Chapter 230 All the strong men come to observe

"You'd better stay away, because the energy produced by the elixir is too terrifying." Jiang Cheng's eyes lingered on the people in the distance, and then he came to remind him: "There is one more thing, Xuan Yi, the little doctor Immortals, you are all alchemists, so watching the alchemy process carefully will be of great help to you."

The two women nodded in agreement in unison, with respect in their eyes.

As the elixirs in the elixir furnace were condensing little by little, the elixir thunder clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and several bronze sky thunders cut through the silent sky like dragons and snakes, making bursts of explosive sounds.

A strong sense of oppression also surged into my heart, and the powerful Warcraft in the Warcraft Mountains also invariably turned their attention to this location.

Some monsters can even be seen salivating greedily.It is enough to show how noble the quality of this elixir is.

Such a terrifying elixir, and the fragrance of the medicine can be smelled even a hundred miles away, which is enough to prove that this is an eighth-grade elixir.

Xuan Yi clasped one hand behind her back, and the air waves generated by the pill made her three thousand black hairs dance in all directions, and then she said lightly:
"Back then, your teacher was just a sixth-grade alchemist, but now he has become a ninth-grade alchemist. It seems that he is really a genius."

The little medical fairy pursed her green lips and asked curiously: "Master Wife, were you also a sixth-grade alchemist back then?"

"No... I had already reached the eighth-level alchemist at the beginning... Later, your teacher gave me the sub-fire of Jindi Fentianyan, and I was able to reach the later stage of perfection. Otherwise, I would never have the chance to covet the ninth-level alchemist in this life. ”

Speaking of this, Xuan Yi also sighed softly, but he was also very grateful to Jiang Cheng in his heart. If Jiang Cheng was not here, I am afraid that his desire to break through to the ninth level alchemist is undoubtedly not a foolish dream.

Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, even the Alchemist King Furukawa, who is a sixth-grade alchemist, or the Medicine King Han Feng of the Black Corner Region, are not worthy of carrying shoes in front of him.

Refining seventh-grade elixirs is naturally not an easy task. This period of time will be extremely boring and long, but for senior alchemists, they enjoy the process of refining.

Xuan Yi is also always staring at the elixir in front of him, for fear of missing something. As the saying goes, if three people are together, there must be a teacher. No matter who it is, there is something worth learning.

Even though she was an eighth-grade alchemist back then, sometimes she still had to read ancient books to determine what materials she needed.

The day passed in a blink of an eye, and the Golden Dragon and Phoenix Cauldron also burst out with brilliant red-gold light, causing everyone in the Warcraft Mountains to focus on this place, thinking that some kind of treasure had been born.

However, they are not qualified to observe. Humans who approach here are driven away by the monsters here. If there are any stubborn ones, they will be killed.

Human greed really has no end.

The golden light spot in the alchemy furnace shrank and expanded, and as it fluctuated, ripples of energy spread around.

Those energy ripples spread out, rocks rolled, and all the trees within a hundred meters were broken. Even Xiao Yan, who was gathered a few hundred meters away from Jiang Cheng, felt his chest sink and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

A violent explosion sounded out of thin air, and immediately, a golden beam of light about two feet thick burst into the sky, looking so bright in the night.

Everyone's eyes once again stayed on the location of the alchemy furnace.Not only that, a vast and boundless energy once again swept in from the sky. Wherever it passed, waves of tornadoes like piercing the sky were set off in the Warcraft Mountains.

Under the harsh sound, even Qing Lin and others couldn't help but feel deeply shocked, and unconsciously released the fighting energy in their bodies.

However, she discovered that her fighting spirit was unable to stop this amazing power, and was even damaged in an instant.

Fairy Qingyun frowned slightly and danced her right index finger forward. A special protective barrier appeared in front of everyone.The Dou Sheng warrior's fighting spirit is extremely pure, and he can completely withstand the deterrent power produced by the elixir in an instant.

The little medical fairy patted her chest and breathed a long sigh of relief: "This can't be an eighth-grade elixir..."

"Yes, it is the eighth-grade elixir." As an eighth-grade alchemist, Xuanyi can naturally feel the specialness of this energy.

If it wasn't an eighth-grade elixir, what could it be?

The shocking energy continued to spread in all directions like a turbulent wave. The mountains it passed exploded every inch, and the dust was thrown up and completely enveloped the Warcraft Mountains.

As time goes by, refining the eighth-grade elixir naturally takes a lot of time to take shape. The previous energy fluctuations were only caused by refining the medicinal materials.

Compared with the next vision of heaven and earth, it is undoubtedly not an egg hitting a stone.

"This should be... the characteristics of the eighth-grade elixir!"

Above the vast mountains, thunderclouds rolled, and beasts fled in all directions.

Countless powerful people have almost all gathered here in the past few days.They had never seen an eighth-grade elixir before and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

I didn't expect that the eighth-grade elixir would be accompanied by such a devastating power after it was formed. No wonder the eighth-grade alchemist was a rarity in the entire Dou Qi Continent.

Seeing it today really lived up to its reputation.

The eighth-grade elixir can also be called a treasure in Dou Qi Continent. If it can be obtained, it will definitely be even more powerful.

But none of the strong men who came here dared to step forward to snatch it.Because they have also felt that there are several powerful auras hidden in the mountain Qiong not far away.

Whether it is Douzun or Douzong, they are both existences that they cannot match.Naturally, he would not offend so many powerful men and an alchemist because of an eighth-grade elixir.

This is not a clear move.

Jia Xingtian, the guardian of the Jiama Empire, stroked his mustache and said while walking in the air: "It seems that this should be the work of Mr. Confucian Sage. In the northwest continent, he is the only one who can refine eighth-grade elixirs. "

Ice King Haibodong also came to Jiaxingtian. After seeing the energy in Haibodong's body, the latter showed some surprise and asked in surprise: "Haibodong, I didn't expect that you have also broken through Douzong." Realm."

"Haha, can't we only allow you to enter the Douzong?" Haibo Dongxin replied arrogantly. The only person in the world who could impress him was Jiang Cheng.

Jia Xingtian just glanced at Hai Bodong beside him, and then shifted his gaze to Shan Qiong in the distance again, wanting to watch the scene of the eighth-grade elixir taking shape up close.

After living for so many years, he has never seen an eighth-grade elixir take shape, or even a seventh-grade elixir.

It is enough to show how precious an alchemist of this level is!

(End of this chapter)

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