Chapter 171 I Love You

Jiang Cheng just nodded and said nothing further. Now that the matter here has been resolved, there is no need to stay here anymore.

He turned around and looked at Cai Lin and said, "It's getting late, we should go back."

Cai Lin glanced sideways at the dazzling starry sky and nodded slightly. After wasting a day going back and forth, it was time to go back.

Jiaxing Tian originally wanted to invite Mr. Confucius to stay here for a meal, but he hesitated. Mr. Confucian Sheng must have his own affairs to deal with, so how could he disturb his good deeds.

The four elders of the Snake Tribe also stood up and followed Her Majesty the Queen out of the conference room.

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Cai Lin, who heard the noise, turned around and said, "Great Elder, you should be fine."

Snow nodded and said, "It's okay. Now that the Jiama Empire has signed a treaty, we can return to Snake City to recuperate."

Today, the strength of the four elders of the snake people has reached the half-step Douzong realm. Although it is difficult to break through to the Douzong, there is still a chance. If they can break through, the snake people can also break through in the Warcraft Mountains of the northwest continent. Stand your ground in a real sense.

At the same time, the snake people can officially become residents of this place.

Cai Lin also nodded happily. Seeing the prosperous scene of the snake people, she was worthy of her high hopes for the snake spirit.

She is very competent in her role as queen.

"Your Majesty, you and Mr. Confucian Sheng haven't done anything like that yet."

Medusa couldn't help but blush when she heard this and said, "Great Elder, what are you talking about?"

Snow smiled, "It's the old woman who's being rude, Her Majesty the Queen."

However, the Great Elder Snow could still feel the ambiguity between Mr. Jiang Cheng and the Queen. If the two people could be together, then the Snake Tribe would be able to establish a complete foothold in the Northwest Continent.

Thinking of this, the four elders of the Snake Tribe looked at each other, and then smiled. The first elder said:

"Mr. Confucian Sage, the patriarch of our clan, was a virgin before he could turn into a human body. Of course, Medusa has indeed turned into a human body now, but she must be baptized by the clan's altar before she can walk with others. Sexual intercourse.”

"So, we need to perform an altar baptism for the queen, and I hope sir won't blame her."

After hearing this, Medusa's face became even more blushing, like a burning cloud, and even the tips of her delicate ears turned red.

I didn't expect these elders to say such things, it was really shameful.

Jiang Cheng smiled softly and said, "Then it's my turn to help the four elders."

The Great Elder Snow was not angry when he saw Mr. Jiang Cheng. Instead, he accepted it happily. He also smiled heartily, walked forward cautiously, and put his mouth to his.

"There is one more thing that I need to tell Mr. Confucian Sage. Because the queen of the snake people has a special body, every time she has sex, she will return to her previous body, that is, her virgin body..."

As soon as he said these words, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but show a look of horror. He didn't expect that the Queen of the Snake Tribe had such a physique. No wonder Queen Medusa would become the woman that all men want.

Sure enough.

Cai Lin's pretty face turned red, as if she would bleed in the next second.

Apparently she also heard the reminder from the Great Elder Snow, and suddenly felt shy like never before, to the point where she almost dug out the three rooms and one living room with her toes. "Okay, Great Elder, don't say any more."

Cai Lin quickly stopped the elder from continuing to speak. If he continued like this, he might even reveal more of his secrets, even if he was sensitive.

Elder Snow laughed meaningfully, turned around and said, "Tomorrow morning, the Queen will return to the Snake Tribe. We will baptize you at the altar. By then, you can do such things."

Having said that, before the Queen could speak, the four elders of the Snake Tribe disappeared in place. Obviously, they also hoped that the Queen could be with their husband, and preferably give birth to an heir to inherit the future Medusa of the Snake Tribe. Queen.

Cai Lin pursed her seductive red lips and said hurriedly: "Just now...don't worry...that's because of my special body...if you don't like it...I can..."


Jiang Cheng gently held her in his arms, gently stroked Cai Lin's three thousand black hair, and said dotingly: "No matter what your physique is, I will always say that you are my woman. I, Jiang Cheng, am willing to use my I will do everything to protect you. Even if I die one day, I will not let anyone hurt you."

The moon is like a silver plate, and the faint moonlight pours down from the sky, covering the entire mountain range with a hazy silver gauze.

Seeing the little woman's aggrieved look, Jiang Cheng's arms around her slender waist tightened involuntarily.

One palm lifted up the smooth chin, looking into Cai Lin's wide-open watery eyes, looking at the charming red mouth with a hint of salivation, and his head slowly lowered.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. The two people closed their eyes tightly and felt the body temperature brought by each other's bodies.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Cai Lin left Jiang Cheng with some suffocation, and gently leaned against his chest. Her beautiful eyes moved slightly. After struggling for a while, she could only give up the useless resistance, and her voice was as small as a mosquito: " don't want."

Jiang Cheng stretched out a finger, lightly traced the blue hair on both sides of Cai Lin's cheeks, and said softly: "After your baptism is over, we will spend a good night together."

"Hmm~" Cai Lin blushed with embarrassment, but still agreed.

She had actually seen Yun'er's sister and Jiang Cheng together. Although she also wanted to be with Jiang Cheng, she could only watch from a distance because of her status.

"Let's go back."

Cai Lin nodded slightly, put one arm around Jiang Cheng's shoulder, and walked with him, admiring the scenery on the road and the faint glow of fireflies.

“So beautiful~”

Cai Lin stretched out her slender jade fingers with great ease, letting the fireflies fly on her fingers, with a trace of love shining in her beautiful eyes.

It has been more than 20 years since she became Queen Medusa. Perhaps this was the first time she felt such warmth. She also fell in love with Jiang Cheng even more in her heart, and her arms tightened unconsciously.

Jiang Cheng said, "What's wrong?"

Cai Lin's cherry lips parted lightly and said, "Husband... I just want to ask you a question."

"You said."

Cai Lin put away her charming gesture, turned her head to look at Jiang Cheng, and asked seriously: "Jiang Cheng, I want to ask you, are you interested in my appearance, or are you interested in me?"

Jiang Cheng stopped, turned sideways and looked at Cai Lin beside him, and said softly like water: "No matter what you become, I love you."

(End of this chapter)

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