Chapter 189 Black Emperor Sect Auction
Cai Lin turned around and walked towards the auction with disdain, as if she didn't care about the other party's VIP room at all. She was originally coming with her husband on this trip, and it didn't matter where she sat.

However, Zi Yan grabbed it without any courtesy, took Brother Jiang Cheng's hand, and followed him.

Looking at the three people leaving, Mo Ya's innocent face suddenly turned into a sinister and terrifying look, with surging murderous intent looming, and his eyes staring at everything that happened like a murderous sword.

"Cailin! Although I don't know what you look like, you have angered me. One day I will let you experience what it means to be dead. With such a graceful figure, you will definitely be ecstatic when you play with it!! "

Mo Ya felt cold in his heart. This was the first time he had been humiliated like this. Looking at the entire northwest continent, who the hell wouldn't give him the face of Mo Ya, the young master of the Black Emperor Sect? This woman was just his own possession. !

When you've had enough fun, you can kill it!

"Ya'er, what's wrong? Are you worried?"

At this moment, Mo Tianxing, the leader of the Black Emperor Sect, strode over, and the people around him quickly bowed their hands and paid homage after seeing it.

However, Mo Tianxing just passed by them without even looking at them, which proved how arrogant Mo Tianxing was.

But this is more normal, who calls the latter a strong Douzong person, and the strength of those people is uneven, there are even Dou Wangs and Dou Lings, this group of people are not qualified to let him greet him with a smile in the Dou Zong realm.

This group of people did not dare to complain. This was the magnanimity of a strong man. Anyone who dared to say anything was seeking death.

Mo Ya cupped his hands and said, "Father."

"Ya'er, your face looks ugly. Is there something on your mind?"

Mo Ya took his father to a relatively secluded place and told him everything that had just happened.

When he heard the facts stated by the latter, Mo Tianxing, the leader of the Black Emperor Sect, also punched the wall, frowned and said: "What an arrogant woman, isn't she the Nine Star Dou Sect? What's so great about it? Wait... After my father handles this matter, I must let her lie on the bed and call daddy!"

His father's words also caused a ghostly smile to appear on Mo Ya's lips. With his father's support, this woman would become theirs.

Look how hard her mouth is!

"Father, there will be many powerful people coming to the next auction."

After Mo Ya's words, Mo Tianxing nodded slightly. If it weren't for the fact that the powerful people in this trip were either rich or noble, he would be preparing to drug them now.

Mo Tianxing took out a bag of medicinal powder and handed it over, "Ya'er, if you pour this stuff into food, even a strong Dou Zun will have to sleep for three days and three nights if he eats it. Those people must not be able to withstand it. .”

Looking at the poison left by his father, Mo Ya also looked overjoyed. He could finally experience the taste of colorful scales.



In the Black Emperor Pavilion auction, countless powerful people are entrenched here, including several people in the Douzong realm. They are all waiting for the opportunity in the box and will not sit together with these guys.

At the same time, several strong men from the Black Emperor Sect looked at each other, strode to the door, and greeted Jiang Cheng and the others.

"You must be the senior Cai Lin specially assigned by the sect master Mo Tianxing, junior..."

"No need for introduction, no interest." Cai Lin replied unceremoniously, turned around and looked around, "Where are we sitting?"

The Douhuang warrior who was a little embarrassed earlier shrugged and said with a smile: "Senior, please come with me. We have prepared a box for the three of you." Under the leadership of the old man, the three of them came to a comparison place. Quiet room, the sound insulation effect here is excellent, all outside sounds are blocked.

Being able to isolate such a noisy auction naturally took a lot of effort.

Elder Douhuang of the Black Emperor Sect said with a smile: "Seniors, this is our Black Emperor Sect's unique tea. It has a mellow taste and an endless aftertaste. Please try it."

Cai Lin said calmly: "No, thank you, you can leave here."

The elder's expression changed slightly, and when he saw this, he couldn't say anything more, so he could only turn around and leave.

Looking at the tea filled on the table, Zi Yan was about to step forward to taste it, but Jiang Cheng stopped her and said calmly: "You smart guy."

Zi Yan asked weakly: "Brother Jiang Cheng, is this place poisonous?"

"It's not poison, it's just that it makes the whole body weak. Even the strongest Douzong people will be affected by it."

Jiang Cheng snorted disdainfully. The Black Emperor Sect is indeed a cunning and cunning sect. They have been able to compete with the Black Angle Territory for so many years. Their cunning is not something that ordinary people can compare to.

"After this auction is over, let's go find them to settle accounts."

Jiang Cheng held his chin with one hand. The most important thing for him this time was Bodhi's incarnation, and the rest was just trivial matters.

If that group of people still refuse to be spared, then there is no need to keep them here to continue to do evil.

The auction was about to begin, and the melodious bells rang throughout the venue, and the previously mixed sounds gradually stopped.

Everyone's attention shifted to the crystal stage. Countless strong men ran in and completely covered the auction stage. A closer look revealed that most of the strength of this group of people was in the realm of Dou Ling and Dou Wang.

It is enough to prove how powerful the Black Emperor Sect's position is in the Black Corner Territory.

An old man in golden robes walked out slowly with a smile on his face. As soon as this man appeared, a majestic aura slowly swept out of his body.

And under this terrifying momentum, the noisy voice in the huge auction room also became quiet.

"This amazing intimidating power...could he be Mo Tianxing, the leader of the Black Emperor Sect?!"

Mo Tianxing looked at the strong men in the field, cupped his hands and smiled sadly: "Hahaha. Everyone, I am Mo Tianxing, the master of the Black Emperor Sect. I am very happy to see so many strong men here."

"Hehehe, Brother Mo Tianxing is just joking. Why don't you come and not come?"

"Yeah, our relationship doesn't have to be so troublesome, hahaha."

As a long-established sect in the Black Corner Region, the Black Emperor Sect's strength cannot be underestimated. It has been standing for many years, and Mo Tianxing has made friends from all over the world. Many powerful people present here have a deep or shallow relationship with it. Have some friendships.

So after hearing Mo Tianxing's words, he burst into laughter.

"Dear brothers, you are joking. It is my honor, Mo Tianxing, for you to come to the Black Emperor Sect. I cherish the fact that all my friends can come here today."

Mo Tianxing put one hand behind his back and said, "Since everyone is here for this auction, I don't want to continue chatting."

(End of this chapter)

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