Chapter 194 Kick Mo Tianxing to death
Facing Jiang Cheng's threat, Mo Tianxing's expression was extremely ugly. There were only two ways to go before him.

Either exchange the body of Bodhi for the life of his son.

Either let Mo Ya die in Jiang Cheng's hands, and he could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

Once this matter spreads out, the Black Emperor Sect will no longer have any credibility in the Black Corner Region, and even strong people who were good friends with him in the past will become alienated here.

In the dilemma, Mo Tianxing could only bite his silver teeth and said: "You're cruel, I agree to use Bodhi's body saliva in exchange for my son's life, but you must promise not to tell this matter. Otherwise, our sect will make you pay a heavy price even if you die!"

Mo Ya's talent is extremely high, and it is not impossible to break through Douzun through careful training in the future. Therefore, when faced with Bodhi's incarnation and his son, he resolutely chose the latter.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Sect Master Mo Tianxing is really aware of current affairs. Originally, I didn't want to do this kind of thing, but your Black Emperor Sect went too far, so I can only make this suggestion. I hope Don’t be surprised.”

"Hmph!" Mo Tianxing snorted coldly. If he hadn't been caught with his life gate, he would never have given up his Bodhi body to this guy.

In desperation, Mo Tianxing could only announce the ownership of Bodhi's incarnation, "Everyone, after a series of previous selections, we, the Black Emperor Sect, have the final answer."

Hearing these words, the previously agitated auction suddenly fell silent. Those strong men who took out the treasures also had their hearts in their throats, imagining that Bodhi's incarnation would fall into their hands.

Under the attention of the whole audience, Mo Tianxing made a face and pointed angrily at Jiang Cheng's position with his right index finger.

The voice was extremely cold: "After discussions between me and the elders of the sect, the final winner of this auction is this gentleman."

As Mo Tianxing's voice fell, the whole place was in an uproar. The people in the VIP seats also stood up from their chairs. They didn't understand what good thing the other party had come up with. They were not even capable of seventh-grade elixirs and earth-level intermediate fighting skills. Compare.

What's going on in this?
But even so, those peak experts also showed a sinister smile, which was enough to prove their inner thoughts at this moment.

Even if he can't get it at the auction, it doesn't mean he has left the Black Imperial City. He can still protect the Bodhi incarnation and the mummy of the eighth-level monster!

Mo Tianxing personally put the body of Bodhi and the mummy of the monster into the ring. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he came to the box and blocked the curtain.

As the curtains closed, Mo Tianxing could no longer suppress the restlessness in his heart, and shot towards Jiang Cheng's position like a cannonball.

Cai Lin looked at Mo Tianxing who was going crazy, and her eyebrows were also raised. It was true that a dog couldn't change its habit of eating shit, so he actually took action here.

With the blood-red fighting spirit surging, Cai Lin's delicate body appeared in front of Jiang Cheng in an instant. She leisurely stretched out a finger and blocked Mo Tianxing's full blow with such an understatement!

Mo Tianxing's expression suddenly changed, and his body hit the box uncontrollably. The loud noise made the auction house begin to shake violently, as if it had experienced an earthquake, which was unbelievable.

While feeling the shock, all the powerful people in the auction cast curious glances.

I don’t know what happened here, but it was able to shake the entire auction.

Mo Tianxing spurted out blood and lay on the ground twitching: "How is this possible... You have actually reached the half-step Dou Zun realm..."

"Is it weird?" Cai Lin played with her slender fingers, her voice extremely cold, "If you are looking for death, I don't mind letting you father and son reunite."


The moment Mo Tianxing heard these words, he suddenly felt a bad premonition and turned around suddenly, only to find that his son was bleeding from all his orifices. It looked like he had died suddenly! "Ya'er!!!"

Mo Tianxing threw himself on Mo Ya, who was already motionless, and let out a shrill scream, "Why, didn't you promise me to let him go, why did you kill him again!!"

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "It's not that we want to kill him, but you. He also ate pastry before, so you should be very aware of how powerful the poison is."

"What, Ya'er ate my Jiuyou Bone-Breaking Powder!" Mo Tianxing could no longer suppress the pain in his heart and cried immediately. Jiuyou Bone-Breaking Powder would only make him comatose to Douzong, but Douhuang If you eat it, you will die suddenly!

This is why Mo Tianxing doesn't let Mo Ya take it. Once he takes Jiuyou Bone Breaking Powder, he will definitely die!
"You, you beasts!" Mo Tianxing's eyes were extremely red, and he gritted his teeth angrily. He rushed forward and said, "Pay for my son's life!"

Cai Lin snorted in disgust, and immediately kicked out. The surging force directly hit Mo Tianxing's body like a stormy wave. The latter flew directly out of the glass, and the impact splashed a cloud of dust on the ground. Come.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the venue was stunned in place, and even said they didn't believe their eyes.

what just happened?
The leader of the Black Emperor Sect, Mo Tianxing, was thrown out...


Seeing this, countless strong men subconsciously wiped the sweat from their foreheads and came over with some embarrassment. Seeing Sect Master Mo Tianxing lying motionless on the ground, the strong men who were friends with him also came over.

Old Man Yingshan knelt down and looked at the motionless Mo Tianxing. He couldn't help but frown, because Mo Tianxing had already fallen.

They died inexplicably, and they even said they didn't know what happened.

"who is it!"

Cai Lin suddenly stood in front of everyone, staring at the powerful men who came over with cold eyes, "I killed them."

Looking at the person in front of him, the old man Yingshan frowned and said, "Who are you and why did you attack Mo Tianxing?"

"You are not qualified to ask my name, so go away..."

"court death!"

The old man Yingshan looked at Queen Medusa in front of him, and immediately showed a ferocious look. He immediately rushed up and slapped her hard.

Cai Lin waved her right hand with a look of disdain, and the latter's whole body hit the ground like a cannonball.

Old Man Yingshan's strength is in the Four-Star Douzong realm, while Cai Lin's strength is in the Half-step Douzong realm. If you want to fight against him, it's just an egg against a stone.

"The water in the ditch dares to compete with the ice ocean, and I don't know whether to live or die."

Cailin looked at the old man Yingshan lying on the ground, with one hand on his waist, turned around and looked at Jiang Cheng sitting on the chair, and said softly: "Let's go."

Jiang Cheng slowly put down the teacup in his hand, stood up slowly, nodded slightly and said, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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