and said, "Sir, are you in some trouble now?"

Jiang Cheng's expression was not too colorful. Most of the strength of these guys were in Dou Huang and Dou Zong, and there were only a few Dou Zun level Nether Blood Wolves.

Looking at the beasts glaring at him, Jiang Cheng slowly closed the folding fan in his hand. As he waved it calmly, the originally soft folding fan was now like a sharp sword blade, and the boulder under him was broken at the waist.

Jiang Cheng placed his left hand on the little medical fairy's shoulder and then injected a trace of special fighting spirit into it.This fighting spirit seemed meager, but it soon formed a special shield. With this shield, the little medical fairy's life could be protected.

"A bunch of beasts who don't know how to live or die. Since you are looking for death, I will give you a ride."


The sword energy came straight towards him like a stormy wave, and the surging energy permeated the entire ancient Nether Poisonous Lake.

Jiang Cheng's eyes turned cold.

The folding fan fell.

A crisp wind blew by.

It seemed so understated, but it contained unparalleled terrifying power. All the ghost blood wolves that rushed up were killed, and the same was true for those behind them. They didn't even have a chance to react, and they were cut into pieces by the wind blade generated by Jiang Cheng. minced meat.

Seeing that many of their own clansmen were dead and wounded, the eyes of the remaining Nether Blood Wolves instantly turned red. Immediately, they all opened their mouths and sharp sound waves spread out.

"Sir, are they wailing?" The little medical fairy was protected by Jiang Cheng and did not feel the harsh and sharp sound.

Jiang Cheng also half-squinted his eyes as he stared at the group of Nether Blood Wolves and said, "They are probably calling for help. They are a bit troublesome."

"Trouble? Could it be that there is a Nether Blood Wolf at the Fighting Saint level?"

The little medical fairy asked with a solemn expression, if this is really the case, can sir really be able to defeat him?
Sure enough, after the conversation between the two people ended, a group of Nether Blood Wolves rushed over, led by a three-star fighting saint.
It's just that this Nether Blood Wolf is different from the others. This Nether Blood Wolf is blood red, has a body length of six meters, and its teeth and claws are sharper.

It seems that he should be the leader of the Nether Blood Wolf.

"Human, why do you have nothing to do with innocent people and hurt my people?!"

The Nether Blood Wolf looked at the broken limbs and broken arms everywhere in front of him, and was trembling with anger. Its blood-red pupils stared at Jiang Cheng fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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