People are fighting and breaking: Awakening Confucian Saint System at the beginning

Chapter 211 During the Autumnal Equinox, flowers are easy to wither and all things wither. The Holy

Chapter 211 During the autumnal equinox, flowers are easy to wither, and all things wither and the holy spirit disperses.

Fairy Xue Ling, the leader of the Moon God Sect, curiously picked up a bowl and took a sip, but the burning sensation in her mouth made her spit it out.

There was a slight blush on her pretty face, she stuck out her cute little tongue and said hurriedly: "Such spicy wine... Why do you like drinking it so much?"

As the leader of the Moon God Sect, she has lived for decades, but Fairy Xueling has always been number one in cultivation.

In this life, I have never been involved in mundane things. I have devoted myself to cultivation and only pursued the right path. Naturally, I cannot accept the taste of green bamboo wine now.

Jiang Cheng took off the wine gourd from his waist, put it on the table and said, "Miss Xueling, this is the peach blossom wine I brewed myself. It's very suitable for people like you who have never been exposed to wine."

Fairy Xueling pursed her green lips, looked at the wine gourd on the table and fell into deep thought.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of ropes for ten years. When you think back to the fierce feeling in your mouth just now, you will also show a look of rejection.

But driven by curiosity, Fairy Xueling silently stretched out her white jade hand and opened the lid of the wine gourd.As the lid was opened, a strong fragrance of peach blossoms hit your face, just like being in a deep peach forest, which made people unable to extricate themselves.

Fairy Xueling's eyes lit up, she raised her head slightly and took a sip of the wine in the pot. While tasting the taste, the latter also felt unprecedented satisfaction.

Is this the beauty of peach blossom wine?

Compared with before, the difference is huge.

Drunk Fairy Du Chang'e staggered, looked at Fairy Xue Ling in front of her with a flushed face, and said in a crisp voice: "Xue Ling, did you just lip-sync?"


After reacting, the Snow Spirit Fairy realized that she had drank the peach blossom wine... Recalling that this was Jiang Cheng's drink, didn't the two of them kiss indirectly?

With a shy expression on her face, the Snow Spirit Fairy bit her lower lip lightly. After a mental struggle, she was reluctant to hand over the wine gourd again, saying that she would not drink again to cause trouble.

Jiang Cheng smiled brightly and said, "Young lady, I still have something to say."

"please say."

"Gu Yun said that during the autumnal equinox, flowers are easy to wilt, and all things wither and the holy spirit disperses. However, you are practicing ice-attribute skills. It is better to make ice clothes. Not only can you preserve the beauty of flowers and ice, but you can also witness a beautiful future."

Jiang Cheng slowly put down the wine jar in his hand, and then waved one hand with one hand. The peach blossom leaves that fell on the table were wrapped in a special icy air, perfectly preserving the beauty of the petals.

"Give it to you." Jiang Cheng gave the petals in his hand to the Snow Spirit Fairy in front of him, and said lightly: "Girl, you will have a very high stage in the future. Going out more often will have a great impact on your state of mind. s help."

Jiang Cheng slowly stood up and looked at the drunken fairy Du Chang'e who had fallen asleep. He immediately took out a set of clean clothes from the Najie and covered the latter's shoulders.

He turned around and said: "Girl, if we are destined to meet again in the future, tell me to Miss Du Chang'e that today is a very happy time for me. I have two volumes of high-level fighting skills here, and I have fought with you. See you later.”

Fairy Snow Spirit looked at the ice coat in her palm, her jewel-like pupils flashing with strange light. When she was about to speak, she found that Jiang Cheng had disappeared.

Looking at the latter's leaving figure, Fairy Xue Ling smiled bitterly and said: "Forget it, I may be narrow-minded by insisting on what happened back then. If I could be as heartless as Du Chang'e, maybe I wouldn't She has become an ice fairy that everyone wants to stay away from.”

Fairy Xueling picked up a roll of ice attribute fighting skills on the table, looked at it and laughed, "This guy is really considerate. Maybe I should go out for a walk. The world is so big, and I can practice it with you." The place. Thank you, Confucian Sage of the Academy, Mr. Jiang Cheng."

Raising her head and looking up at the vast sky, Fairy Snow Spirit sighed quietly, and the tenderness on her cheeks quickly disappeared.Instead, there was the cold pride and majesty that controlled the largest force in the western continent. His body swayed slightly and then slowly disappeared like a ghost.

Only the drunken immortal Du Chang'e was left sleeping soundly, and you could even see her drool dripping on the table.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jiang Cheng, drink...keep drinking..."


On the war ship heading to the eastern continent.

Jiang Cheng lay sideways on the bow of the boat, enjoying the comfort brought by the breeze. This trip was quite rewarding. He had already obtained the Nine Nether Wind Flame. He just needed to find an opportunity to absorb it in the future.

He doesn't know what the current situation is in the Eastern Continent. He just heard that a treasure was born there. Even he doesn't know what it is specifically.
Take one step at a time.

I just took this opportunity to meet Fairy Qingyun. I don’t know how she is doing after not seeing her for several years.

Unconsciously, half a month passed quickly. Jiang Cheng's war boat was obtained as a reward from the system. It can travel thousands of miles in a day and can reach the eastern continent in just half a month.

Today's Eastern Continent is still the same as before, full of smoke of battle.

The eastern continent is divided into three empires.

Stone Kingdom, Qingyun Empire, Twilight Empire.

The former two are affiliated with the Stone Clan and the Ancient Clan among the eight ancient families, while the latter remains neutral and has never been restricted by others.

Just like this, disputes in the eastern continent continue one after another. Fights for resources occur every day, and there are countless deaths and injuries among the strong.

Jiang Cheng came to the location of Qingyun Sect based on his own memory.

Qingyun Sect is located a hundred miles east of the Qingyun Empire, less than ten miles away from the Warcraft Mountains. The main reason why it was established here is to provide opportunities for disciples to gain experience.

There seems to be a faint sound of sword clanging, coming down clearly from the end of the stone steps, echoing quietly in the mountains and forests, like the chanting of bells, which is intoxicating.

Visiting this place again, Jiang Cheng also had mixed feelings in his heart.

When he came here, he was just Dou Zun. When he returned, he was already a changed man.

At the end of the long stone steps, there were clouds and mist. Behind the clouds, a vast sect with a height of [-] meters appeared in front of you. Several large and colorful characters were engraved on the huge stone above the sect.

'Qingyun Sect'

Jiang Cheng had just taken half a step into this place when he was blocked by two Qingyun Sect disciples. The Qingyun Sect disciples were uniformly wearing blue robes and looked around the square. On the cuffs of their sleeves, cloud-colored swords were floating in the wind.

Like a living creature, there is a faint hint of sword intent.

The leading female disciple looked at the young man in white in front of her and said calmly:
"Who is coming? This place is the boundary of our Qingyun Sect. Please leave quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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