Chapter 137 Xiao Yan’s Three Kowtows and Nine Bows

Xiao Yan frowned and said: "Junior, remember, you said that you should let me stay in Wutan City forever, otherwise, this junior will suffer a bloody disaster."

"Since you know, why do you insist on going against heaven?"

Xiao Zhan and others were also sidetracked and didn't know what to say. They didn't expect Yan'er to know Mr. Confucian Sage, but they always felt that the relationship between the two was not friendly?
Jiang Cheng put down the wine gourd in his hand and said softly: "You can also leave Wutan City, but the Xiao family in Wutan City will eventually be destroyed."

After hearing this, Xiao Yan's expression obviously changed drastically, and he said hurriedly: "Mr. Confucian Sage, what do you mean by this sentence? Do you mean that you will destroy the Xiao family?"

"I'm not that interested."

Jiang Cheng took a sip of wine and said, "This is also the best result for you. Your Xiao family has been burdened with many fates. If you leave, the Xiao family will perish. Don't doubt the authenticity of what I say."

"At the same time, Yao Chen must also be aware of the Soul Palace."

Xiao Yan could obviously feel the changes in the ring. It seemed that the teacher also knew what the Soul Palace was, but the teacher never mentioned the Soul Palace to him, which meant that after he left Wutan City, it was really possible for the Xiao family to Completely destroyed by the Soul Palace.

For a moment, Xiao Yan didn't know whether to go or stay. His eyes were solemnly staring at the ground below him, his expression was also extremely strange.

I don't know how much time has passed, but Xiao Yan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "No matter how huge and terrifying the Soul Palace is, I, Xiao Yan, will not give in!"

"If I want those forces to treat each other squarely, I need to reach Douzong, and I will reach Douzong. If I can't do it, I can do it. If I can't do it, I can do it. If I can't do it, I can do it. If I can't do it, I can do it!"

"If our ancestors can reach the realm, I, Xiao Yan, can definitely do it too!"

Xiao Zhan looked at his son with a bit of relief on his face. No matter whether he could reach that level or not, he was still his Xiao Zhan's son.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything. It seemed that he was finally going to the point of no return.

"Forget it, since you want to go, then go ahead. Remember one sentence, the way to live a long life is to be wise and careful. Smart people often don't live long."

Jiang Cheng looked at Xiao Yan who was so persistent and didn't know what to say. In any case, the Chosen Son was different, but whether he could truly grow up or not depended on him.

Without a lot of opportunities, it would be just a fantasy for him to become a top expert.

Jiang Cheng slowly stood up in front of everyone, looked at the sky and said, "Yao Chen, you have made your decision."

"Junior, thank you."

Yao Chen's voice also rang in Jiang Cheng's ears. It was obvious that he had also decided to break into the Dou Qi Continent, and he was not willing to stay in the small Wutan City and live out his life.

"Senior, even if there are many thorns ahead, even if there is no recovery and death, I, Xiao Yan, will naturally grit my teeth and persevere on the path I have chosen!"

Xiao Yan's words also made Xiao Zhan nod with satisfaction, and said with a hearty smile: "You are worthy of being my son, Yan'er. As a father, I believe that you will stand at the top of the mainland. By then, the declining Xiao family will be defeated because of you." Stand tall on the mainland again!”

Jiang Cheng glanced at everyone behind him out of the corner of his eye, and they looked exactly like their ancestor Xiao Xuan.

"what ever."

"Xiao Yan, remember my words, never go to Zhongzhou, otherwise you will be doomed." A faint voice lingered quietly in the Xiao family and lingered for a long time.

Looking at Mr. Confucian Sage who had disappeared like a ghost, Xiao Yan also said: "Senior, my fate is up to me. Just take care of it." Xiao Zhan came to Xiao Yan and hugged him gently. His son's shoulders, along with his gaze, stayed in the direction where Mr. Confucian Sage left.

"Yan'er, please remember that Mr. Confucian Sage is the benefactor of my Xiao family. No matter how strong you become, you must never forget Mr. Confucian Sage's gift to my family. Do you understand?"

"This is the only thing that father can tell you."

Xiao Zhan's words made Xiao Yan feel the same way. The techniques he was practicing now were what Mr. Confucian Sage left in the Xiao family. Without those things, he might not be able to return to the top.

Xiao Yan knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, "Mr. Confucian Sage, thank you!"

If Yao Lao hadn't been there, Xiao Yan had even thought about becoming his disciple. If he could become his disciple, he would surely be the best among people and become the most powerful person in the mainland in the future.

But once he was a teacher, he was always a father. How could Xiao Yan betray Yao Chen?

When Jiang Cheng appeared again, he had arrived at the capital of the Jia Ma Empire, and at a glance he saw the little medical fairy strolling leisurely on the streets.

Cai Lin picked up the hairpin on the table and looked at it, then turned around and inserted it into Yun Yun's hair. After appreciating it, she nodded with satisfaction and said, "Not bad, it suits you very well."

Yun Yun looked at herself through the bronze mirror and bought everything on the stall without hesitation. She took out a golden hairpin and handed it over, "Sister Cailin, this hairpin should suit you very well." .”

Cai Lin took the hairpin handed over and carefully inserted it into her hair. Her temperament improved several times, which made the Little Medical Fairy and others eager to try it on.

The appearance of several beauties on the street also attracted everyone's attention, because everyone's appearance was so perfect that it even made people feel like they were standing on their heads.

Queen Medusa frowned slightly in disgust. These dirty looks made her angry. She was about to take action, but was stopped by Yun Yun.

"Sister Cai Lin, no."

Yun Yun pursed her green lips and said, "Don't forget the treaty signed between the Snake People and the Jiama Empire. If you kill them, I'm afraid it will trigger a war."

The slender jade finger that was just raised was slowly retracted, and there was a hint of helplessness under that beautiful face. For the sake of the snake people, they could only choose to tolerate it.

"You guys are so boring."

At this moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly appeared in front of several people, and his cold voice frightened the latter's body. Zi Yan hid directly behind Sister Cailin and said: "Brother Jiang Cheng, why are you here? "

Jiang Cheng turned around and said, "I went to Wutan City to deal with an issue. I didn't expect you girls to go out for fun instead of practicing hard in the mountains?"

The little medical fairy ran over, took Jiang Cheng's arm, and said coquettishly: "Sir, we have been practicing hard every day, but we have been a little tired recently, so we found a place to relax."

Jiang Cheng said softly: "Then you have to pay attention to the time. It's almost dark."

"Don't worry, teacher. With Sister Yunyun and Sister Cailin here, nothing will happen to us. Besides, this is the Jiama Empire, and Mr. Jiaxing Tian is here."

Qing Lin was also talking at the side, knowing that the teacher was too talkative and could not blame them.

(End of this chapter)

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