Chapter 232 Yunshan's Plan

Jiang Cheng just nodded slightly and didn't explain much.

His identity as an alchemist has long been known to everyone, but no one knows what level he is.

Now that I have refined the eighth-grade elixir, it will not be long before everyone in the northwest continent knows about it.

Jiang Cheng didn't want to be too high-profile, so he said softly: "I hope you can keep this matter a secret for me. I don't want others to know about my situation."

Everyone who heard this couldn't help but frown slightly, but since it was Mr. Confucian Sage's request, they naturally would not tell the matter rashly.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

It is even said that it caused the destruction of the Northwest Continent.

Jia Xingtian patted his chest and said, "Sir, don't worry, just leave everything to me. I promise not to let anything happen today."

Jiang Cheng nodded happily after hearing this. With his words, he could feel relieved.

The leader of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Shan, stood on a distant mountain peak, staring at Jiang Cheng's position with ardent eyes. There is no doubt that the eighth-grade elixir is attractive to anyone. If he can get it, he will definitely have it in the future. Opportunity to break through the realm of Dou Zun.

Become the first generation sect leader Yun Potian to the same realm!

But the latter's strength used to be terrifying. With his own strength, let alone snatching him, he would be surrounded by everyone even if he rushed forward.

Yunshan touched his chin, as if he thought of something, his lips moved slightly, and a silver-white sound wave was transmitted.

Yun Yun, who was still concerned about her husband, was reminded by the teacher. She looked at her husband carefully with her jewel-like eyes. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with him, she came to where Yun Shan was.

Yun Yun pursed her green lips, cupped her hands and said, "Teacher, you are here too."

Yunshan stood with his hands behind his back, nodded and said: "Yun'er, it's been so long since I last saw you. Your cultivation has reached the level of the Nine-Star Douzong. It seems that it won't take long for you to break through to the Douzong realm."

"Yeah, all of this has a lot to do with my husband." Yun Yun replied in a soft voice: "If it weren't for my husband, I'm afraid I would just be a fighting emperor now."

Listening to the latter's words, Yunshan's expression became more and more intense. It seemed that just as he had guessed, Yun'er had received great opportunities during her years in Taolin Mountain, otherwise it would not have been possible. Breaking through the peak realm of Douzong in a short period of time.

It has even surpassed itself!
However, Yunshan did not show that kind of enthusiasm, and finally showed some relief and said: "Not bad, Yun'er, you are the only sect leader who can break through the realm of Douzun since the founding of Yunlan Sect."

"Looking at the entire Yunlan Sect's previous sect leaders, apart from the old sect leader Yun Potian, you are the only one who has the opportunity to break through the Douzong barrier and advance to the Douzun realm."

Yun Yun slightly cupped her hands and said softly: "Teacher, you are serious. You should leave everything to me as a disciple. How dare I forget my original intention?"

This was what Yunshan was waiting for, and he immediately said with a smile: "Teacher has encountered a barrier recently. I hope Yun'er can get a seventh-grade elixir from Mr. Jiang Cheng to help my teacher break through the barrier... I don't know. feasible?"


Yun Yun frowned slightly, her husband's elixirs were usually kept by him personally.Only when they need it will they look for their husbands.

But if others want it, the husband may not take it out.The seventh-grade elixir is valuable. If you take it out right away, wouldn't it prove that the elixir is cheap?

Seeing Yun Yun's slightly embarrassed look, Yun Shan couldn't help but frown, and immediately looked sad, sighing:

"Alas, Yun'er has grown up and is no longer the girl I know. I know it's a bit too much to do this for a teacher, but I do it all for the future of Yunlan Sect."

Nowadays, Yun Yun has resigned as the leader of the Yunlan Sect, and the young sect leader Nalan Yanran is not as strong as Cai Dou Wang, so there is no way to support the behemoth Yunlan Sect.

As the old leader of the Yunlan Sect, Yunshan naturally has to take charge again and lead the Yunlan Sect towards a bright future.

Looking at the teacher's expression, Yun Yun also bit her lower lip gently, and after thinking for a while, she said: "Teacher... I'm sorry, I can't say such things to my husband... But I can tell you this. "

The corner of Yunshan's mouth twitched, he had made it so obvious, why didn't Yun'er understand his good intentions.

It really chilled my heart!
However, just as Yunshan was about to leave, a special medicine bottle was suspended in front of him. After a closer look, it was Jiang Cheng who gave it to her.

Jiang Cheng said in a cold voice: "Yunshan, you have to remember your identity. I have no shortage of elixirs, but if you have any evil intentions and want to take action against us, I don't mind killing you." .”

Yunshan's body trembled and he said hurriedly: "What are you talking about, Mr. Confucian Sage? I just want to see Yun'er, that's all. The rest is just a side detail."

Jiang Cheng sneered in his heart. Others didn't know it, but he didn't know it either. Yunshan had been staring at his eighth-grade elixir since he appeared.

It can be seen from his greedy expression how much he wants this elixir.

The original Yunshan was still very admirable. He was originally a person who acted rationally and could distinguish right from wrong, but he cooperated with the Soul Palace in order to break through the Douzong.

As a result, his soul was secretly manipulated and his temperament changed drastically, from loving Qingxiu to becoming ambitious and intent on controlling the Gama Empire.

Later, Guardian Wu was already under Jiang Cheng's command, so Yunshan never found the opportunity to lead the entire Jia Ma Empire and control the effective power of the royal family.

Then the guardian of the Jia Ma Empire, Ji Xingtian, and the Ice Emperor Hai Bodong stepped into the Douzong realm one after another. Yunshan's plan also disappeared, and he could only humblely become the leader of a sect.

But he is a little dissatisfied with everything he currently has, and just wants to break through to the realm of Dou Zun.However, his limited talent caused him to encounter barriers every time he broke through.

Only by swallowing the seventh-grade elixir can one have a chance to break the barrier. But looking at the entire northwest continent, there is not a single alchemist who can refine the seventh-grade elixir.

"I have another message for you. Sooner or later, you will get rid of the devil in your heart. Otherwise, you will never recover. Even the mountains and rivers conquered by the successive masters of the Yunlan Sect will fall into your hands."

"Just do it yourself."

Yun Yun asked in confusion: "Husband, what do you mean by this? Is the Yunlan Sect going to be destroyed?"

Jiang Cheng did not answer Yun Yun's question, but took her weak and boneless hand and disappeared directly in front of Yun Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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