Chapter 13 All beasts bow their heads!


With a scream, the mercenary's blood splattered suddenly, his head shot up into the sky, and his body "thumped" and fell to the ground.

When He Meng, the third commander of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, heard the commotion, he also cursed and lifted up his pants, "You, what are you shouting? I almost collapsed from the fright of my eldest brother!"

Just as he finished speaking, the mercenaries of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group in front of him were already lying on the ground motionless. Their heads undoubtedly fell to the ground and they died.

The remaining mercenaries were already so frightened that they could no longer take care of themselves and were incontinent. They didn't even see the other party's location, and several brothers died as a result.

Hemeng's pupils narrowed and he said ferociously: "Which guy without eyes actually dares to sneak attack on my wolf-headed mercenary group? Do you know that what I hate most in my life is someone sneaking up on me from behind? Get out of here, grandpa, or I'll catch you." , Grandpa will definitely let you live and die!"

"You can't live but die. I want to see where the Wolf Head Mercenary Group got the courage to go wild here!"

At this moment, Jiang Cheng slowly walked out from behind the tree, and his eyes reflected the young men of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group lying in a pool of blood. These guys are really haunted. How come they can be encountered everywhere? ?
He Meng was also furious and said: "You are the one who killed me. Kneel on the ground immediately, or I will let you know the power of the Iron Fist!"

"Haha, then I would like to experience the power of Fatty Fatty."

"You dare to call me fat, you're looking for death!"

Hearing the other party's name, Hemeng, as an Eight-Star Fighter, had never experienced such humiliation, and he suddenly became furious!

What he hates the most is when someone calls him a fat guy, especially the pretty guy who is handsome and has a good figure. He kills every one he sees!
I saw Hemeng running over quickly, aiming his fist the size of a sandbag and hitting Jiang Cheng's head hard. However, Jiang Cheng stood there calmly, not even showing a panicked expression.

When Hemeng saw Jiang Cheng dumbfounded on the spot, he thought that his aura had frightened him, so he immediately burst into laughter. This ignorant junior was just a waste of air, so he might as well crush him into a pulp to attract the snow fox.

However, what happened next made him regret it for the rest of his life.

Jiang Cheng raised a finger and easily blocked Hemeng's punch attack. This made Hemeng think that he was blinded, so he punched two more in succession, but there was no doubt that all of them were blocked by the opponent's fingers.

Hemeng's heart also skipped a beat, and his huge body unconsciously took two steps back, feeling a sense of fear in his heart.

Even Mu She, the leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, could block his own flowing attack with one finger. Could it be that the person coming was a great fighting master?

Hermon swallowed his saliva and did not dare to act rashly again, but he still arranged for his men to go and investigate to see if this person was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger.

He immediately said loudly: "Kill him who is still breathing. Whoever wants to kill him, Mrs. Lan will serve him all night tonight!"

As soon as these words came out, the remaining mercenaries suddenly became energetic and cast greedy eyes.They had long wanted to taste Mrs. Lan, and now that they finally had the opportunity, how could they let it go.

Jiang Cheng looked at the wolf-like mercenaries and snorted coldly. He snapped his fingers at any time and two purple figures joined the battle without any warning. They slaughtered the remaining wolf-headed mercenaries in an almost crushing manner. Little guy.

After Hemengdang saw the person clearly, he suddenly froze on the spot, his pupils narrowed and his voice trembled, "This...this is...sixth level...Warcraft Purple...Crystal...Wing...Lion...King..." As a servant of the Warcraft Mountain Range Bing, he knew what kind of monsters there were in the Eastern Mountains. There was only one that they feared the most, and that was the overlord of the Eastern Mountains, the sixth-level monster, the Amethyst Winged Lion King!

That's what I think of the strong men at the level of human fighting emperors. Let alone them, even if the entire mercenary group of the Jiama Empire gathered together, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to hold on to a single move!
The Amethyst Winged Lion King bit off the head of a mercenary in one bite. After tasting the taste, he threw it aside in disgust, "It's really unpalatable. How dare you run wild here with such a low level of cultivation? I won't give it to you." If you teach me a lesson, I really think this king has a good temper!"

Under the deafening roar of the lion, the entire eastern mountain range experienced its first shock in history. The trees shook wildly, and circles of sound waves spread towards the surrounding mountains.

It was shaking like an earthquake, and countless birds were frightened and fled. Low-priced monsters also hid in the periphery with their tails between their legs, for fear that the Lion King would be angry and involve them.

The sound of footsteps like a tide of beasts came from all directions. In just a moment, hundreds of third-level and above magical beasts had all gathered here, led by three fifth-level magical beasts equivalent to the level of human fighting kings.

They knew in their hearts that whoever chose to help would be the greatest insult to the king of the eastern mountains.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King slapped the ground hard, and a circle of cracks filled the entire earth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The three fifth-level monsters looked at each other. This was the first time they had seen the king so angry.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King glanced at Hemeng, who was already frightened, and then turned into a human in front of all the monsters. This made all the monsters take a breath. They didn't expect that the king could freely transform into a human form. Could it be that Has he been promoted to the seventh level of Warcraft?

Thinking of this, the three fifth-level monsters knelt on the ground respectfully. They knew very well how unimaginable the seventh-level monster was to them.

Hemeng was so frightened that he lost control of his bowels, and Mrs. Lan even fainted. They had never seen such a battle before, and the lowest one was a monster at the level of a great fighter.

Any monster can destroy their wolf-headed mercenary group, let alone a small eight-star fighter like himself.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King spoke animal language, and all the monsters were surprised. However, under the king's order, they still knelt respectfully in front of Jiang Cheng and bowed their heads.

Such a shocking picture may be recorded in the annals of history.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand. He didn't care whether these monsters surrendered. He only cared about his peach trees. These peach trees were planted by him ten years ago, but now two of them were cut off.

When the Amethyst Winged Lion King saw the two peach trees that had been cut down, he immediately became furious. These people don't know whether to live or die.

"Master, what should we do with these guys?"

Jiang Cheng said: "They don't like women, let the monster give them a reward!"

After hearing this, the remaining mercenaries turned pale with fear and immediately said to kill them!

However, the Amethyst Winged Lion King did not intend to let them die like this, and directly arranged for a dozen apes to come over and clear their intestines!
(End of this chapter)

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