Chapter 168 Snake City
Hai Bodong gently held the pendant hanging on his chest. A butterfly flew gracefully from a distance and landed lightly on his shoulder.

Seeing this, Hai Bodong's eyes revealed a hint of sadness, and he murmured: "If I can get my wish, maybe I can have a complete family."

"Die...are you okay?"


On the way, Cai Lin also told what happened in Haibodong 20 years ago. If the four elders had not been stubborn and believed that only a Medusa Queen could lead their snake race to real power, this situation would have happened.

Her sister is also a pain point in her heart. If she could go back to that time, she would not hesitate to protect her sister so that she could live peacefully in Dou Qi Continent.

Jiang Cheng gently stroked Cai Lin's hair. Die had been dead for 20 years.Even if the powerful Dou Emperor comes to Dou Qi Continent next time, he may not be able to save the snake people who have been dead for so many years.

It is said that Die's body was wrapped in thousands of years of ice by Queen Medusa and is currently in the ice cellar of the snake people.

Maybe she never wanted to believe that her sister had left her. She only knew that Die was asleep, but she just didn't wake up.

As she talked deeply, Cai Lin's eyes became wet unconsciously, and a crystal-clear tear slipped down from her delicate cheek.

Jiang Cheng lovingly wiped the tears on both sides of Cai Lin's cheeks and comforted: "If there is a chance in the future, I will try to resurrect her..."

After hearing this, Queen Medusa turned her head sharply and said with surprise on her face: "Really? You can resurrect my sister?"

"I don't dare to have any confidence. You also know that Die has been dead for so many years. The reason why the body has not been destroyed is entirely because you wrapped it with ten thousand years of ice."

"But her soul has disappeared. However, the soul of the powerful Dou Huang can exist in Dou Qi Continent for about 30 years. If she had not dissipated on her own, there might still be a chance."

Hearing that there was still a chance for her sister to be resurrected, Cai Lin's expression was extremely excited, and her voice was urgent: "As long as you can save my sister, I...I am willing to give you everything I have!"

"Okay." Jiang Cheng straightened the black hair on Cai Lin's face, "No matter what the cost, I will work hard. Now with my current strength, it is not possible. I can only try again after I break through the Nine-Star Fighting Saint. tried."

Cai Lin nodded and did not lose her composure again. If Jiang Cheng could save his sister, she... could give Jiang Cheng... a hundred children...

Thinking of this, Cai Lin's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, and became like a burning cloud. Even the tips of her delicate ears turned red.

Jiang Cheng reached out and touched Cai Lin's forehead, "It's so hot. What's wrong with you? Do you have a fever?"

Jiuxing Douzong has a fever. Isn’t this a bit unreasonable...

Cai Lin quickly turned around, her hands shyly clasped behind her buttocks, her face flushed, and even her voice was a bit shy, "'s okay...let's go to the Snake Tribe quickly...the great elders and the others are waiting." Still waiting."

Jiang Cheng touched his nose and followed Cai Lin in striding towards the location of the Snake Tribe.

The location of the Snake People is only a few dozen miles away from Taolin Mountain, but with the strength of the two of them, they appeared in the city built by the Snake People in just a few moments, called Snake City!

The economic development here is also extremely exaggerated. In just over half a year, the development trend of Snake City has been no less than that of the kingdoms affiliated with the Gama Empire.

Some strong human beings also buy their favorite things here. In the past, they never thought that they could find the treasures deep in the Tagore Desert. Now that the strong snake people are here, they can get what they want at their fingertips.The economic development has also improved rapidly. In just over half a year, the snake people have become the most talented wealthy businessmen.

Whether it is the auction pavilion or the restaurant, they are all humanized. Extraordinary people can see humans building their own homes here, and some people have even lived with snake people and given birth to their own offspring.

Although children born between snake people and humans cannot live beyond the age of three, Jiang Cheng has discovered this drawback and refined some special elixirs to feed to the strong snake people.

From then on, the children born between the snake people and humans will grow up safely, and they are even said to be much more talented than their elders.

Looking at the bustling and noisy Snake City, Jiang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, turned around and looked at Queen Medusa beside him, and said with a smile: "I guess this must be your masterpiece."

Cai Lin folded his arms, raised his head and said, "Of course, this is the only way to allow humans and snake people to live together."

"There won't be any killings?"

"Although there are some, they will be defined based on the situation, reasons, or the contradiction between the two, forming a perfect rule, so snake people and humans will not fight here."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but admire Cai Lin's mind. A complete version of the Empire's rules would cover the entire Snake Tribe.

As long as someone enters Snake City, they must abide by the rules here. At the same time, there are snake people and human guards standing guard all around. If anyone dares to criticize the rules here, they will be reminded that anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!

The two of them had just stepped into Snake City. After seeing it, countless powerful men knelt on the ground and bowed respectfully, "Greetings to Her Majesty the Queen, Mr. Confucian Sage!"

The humans and snake people also cheered loudly, with respect in their eyes.

Jiang Cheng said: "No need to be polite, please get up."

"Thank you, Mr. Confucian Sage!"

With the permission of Mr. Confucian Sage, both guards and humans stood up and looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman with some admiration.

If I could get to know you two, I'm afraid my ancestral graves would have been smoking for the rest of my life.

Jiang Cheng and Cai Lin arrived at the City Lord's Mansion of Snake City. The eight leaders of the Snake People lived here. The Snake People were huge, no less than the building land of the Jiama Empire.

Coupled with the development of more than half a year, the snake people have expanded a lot of territory and built more rooms suitable for the snake people without disturbing the monsters here.

"Your Majesty the Queen!" The Great Elder of Yinshi quickly walked over on crutches after seeing the Queen and Jiang Cheng, and bowed respectfully, "Greetings to Her Majesty the Queen, Mr. Confucian Sage."

Queen Medusa nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, Great Elder of the Yin World, where are the four elders currently?"

The great elder of the Yinshi world replied in a low voice: "The four elders have gone to the Jiama Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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