Chapter 223 Goodbye Qingxue
"Who dares to be so arrogant in our Heavenly Snake Mansion? How brave!"

As a loud shout came from the distance, several figures appeared here almost at the same time. The leader was a man in white. The man stared fiercely at the two humans at the door.

"Oh? The eight-winged black snake emperor who takes the Transformation Pill is interesting." Fairy Qingyun looked at the man in white in front of her with a little interest. It seems that Jiang Cheng gave many good things to Qingxue, the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. .

Jiang Cheng also touched his nose. No wonder Qingxue wanted the Transformation Pill from him. It turned out to be the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor.

The name of the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor is White Fang. He is originally a member of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. However, he does not belong to the category of human beings. His true form is the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor.

His own strength has also reached the level of Six-Star Fighting Emperor. Interestingly, White Fang once challenged Medusa, but the result was obvious and White Fang lost in the end.

It was also during this battle that White Fang also developed a secret love for the stunningly beautiful and powerful Medusa.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and said, "White Ya, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still look like this."

As soon as he said these words, Bai Ya couldn't help but knit his brows together, and immediately turned his gaze to Jiang Cheng's face. When he saw his face, his legs weakened and he knelt down directly.

All the disciples of the Heavenly Snake Mansion behind him were shocked: "Elder White Fang!"

"You, you, you...yes, yes...the Confucian sage of the academy...Mr. Jiang Cheng..."

White Fang's lips trembled, his voice was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear. He would not forget the scene when he was slapped on the ground by a man. The last time he was made to lie in bed for two years before he recovered. Come on.

Unexpectedly, he came back again...

"What, are you unhappy to see me?" Jiang Cheng said with a slight smile.

The elders and disciples of Tian She Mansion quickly knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "Greetings to Mr. Confucian Sage."

Jiang Cheng chuckled softly, then waved his sleeves: "Okay, okay, everyone, get up."

Everyone felt a fighting spirit rising from the ground, and they were forcibly lifted up. White Fang was even more frightened and trembling.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years. This is absolutely true...

"Are you so afraid of me?" Jiang Cheng stepped forward slightly and held Bai Ya's shoulders.The latter almost fainted immediately, but he fell directly to the ground like mud.

The Confucian Sage has always been his inner demon, and now that he saw him again, he was naturally trembling with fear and did not dare to have any thoughts of revenge.

Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly and said, "Take me to your Supreme Elder."

"Yes, sir, please come with me." One of the Dou Huang warriors bowed respectfully and immediately made a gesture of invitation.

Mr. Confucian Sage has a very wide reputation in Tian She Mansion. Ever since the Supreme Elder Qingxue met Jiang Cheng, he would tell his disciples all the insights he had from Mr. Confucian Sage, and even shed tears when he talked about it.

At the same time, they also followed the example of the Confucian sage and practiced hard. Therefore, in the hearts of the disciples, the Confucian sage Jiang Cheng was the best among men!

"Why is he here."

In the courtyard, a woman opened her eyes gracefully, looked straight into the distance, and murmured.

The woman stood up slowly, as if she had thought of a good idea. After casually carving a few words on the ground, she turned around and left the place.

Jiang Cheng and Fairy Qingyun, who were brought to the courtyard by the elders, had also seen the writing on the ground.

"Same place."

Fairy Qingyun half-squinted her eyes and said: "Old place? What old place? Is there something else you're hiding from me?!" Jiang Cheng looked back on the place where he and Miss Qingxue first met, and he was indifferent. Smiling, that's it. It seems that she wants to go there to find her by herself.

Holding Fairy Qingyun's hand, the whole person turned into a meteor and disappeared into the sky. No one knew where they were going or where the old place was.

Hundreds of miles away, on the shore of the blue lake, the water ripples and sparkles in the sun.

There is a wooden boat standing in the middle of the lake.

The woman standing on the bow of the boat is dressed in green, with skin as white as snow, beautiful eyes as pure as day, and three thousand blue hairs moving with the wind. Against the backdrop of the misty blue water and green lotuses in the morning light, she looks as beautiful as a painting, fluttering like a fairy!
The woman stood on the bow of the boat with a heroic posture, one hand behind her back, her eyes as calm as water, looking at the sparkling lake, ripples in her heart.

As the two figures fell, Qingxue's expression also changed slightly. Especially when she saw the woman next to Jiang Cheng, she suddenly became jealous.

"You are finally here. I thought I had forgotten this place."

Jiang Cheng slightly cupped his hands and said, "Miss Qingxue is joking, a glass of wine, an ark, deep in the bamboo forest, this is where we met. How dare I forget it."

Hearing that the other party still knew this, Qingxue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she quickly turned her attention to the woman in white next to Jiang Cheng.

"who is she?"

Fairy Qingyun stepped forward gracefully, "The master of Qingyun Sect, Fairy Qingyun, Liu Qingrou."

Hearing that it was Fairy Qingyun, Qingxue also ran over, grabbed the opponent's weak and boneless hand and said: "Are you Fairy Qingyun?"

"Yeah." Fairy Qingyun took off the gauze on her face, revealing her beautiful face that was no less beautiful than Qingxue.

The two women looked at each other, as if they had a lot to say, so they returned to the boat and started gossiping.

Jiang Cheng stood there dumbfounded, rubbing his nose in embarrassment, "The boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, these two people..."

It was late at night, and the two women had come out of each other's mind, just like sisters they hadn't seen for a long time.

"Now that you two have gotten to know each other, we have to return to the Warcraft Mountains as soon as possible."

Qingxue said: "What's the rush? Sister Qingyun finally came to the Tianshen Mansion. As an elder, I naturally have to do my best to show my friendship as a landlord."


"There's nothing wrong with it. If you don't like it, just go back by yourself."

Qingxue did not give Jiang Cheng any face, saying that if he cared, he could go back first.

Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, and could only find a random stone, take off the wine gourd from his waist, and take a few big sips.

In this case, I can only go crazy here. I hope they can prepare quickly.

The light of the stars shrouded the entire Dou Qi Continent, and the dazzling star paths also flickered with bursts of light and shadow.

Jiang Cheng also drank to Yue and felt very unhappy.

"Sister Qingyun, is this guy's brain enlightened?" In Qingxue's perception, Jiang Cheng is just a fool. No matter where he is, this guy doesn't understand a girl's feelings for her.

(End of this chapter)

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