Chapter 200 Wang Yi Lingxuan
The Wang family burst into tears. Looking around, many powerful people came here to worship. Jiang Cheng also walked over curiously, but the names posted on the wall made him frown.

There were several big characters written on it, Wang Yi Lingxuan.

Seeing the four words "Wang Yi Lingxuan", Jiang Cheng's expression turned grim, and the scene from that year appeared in his mind.

Many years ago, he had several encounters with disciples of the Wang family, and the most impressive one was Wang Yi Lingxuan. At that time, he had already reached the realm of Dou Wang at a young age. His methods could shake the world and his strength was tyrannical.

At the same time, he also wanted to become Jiang Cheng’s disciple.

Speaking of which, Jiang Cheng also thought about accepting him as his disciple at that time, but later gave up for some reason.

Unexpectedly, he died...

Jiang Cheng looked at the name in front of him and subconsciously clenched his fist, then strode into Wang's house. Since he was a friend from back then, it was only natural for him to come to pay homage.

Many powerful people have already gathered in the spacious courtyard, and the extraordinary appearance of Dou Wang and Dou Huang among them is enough to prove how great Wang Yilingxuan's reputation is.

One of the men, wearing a white robe and linen, strode over, bowed his hands and said, "Are you also here to attend my son's funeral?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at the man and walked to the ancestral hall without paying any attention. He looked at the plaque placed on the table with a complicated look in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that he would fall. If I had known this, I should have accepted you as my disciple back then."

Jiang Cheng looked at the words Wang Yi Lingxuan and had mixed feelings in his heart. He turned sideways and said calmly: "How did he die?"

The middle-aged man said respectfully: "My son was attacked by a seventh-level monster. His eyes were dug out, his limbs were cut off, and even his internal organs were eaten... I arrived in time but..."

After hearing these words, Jiang Cheng clenched his fists, and a shocking aura continued to spread around like a turbulent wave. He raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Seventh-level magic beast... What was Wang Yi Lingxuan's strength during his lifetime?"

"Peak of Dou Huang."

The middle-aged man felt the aura coming from this person and swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect this person to be so terrifying. He felt like a strong fighting saint.

Jiang Cheng's heart trembled when he heard these words. He didn't expect that in just a few years, this little guy would become so strong, but he would die...

Jiang Cheng breathed a long sigh of relief and frowned: "I wonder where his body is?"

The middle-aged man lowered his head slightly and said: "My son's body has been sealed in the coffin... Senior, it's better not to disturb it. The deceased is the most important."

Jiang Cheng did not continue to say anything. He took out a special jade pendant and placed it on the table. He murmured to himself: "Wang Yi Lingxuan, from now on you will be my disciple of Jiang Cheng. We, the master and the disciple, missed each other back then." , let us renew our relationship today."

Wang Yitianqiong, the head of the Wang family, looked at the strange man in front of him. He didn't know who this man was. Respectable people from the entire Western Continent had already come, but he had never seen this man before.

Wang Yi Tianqiong was about to speak, but he saw Jiang Cheng sitting directly in a place, taking off the wine gourd from his waist, and started drinking heavily.

In desperation, he could only continue to take care of others.

"Haha, a lot of people who couldn't be invited by the Wang family came today."

"My son's face is bigger than my father's. Hahaha, fortunately, he is dead."

Some people were happy and some were worried, and some strong men who were not friendly with the Wang family couldn't help but laugh. Wang Yilingxuan's strength was too terrifying, and he had already reached the peak of Dou Huang at a young age.

Breaking through Douzong in the future is just around the corner, and it is even said that he will become a strong Douzong. Such people must die, otherwise they will cause chaos in the entire western continent.Lei Taoist Ling Yun also walked in at this time. After paying homage, he saw Jiang Cheng and couldn't help but cast a curious look. Didn't he say he couldn't come?

"Brother, you are not..."

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "I happened to see..."

"Alas." Taoist Lei Ling Yun sighed and said, "Brother Ling Xuan was obviously so strong, but for some reason he died in the hands of a seventh-level monster."

Jiang Cheng asked: "What is that monster? Where is it now?"

Lei Taoist Ling Yun replied: "It is said that Wang Yitianqiong has killed him. We don't know whether he can be killed specifically because we haven't seen the corpse of the monster at all."

After hearing these words, Jiang Cheng unconsciously turned his attention to Taoist Lei Ling Yun. Wang Yi Lingxuan's strength should not be underestimated. He had coached him several times in the past, and it was not difficult to challenge him beyond the next level.

Even if you happen to encounter a seventh-level monster at the Douzong level, you can still escape intact.

Wang Yi Tianqiong's strength is no more than a two-star Douzong. How could he leapfrog and challenge a higher-level Douzong monster? This is a bit unreasonable.

Lei Taoist Ling Yun murmured: "We have also discussed this matter, but there is no news. Why Wang Yi Lingxuan fell and why he died is unclear, and Wang Yi Tianqiong did not give a reasonable explanation."

Jiang Cheng slowly put down the wine glass in his hand. Ling Xuan should have a high-level earth-level weapon that he left in his hand, but why was there no mention of what happened?

Could it be that he did it?

Wang Yi Tianqiong burst into tears, as if his son's death had hit him hard.

Jiang Cheng appeared directly in front of him. Regardless of whether his guess was correct or not, he would know by checking his memory.

The strong men who came here to worship also ran over, carefully observing the man in front of them, wondering why he wanted to take action against the head of the Wang family.

"The cause of Ling Xuan's death is strange, so if you don't mind, let me check the memory."

Wang Yi Tianqiong's pupils suddenly narrowed, "Who are you?!"

"You don't need to know, you just need to know that I am Ling Xuan's teacher."

At this moment, chaotic memories poured into the system like a tide, and everything that Wang Yi Tianqiong had experienced in the past few decades continued to emerge like a movie.

In the face of absolute strength, hiding is useless. After simple detection, you already know why Ling Xuan died.

beep, beep...

Wang Yi Tianqiong took a few steps back, his eyes full of panic. Just now he felt as if his soul was being controlled and he was unable to resist at all.

"You...what have you done to me!"

Jiang Cheng slapped him, and a clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded. Wang Yi Tianqiong flew out like a cannonball. He was still in the air, and blood burst out like a fountain.

"You beast, you actually did such a heartless thing to your own son. You are really an out-and-out bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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