Chapter 207 Killing With One Sword
"Could this astonishing deterrent be... the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame, which ranks fourth on the list of strange fires..."

The previous dragon monster couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and looked quite strange. This guy actually absorbed the Golden Emperor's Burning Heaven Flame.

how can that be!

A dazzling light also reflected from the opening, shining directly around Jiang Cheng's body.

The strong power of heaven and earth also made all Warcraft feel an unprecedented sense of oppression. Yihuo was born with a fear of Warcraft, and now that he encountered the more advanced Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame, he showed a shocking appearance.

This kind of strong person is no longer something they can fight against. Only the strong fighting saint can fight against him!
"I heard that you are a real dragon, so today I will show you the power of the "Green Lotus Sword Gang", borrowing the power of heaven and earth!"

Just as Jiang Qing's crisp voice fell, the Qinglian Jade Sword in his hand suddenly started to absorb the power of the surrounding heaven and earth.

As he waved it indifferently, a touch of ordinary fighting spirit whizzed past like a sword blade, and the strong power of heaven and earth also completely shocked the surrounding space.

A bang!

Countless pale white fragments shattered in the sky!
The sky and the earth shook, and the dark clouds were split into two halves almost instantly under the sword energy. People hundreds of miles away could clearly feel the sharp sword energy. The feeling was so dazzling that people fell into temporary blindness. .

The dragon monster immediately exploded with all its strength and threw out all the monsters in front of him. He himself also took this opportunity to dig holes like a mouse, trying to use stones to resist the opponent's attack.

"The sky... was split open..."

The Dragon Scale Wind Bone Beast stood there stupidly, staring at the dark clouds being split into two with a horrified expression. Is this the true strength of the Confucian Sage of the Academy?

Slash the sky with one sword!

The wind was blowing and the rain was howling.

Jiang Cheng stood proudly on the top of the mountain, his hair flying in all directions, and the same was true for his white robe. The folding fan gradually opened, and the poisonous miasma around him was completely shattered.

A huge trench was cut across the entire earth, and endless power continued to swarm in, leaving no grass growing wherever it passed.

Jiang Cheng became interested, "It's interesting. Just now we were brothers with these monsters, and now we are using our own brothers to block this fatal blow. It's interesting, it's interesting."

The bull python Qiongtian climbed out of the ruins with difficulty, his body covered in golden armor. This was the dragon scale golden armor that it condensed by absorbing the power of blood!
If there is no such thing, plus a dozen seventh-level monsters and two eighth-level monsters as cover, the blow in front of you will cut off your head!

Niu Python Qiongtian roared loudly: "What are you waiting for? Don't take action quickly, otherwise we will definitely die today!"


"The firefly's light dares to compete with the bright moon, you overestimate your capabilities."

Jiang Cheng waved his right hand, and all the monsters that had rushed up before were destroyed. Anyone who was disobedient would explode and die.

"Since you want the true dragon's bones, then go to hell to get them,"

"No, stop him quickly..." The bull python Qiongtian realized something was wrong and immediately roared loudly.

As Jiang Cheng swung his sword again, the thousand-meter-long dragon skeleton turned into a ball of ashes and disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared in this world.

"What, the true dragon's actually destroyed the true dragon's bones!"

The bull python Qiongtian immediately roared, "You filthy human being, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" All the monsters stayed in place almost at the same time, at a loss, and even unwilling to believe this. Everything is true.

"Let you see the true form of a true dragon, its majesty, and its roar!"

The bull python Qiongtian made a harsh sound, and a long golden dragon rose into the air. The burst of power within a hundred miles radius also attracted the attention of countless strong men.

Even the Half-Step Fighting Saint of the Western Continent who was in seclusion rushed out of the sky, looked at the location of Death Canyon, and said in astonishment: "This amazing deterrent force, could it be..."

"Impossible, how could those beasts get it? Damn it, I will kill you all, otherwise the human world will be in catastrophe."

This high-level semi-saint transformed into a golden light and shadow, and shot straight towards the canyon in the distance.

Not only him, but the strong men in the Western Continent also felt it. The people closest to him also speeded up without hesitation, wanting to see what kind of power this was!
"I don't know whether to live or die, okay, now that I've had enough fun, there's no need to continue." Jiang Cheng waved his right hand, and the wine bottle rose in response. He raised his head and took a few sips, "It's great, I haven't met my opponent for a long time, you're a little kid A small high-level half-saint can actually burst out with such terrifying power."

"It seems that this true dragon bloodline really comes from the ancient dragon clan, but all this will come to an end."

Jiang Cheng's eyes froze, and the power erupted from the Green Lotus Jade Sword in his hand became even more surging. If the Five-Star Fighting Saint couldn't kill this guy with one blow, there was no need for him to call him a strong Fighting Saint anymore.

As the light and shadow flickered, the two collided together almost at the same time, and in an instant, the air became distorted.

Swish swish!
No light of the sword was seen, only the shadow of the sword remained.

The two of them faced each other, enjoying the breeze.

Time has stopped again. This visual feast is just like in a martial arts novel, where the master moves with just a thought.

Jiang Cheng silently took back his rusty green lotus jade sword, and said with a hint of emotion in his voice: "A lonely shadow on the cold river, old friends in the rivers and lakes, how can we meet before?"



The huge body fell to the ground. When he looked closely, he saw that the huge head had fallen to the ground and rolled directly to Jiang Cheng's feet. Hot blood gushed out like a fountain, and he died suddenly.

After struggling for a while, there was no more movement.

The remaining monsters were also trembling in fear and exclaimed: "Devil, he is a demon, run, run..."


All the monsters could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts and hurried away without looking back, for fear that they would run too slow and fall.

"You treacherous beasts, you actually want to absorb the true dragon relics, go to hell!"

At this moment, the only semi-saint realm strongman in the Western Continent appeared here. Seeing that the mastermind was dead, he unceremoniously slaughtered the remaining monsters crazily.

Jiang Cheng took the lead in pulling out the Nine Nether Wind Flames from the body of the cow python Qiongtian and put it into a special ring, so that he didn't have to worry about anyone coming to snatch it.

What's left is to collect the Warcraft cores here. Although some were destroyed in the battle, fortunately some are still intact.

(End of this chapter)

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