Chapter 203 Ice and Snow Beauty, Xue Yanger
Jiang Cheng looked at the afterglow of the setting sun and stood up, "I didn't expect that I fell asleep. It's time to go."

Taking out the map, Jiang Cheng looked at it. After confirming his position, he walked towards the distance. In the valley a hundred miles away from him was the endless abyss of the Western Continent, which was born in the extremely dark land. Among them, there is a dark wind all year round, and it is also a place where most people dare not set foot.

Stretching for hundreds of miles on the western continent, there are many poisonous miasma here, and there are even some weird monsters and special poisonous weeds. Strong men below the Dou Emperor will die if they touch them.

Even the Dou Huang will be disturbed, even lose himself, and eventually fall.

The level of danger is even no less than that of Death Canyon in the eastern continent.

Even if the powerful Dou Zun goes there, he must avoid it. Obviously, there should be the Jiuyou Fengyan he wants inside.

The main reason why no one sets foot here is that there are always some high-level monsters here. These monsters live here all year round, and any human who steps here will be killed.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and soon appeared at the entrance of the valley. Before he could enter it, he felt a strange wind sound coming from it.

When this kind of wind sound reaches people's ears, they will feel a strange irritability. This kind of strange sound can cause people to have emotional fluctuations.

You don’t need to think about it to know that this must be caused by Jiuyou Fengyan. Under this special wind, the monsters living inside will become extremely violent. Not only will they kill all outsiders, some monsters have even mutated and become A ferocious beast.

Kill each other, devour the flesh and blood of your own tribe, and become a higher level of power.

Jiang Cheng landed on the ground and slowly opened the folding fan in his hand. Just as he was about to approach, he heard the sound of weapons clashing inside.

"I didn't expect someone to enter here. It's interesting."

Driven by curiosity, Jiang Cheng strode towards the valley. After passing through a dense vine barrier, he saw countless bones and skeletons.

Whether they were monsters or humans, bones were everywhere.

It is enough to show how dangerous this place is. As long as 90.00% of the people who enter here will perish.

The previous battle was still going on. After walking about a hundred meters, you could see the blood flowing on the ground. When you looked closely, you saw a dozen corpses dressed in blue lying in front of you.

They died in strange shapes. It can be seen from their expressions that they must have experienced a sneak attack by some powerful force during their lifetime, otherwise they would not have become like this.

"Get away, you beasts!"

A shout came from a distance, and when he looked around, he saw a woman in blue clothes. The woman was already exhausted, and she was fighting several sixth-level monsters with an ice sword in her hand.

The woman's appearance is handsome, highlighting her graceful curves. When comparing her figure, she seems to be no less inferior to Yun Yun.

The jade hands are like catkins, the skin is like creamy fat, the brows are crescent, and the delicate smile reveals a faint delicacy and indifference of thousands of miles.

A pair of green jade pendants hung between her delicate earlobes. As the jade pendants swayed, they made a slight tinkling sound, like the moving music played by mountain springs and rocks. Wherever they passed, the surrounding valleys and desert walls also collapsed.

But flying is prohibited here, and the latter can only run while avoiding the attacks of monsters.

The woman's whole body was slapped on the chest by the monster's palm, and her whole body hit the wall like a cannonball, splashing a cloud of dust.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and a touch of paleness appeared on the woman's pretty face.

"Jie Jie Jie, Dou Huang's body must be delicious."

"I want to eat her thighs!" "Leave her breasts for me, I just like to eat that thing, hahaha!"

Several monsters seemed to have seen the scene of this woman's death, and immediately made harsh sounds, saliva continuously flowed from the corners of their mouths, and they couldn't wait to eat this woman.

Demonic beasts will increase their strength by devouring high-level humans. Now that they have encountered her, they will naturally not let this woman leave so easily.

"I didn't expect that I would fall so hard today..."

The woman stood up with difficulty, and the blood in her mouth kept pouring out like a fountain. Her whole body was shaky, as if she would fall to the ground in the next second.

As a few cold breaths hit her face, the woman closed her eyes silently, waiting for her death to come.

"Girl, don't give up your life."

The woman suddenly opened her eyes, her jewel-like pupils stared at the white-robed man in front of her, and said quickly: "Sir, be careful, the strength of these three monsters are all at the Douhuang realm."

"Hehehe, the water in the ditch actually competes with the ice ocean."

Jiang Cheng slowly raised his right hand, and then waved it out lightly. The bodies of the three monsters suddenly came to a standstill, and the cold sword energy suddenly swept in and surrounded their bodies.

The tearing pain caused them to let out a shrill roar, and then they split into several pieces and scattered all over the ground.

The woman in blue looked at the man in front of her in shock. She didn't expect that he was so strong. He killed the man with just one move. Such a terrifying strong man was shocking.

Jiang Cheng turned around and said lightly: "Girl, are you okay?"

The woman in blue shook her head and said: "It's okay, it's not serious. My little girl, Xue Yang'er, thank you sir for saving my life."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, turned sideways and looked at the woman beside him and said, "Are you the direct disciple of the leader of the Moon God Sect, Xue Yang?"

"Do you know me?" Xue Yang'er took out a pill and threw it into her mouth, then breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Just heard about it."

Jiang Cheng looked around and picked up the sixth-level magic core that fell on the ground. Naturally, he would not miss such a good thing. It would also be of great use in refining elixirs in the future.

"Girl, you'd better get out of here now."

Xue Yang nodded slightly and said: "I originally led the sect disciples to come here to practice, but I didn't expect to encounter a sixth-level monster in the outside world... but most of the disciples brought by this trip... lost..."

"So, there are still disciples of your Moon God Sect here?"

"Yes, we were scattered after encountering the monster. I don't know exactly how many people are left... If sir can encounter it and wants to save it, I, the Moon God Sect, will definitely be grateful."

Jiang Cheng half-squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Yang'er, who was known as the beauty of ice and snow in front of him. He immediately turned around and responded, "If we are lucky enough to meet her, I will help."

"Get out of here quickly, see you later."

After that, Jiang Cheng walked towards the distance without looking back. In just a moment, the whole person disappeared from the place, leaving only the strong wind that had not dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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