Chapter 149 Feng Zun Feng Xian

As the war boat slowly sailed into the mountains, several figures appeared here. The girl at the head blinked her cute big eyes and said doubtfully:

"Someone actually came to Xingyun Pavilion? Who is this person?"

"We'd better return quickly and tell Deputy Pavilion Master Feng Xian about this."

Standing next to the girl was a man. The man was dressed in black robes and had an average appearance. His strength was around that of the Nine-Star Dou Huang.

When I saw an outsider entering the Tianxing Mountains in the Southern Territory, I also wanted to tell Deputy Pavilion Master Feng Xian about this.

The girl curled her lips and said, "What are you afraid of? This is our Xingyun Pavilion's territory. You go back and report first, and I'll go over and take a look."

Before this person could finish his words, the latter had already summoned his fighting energy to transform into wings, and flew towards the war boat in the distance like a blue luan.

Seeing this scene, the man had no choice but to follow her. This girl was really a headache.

Jiang Cheng also noticed the little girl speeding towards her. The girl had a pure face and was wearing a tight-fitting pink robe. Her long golden hair was combed behind her. Her cute appearance made people want to hug her. impulse.

This woman is a member of the Warcraft Tianluan clan, named Mu Qingluan.

The most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of Xingyun Pavilion, he has already half-stepped into Douzong at a young age. Yao Lao is a disciple of Lord Feng and the senior sister of Xingyun Pavilion.

Jiang Cheng stopped the war boat, smiled softly and said, "Girl, I wonder if everything is okay?"

Mu Qingluan stopped the Dou Qi Transformation Wing behind him, looked at the young man who showed no threat in front of him, cupped his hands and said, "I wonder who you are, and why did you enter the realm of our Xingyun Pavilion?"

Jiang Cheng said: "I wonder if Master Feng is in the Starfall Pavilion?"

Hearing that the other party wanted to see his teacher, Mu Qingluan was slightly startled, and then said: "Sir, the teacher is indeed in Xingyun Pavilion, but it is not something that ordinary people can see if they want to."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng just smiled lightly, turned around and continued towards the location of Xingyun Pavilion.

Mu Qingluan frowned slightly, and was about to stop the other party, but was stopped by the man who caught up later.

"Lin Mu, what do you mean?"

Mu Qingluan stared at Lin Mu with an ugly expression. The identity of the visitor was unknown and he could not be allowed to enter the realm of Xingyun Pavilion like this.

Otherwise, where would Xingyun Pavilion’s face be? !

Lin Mu's eyes were deep and he said: "This man is very powerful. I can feel the surging fighting spirit in him, and I can also detect a trace of sacred and inviolable majesty in his words and deeds."

Mu Qingluan's expression changed obviously after hearing these words. There are only a handful of people who can be praised by Senior Brother Lin Mu. Could it be that the other person is a strong Douzong warrior?
Thinking of this, Mu Qingluan took out the sound transmission jade slip given to him by his teacher and reported all the matter to his teacher.

With the teacher here, this person must not be impudent.

In Zhongzhou Continent, the status of Xingyun Pavilion is far beyond other people's imagination, and there are several powerful people in the realm of Dou Zun.

Just after Mu Qingluan's rumors ended, a terrifying fighting spirit energy came from the distant Xingyun Pavilion. The sky-blocking aura rushed towards his face, and the trees in the forest were shaken in all directions.

Jiang Cheng turned sideways, with a smile on his face, and stood in the air, calmly waiting.

Not long after, a figure quietly appeared here.

The old man was dressed in a green robe, with long hair draped over his shoulders. He seemed to have a sense of freedom and ease. His appearance was not ordinary. Even though he was older now, he could still be vaguely handsome. Thinking about it, When he was young, his appearance must have been good.And perhaps because he is practicing wind-attributed fighting spirit, his aura is also a little ethereal, giving people a strange and unpredictable feeling.There is always a warm smile on his face.

After Mu Qingluan and Lin Mu saw the deputy pavilion master appear, they quickly flew over and said hurriedly: "Teacher, this is an outsider. We are not sure of his identity, so we will inform you."

After hearing this, the old man nodded slightly and turned around immediately. But when he saw Jiang Cheng's appearance, his expression changed drastically, and he even doubted his own eyes.

"Brother Jiang?!"

Jiang Cheng cupped his hands and said, "Brother Feng, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you are still the same."

Feng Xian immediately laughed, "Hahaha, you brat, I thought you had forgotten me. After so many years, you have remembered me."

Having said this, Master Feng Xian ran over without hesitation and hugged Jiang Cheng directly.

This scene also made Mu Qingluan and Lin Mu freeze on the spot, looking at this person with some curiosity.

There may not be many people in the entire Dou Qi Continent who can make the teacher so excited.

Mu Qingluan asked cautiously: "Teacher, who is this senior?..."

"Qingluan, this is the Confucian sage of the Academy I have mentioned to you every time, Brother Jiang Cheng, haha, a few years ago Brother Jiang Cheng and I were close friends of life and death."

Hearing this, Mu Qingluan was shocked. He looked at the polite young master who walked out like a portrait in front of him, and seemed to understand the miss in the teacher's words.

Thinking of this, Mu Qingluan also quickly bowed and said: "Qingluan has met Mr. Confucian Sage. I have offended many of you just now. I hope you will forgive me."

Master Feng smiled, turned around and looked at Mu Qingluan and said, "You guys are in luck. Brother Jiang is not only powerful, but he is also a high-level alchemist. He must have reached the eighth level now." Bar."

Mu Qingluan raised her head and looked at Mr. Confucian Sage, her heart was filled with ups and downs. She did not expect that Mr. Confucian Sage was so young and completely different from what she had imagined.

I thought that the person who met the teacher had already reached the age of sixty, but Mr. Confucian Sage seemed to be only in his twenties. At such an age, he had already reached the realm of Dou Zun and was an eighth-level alchemist. Looking at the entire Dou Qi The mainland is an invincible existence.

Lin Mu also lowered his head deeply, with a hint of respect flashing in his eyes.

Mr. Confucian Sage's name is known to everyone in Zhongzhou Continent, but there are only a few people who have seen him, or even a few.

Now that I see it today, I feel deeply in awe.

Feng Xian smiled heartily and said: "Brother Jiang, how powerful you are now, why can't I see through your cultivation?"

Jiang Cheng didn't hide anything and replied: "Now he has reached the four-star Dou Sheng realm."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent.

Even Feng Xian, Lord Feng, was also stunned on the spot. He didn't believe his ears and asked again: "What did you just say...can you say something more?"

"Four-star Fighting Saint, ninth-grade alchemist."

This time, Feng Xian finally heard Jiang Cheng's words clearly and his eyes widened immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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