Chapter 108 Fairy Qingyun in the Eastern Continent

"Sir, why can this strange fire be put into the storage ring? Aren't you afraid that the contents inside will be burned up?"

Jiang Cheng chuckled softly. This was the ring rewarded by the system. There was a separate small space for storing strange fires. No matter how many strange fires were placed in it, there would be no problem.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

Jiang Cheng put the Najie away and turned around to look at the fading Nether Blood Wolf clan. After the death of the Wolf King, these guys no longer pose any threat.

The Wolf King's body began to gradually melt after being separated from the alien fire. Jiang Cheng also saw the opportunity to dig out a purple-black magic core from the opponent's head. This was a ninth-level magic beast's magic core, and its value was beyond doubt.

Especially the pure energy contained in the magic core is the perfect choice for refining elixirs.

The little medical fairy pursed her green lips and said, "Sir, this is the ninth-level magic beast core. I can feel the power inside is so pure."

"Of course." Jiang Cheng responded: "The main source of power of Warcraft comes from the magic core. The higher the level of the magic core, the stronger the power it contains. It is also necessary to refine high-level elixirs. "

Jiang Cheng shrugged. If you want to refine the ninth-grade and ninth-level monster core, it is a must-have. Without such things, it will not be possible to successfully refine it.

This is why the value of ninth-grade elixirs is so high. Every elixir placed in the Dou Qi Continent will lead to life-and-death fights between countless powerful Dou Saints.

This is the appeal of the ninth-grade elixir.

Jiang Cheng took the little medical fairy's weak and boneless hand and returned to the ground in an instant.

At this time, countless peak experts had already gathered on the ground. The three One-Star Fighting Saints headed by them were the overlords of the Eastern Continent.

The moment they saw Jiang Cheng, they stepped forward without hesitation, raised their hands and saluted, "See you, senior."

After becoming a Fighting Saint, every one star difference between the two is a world of difference, and the two stars' strength is even more crazy.

Jiang Cheng cupped his hands and returned the greeting, "You must be the emperors of the Eastern Continent, Liu Qingyun, Shi Heng, and Huang Zan, right?"

Liu Qingyun and the other three nodded and asked subconsciously: "If our expectations are correct, the senior used the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame, which ranked fourth on the list of strange fires, right?"

Being able to become a strong Dou Sheng person is naturally not an ignorant person, you still need to have a vision.

Jiang Cheng did not deny it, but nodded gracefully.

Seeing that the other party simply admitted the fact that he possessed the strange fire, the Qingyun Empire Emperor Liu Qingyun thought that he was also a genius of the ancient clan, and immediately flattered him, "Senior came to the Eastern Continent, and I hope that I will forgive you for not being able to welcome him from afar."

"Brother Qingyun, you're welcome. You wanted to seal this place before."


Hearing these words, the strong men in the field all lowered their heads in embarrassment, fearing that the other party would kill them because of this incident.

Shi Heng replied with some embarrassment: "Senior, you also know the degree of danger before. If the poisonous miasma is allowed to flow into the mainland, I am afraid that within a few moments, this place will be devoid of chickens and dogs, so we have also made this decision. I hope you will forgive me, senior." .”

"I hope senior can forgive me!"

The strong men in the field also respectfully bowed their hands to pay homage.

Starlight flashed in the eyes of the little medical fairy. He was worthy of being a gentleman. He had a strong aura. The weakest among these guys were all Douzong warriors, but in front of the gentleman, he was as well-behaved as a kitten.

As expected of Mr.

Awesome!Jiang Cheng shrugged and said softly: "Forget it, you are doing it for the people of the Eastern Continent, so I won't pursue it any further."

After hearing these words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were sweating and felt like they were pretending to be sexy in front of a strong person.

"Don't know the name of Mr.?"

"The Confucian sage of the Academy, Jiang Cheng."

"Are you the Confucian Sage of the Academy?" Liu Qingyun said in surprise: "I didn't expect Mr. Confucian Sage to be so young. It's the juniors who are being abrupt."

Everyone knows the name of the Confucian Sage. He is also a prestigious presence in the Eastern Continent. When Mr. Confucian Sage passed here, he helped several empires cure the plague.

They originally wanted to express their gratitude in person, but the person disappeared without a trace, and in the end the name "Mr. Confucian Sage" was left behind.

The little medical fairy pursed her lips and murmured, "Sir's name is actually known to everyone in the Eastern Continent. It's amazing."

Jiang Cheng said lightly: "You three don't need to be polite. I'm just a traveler traveling around the world. I'm not a doctor who can save a life rather than build a seven-level pagoda."

Back then, when he saw people here selling their wives' burial clothes because of the plague, and some even competing with vicious dogs for food, Jiang Cheng couldn't bear to see how pitiful they were, so he came to help.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come to the Eastern Continent, the Confucian Sage of the Academy!"

At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from a distance. The strong men below the Dou Sheng covered their ears in great pain. Even the emperors of the three empires took two steps back, with shock in their eyes. .

She actually came out of seclusion!

Jiang Cheng also immediately gathered his fighting spirit around the body of the little medical fairy and smiled bitterly. How come he could meet familiar people wherever he went?
A peerless beauty stood above the void.

The woman is dressed in white and is extremely elegant. Her long silver hair is covered behind her like a waterfall. Every movement is graceful. She holds a long sword and is as beautiful as a sword fairy coming to this world.

Strong winds were blowing all around, and several tornadoes were soaring, rolling up the trees and gravel together. Seeing this, countless strong men could only retreat, for fear that this woman would take them all away.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back, slowly raised his head, looked at the visitor, and smiled: "Hello, girl, I'm just a traveler traveling around the world."

The latter angrily said: "Jiang Cheng, when you left in a hurry, do you know how many years this sect leader has been waiting for you?!"

Jiang Cheng shrugged and smiled calmly and said: "All living beings can escape suffering and gain happiness, and be reborn in the Pure Land. Here, with a sword, white clothes, and a pot of sake, they will have the pleasure of traveling around the world. Girl, I have told you before, I am just a traveler traveling around the world, nothing more."

"you shut up!"

The visitor shouted.

Liu Qingyun swallowed his saliva, raised his hand and said hurriedly: "Um...sister, why did you suddenly leave seclusion? Aren't you trying to break through the Five-Star Fighting Saint?"

The visitor is none other than the leader of Qingyun Sect, the top sect in the eastern continent, Fairy Qingyun!
Fairy Qingyun glanced at her younger brother and snorted coldly: "Now you are still a one-star fighting saint. What a waste."


Liu Qingyun lowered his head in embarrassment. His sister scolded him. He had no temper at all. Who knew his sister was so strong?

"Jiang Cheng, why did you leave without saying goodbye? Do you hate me so much?"

Fairy Qingyun's eyes were filled with mist, and she spoke forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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