Chapter 220: Leveling Qingyun Mountain with One Sword
"Grandpa, what do you want to do?" Fairy Qingyun asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Qingrou, please step back first, old man, let me try this little guy. I would like to see how terrifying someone who is worthy of my granddaughter is."

Fairy Qingyun stood directly in front of Jiang Cheng, spread out her arms, and frowned: "Grandpa, please stop joking. You are already at the eight-star Dou Sheng realm, and Jiang Cheng is only five-star, how can he be your opponent?"

"Hehehe, girl, you really don't understand this little guy."

Liu Batian can naturally see that Jiang Cheng's strength is much more than that. Just by killing the phosphorus armored dragon turtle with one sword, he can see that his strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

If such geniuses don't give it a try, the old man will feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and said: "Since the senior wants to compete with the junior, how can the junior refute your face?"

"Girl, please step back."

Fairy Qingyun turned her face to the side, looked at Jiang Cheng behind her, and shook her head helplessly, hoping that her grandfather would be gentler.

Jiang Cheng opened the folding fan slightly, and an even colder wave of air suddenly swept in, ruffling Liu Batian's long silver-white hair at the front and back.

Liu Batian smiled heartily and said: "You are worthy of being a Confucian sage in the academy, and your reputation is indeed well-deserved, but no matter how powerful your momentum is, if you don't have the strength, everything will be in vain."

"Senior please!"


The two people looked at each other, and then they collided in the sky like afterimages. Every collision would shake the world.

The shattered void is vividly visible, and the special energy generated shatters all the clouds within a hundred miles radius.

Liu Batian kept dancing with his hands, and the spear in his hand rushed towards Jiang Cheng's chest like a dragon emerging from the sea.

Jiang Cheng did not underestimate his opponent this time. He merged his folding fans, used them as swords, and used the fighting energy of heaven and earth to unleash a shocking move!
Dark clouds are gathering and the rain is howling!
Several bronze sky thunders cut through the silent sky like dragons and snakes, making bursts of explosive sounds.

Fairy Qingyun frowned slightly, looking at the scene where her grandfather and Jiang Cheng were fighting together, she couldn't help but marvel at the strength of the two people.

If it were an ordinary five-star fighting saint, if it were to compete with an eight-star fighting saint, it would definitely be defeated within ten rounds.

And now Jiang Cheng has been in the hands of his grandfather for more than a hundred rounds without ever losing, which is enough to show how terrifying Jiang Cheng's strength is.

Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, there are probably not many strong men like this.

clang clang clang.

Sparks generated by the collision of the folding fan with the spear kept appearing in the sky.

Liu Batian couldn't help but start to get serious, and had to admit that this little guy's power was so terrifying.

The seemingly weak scholar was actually able to possess a power no less than his own, and it seemed that he could only be defeated completely by using fighting skills.

"Low-level fighting skills at the heaven level, spear piercing the air!"

Jiang Cheng looked at the huge spear gathered behind Liu Batian and smiled slightly. In this case, he had to use some strength.

He took off the wine gourd from his waist, raised his head and drank a few big sips.

Wiping the water stains at the corner of his mouth, Jiang Cheng smiled heartily and said: "It's so happy, if the senior is like this, how can the junior hold back."

"The Yunyun Sword rises, and Yunjian is stunned..." The color of the sky and the earth changes, and the bronze sky thunder flies through the clouds like a dragon and snake, leaning down like a god or a ghost, turning into plasma and blending into the depths of the dense forest. Wherever it passes, there are fire lights. splash.

Not long after, a forest fire broke out, and the raging flames ignited the haze deep in the forest.

All living beings suffer under the power of God, and when thunder sounds, there is separation between life and death.

The wild beasts in the mountains fled in all directions. Whether they were tigers, bears, raptors, or snakes, insects, rats, and ants, they fled down the mountain under this amazing deterrent force. At this time, they had given up their grudges, and there was only one thing in their hearts, and that was The further you run, the better.

The man chopping wood in the forest was also frightened by the sudden scene and his legs became weak and he fell directly to the ground. However, the group of wild beasts seemed not to see him and ran away as if they were desperate.

Thunderclouds rolled, and plasma pierced the sky and fell straight down.

No grass grows wherever it goes.

On the contrary, Jiang Cheng had an indifferent look on his face, and from time to time he picked up the gourd of wine at his waist and took a few swigs.

Looking at the vision falling from the sky, Fairy Qingyun murmured: "Thunder disasters are everywhere, all beasts are afraid, and the thin spiritual energy in the world is gradually recovering. How much strength does this guy hide?"

"The setting sun makes all beasts fearful. If you enter this formation, you will be baptized by thunder and disaster from the sky. Anyone who fails will be transformed into a pure land to nourish the world."

Jiang Cheng muttered softly, and with a flick of his finger, the folding fan turned into light and flew away. The original folding fan also turned into thousands of stars, falling towards the ground like a meteorite.

"Happily, in this case, I won't hold back anymore."

Not to be outdone, Jiang Cheng controlled the meteorite formed by the folding fan and smashed it down. However, in order to prevent Fuluting from being destroyed, he changed the shape of the meteorite and turned it into a large sword several meters long, which swept away.

The two of them collided continuously in mid-air at extremely fast speeds. Their figures were not visible, only the sparks generated by the collision were seen.

The petals of the flowers and the afterglow of the setting sun rotated together, forming a beautiful mountain scene. Jiang Cheng saw the opportunity and leveled the sky of the mountains with his sword. At this point, the competition between the two ended.

Liu Batian burst out laughing, "Hahahahahahaha!"

"Old man, I haven't had such a good time in a long time. I am indeed a Confucian sage in the academy, and I am worthy of my reputation. Today's competition really made me feel good, old man."

Jiang Cheng let out a long sigh of relief, cupped his hands in salute and said, "Senior's strength is indeed well-deserved. If senior exerts more strength, junior may have to resist."

After hearing what this little guy said, Liu Batian knew that this little guy was trying to save face for himself.

But it also made the latter laugh, very sensible.

It is not impossible for a man to become his granddaughter. Such strong men can only be friends with them, not enemies.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" After Fairy Qingyun put out the fire here, she ran over and asked about the situation of several people.

"Of course it's okay. Qingrou, you are a very good choice as a man. I like the old man very much."

Liu Batian stroked his mustache, turned around and looked at Jiang Cheng and said, "You have to protect my granddaughter. If anything happens to my granddaughter, even if the old man fights, you will have to pay a heavy price for this old life." Do you understand the price?!"

Jiang Cheng replied firmly: "Senior, don't worry, I, Jiang Cheng, guarantee with my personality and life that I will never let Miss Qingrou suffer any harm in this life."


After hearing this, the gun god Liu Batian nodded with satisfaction. This was the result he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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