Chapter 245 Five Snake Poison Seals

"Hehehe, Great Elder, don't worry. The five of us join forces. Even the strongest Douwang will die from the five snake poison seals, let alone a small Douwang."

The Great Elder of Yinshi nodded slightly, I hope so.

Be sure to stop this guy before he escapes from the desert.

The snake people have never experienced such humiliation, and no matter what they say today, this guy will pay a heavy price.

In the blazing desert, Jiang Cheng followed the marks on the map and flew quickly towards the location outside the desert. He was not familiar with the desert now, and because of this, he wasted a lot of time.

With his sense of fighting spirit, the eight leaders of the snake people behind him also felt the specific location. Fortunately, there was no aura of Queen Medusa.

Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, then turned around and looked at the position in the distance. He didn't expect that they would dare to pursue them. These guys were too aggressive.

Isn't it a little too crazy to want to leave yourself in the desert without Queen Medusa?
Jiang Cheng did not continue to run away this time, but stood there and waited quietly.About 10 minutes later, the five powerful men from the Snake Tribe landed directly next to Jiang Cheng and enveloped him.

The Great Elder of the Yinshi Dynasty stared at Jiang Cheng in front of him with a distorted expression. The scepter in his hand hit the ground hard, and the surging power suddenly burst out and stirred up pieces of yellow sand.

"Cunning human being, you broke into our Snake Tribe's holy pool, injured Yue Mei, and destroyed my holy land. If you don't give us an explanation today, don't even think about leaving here!"

Jiang Cheng slightly fanned the folding fan in his hand and said indifferently: "I was indeed the cause of today's incident, so I kept my hand at everything during the battle. Do you really think that I don't dare to kill?"

The Great Elder of Yinshi said with a ferocious face: "Boy, no matter whether you are a strong man of the Jiama Empire or not, there is no way you can leave here safe and sound today!"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng also shook his head slightly. The five elders of the Snake Tribe really didn't have the strength to shake him.

However, this incident was caused by him, so he could only repel them. Otherwise, it would be difficult to leave the depths of the Tagore Desert safely today.

If Queen Medusa comes again, the consequences can be imagined.

The Great Elder of Yinshi was the first to attack, and the scepter in his hand hit Jiang Cheng's chest without hesitation.

The remaining leaders of the Snake Tribe also rushed in to kill them. The strength of the Snake Tribe who joined forces should not be underestimated. They were even said to be able to compete with the three-star Dou Huang realm.

Jiang Cheng pressed his fingers on the neck of the Yinshi Great Elder. The latter hit the ground hard, throwing up a cloud of dust. He even felt dizzy, as if he would be killed in the next second.

The other leaders of the Snake Tribe were also trembling with anger and immediately snatched the Yinshi Elder from Jiang Cheng's hands.

"Treacherous human being, are you looking for death?"

Yan Ci said angrily.

Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, shook the wine gourd, and drank it all in one gulp after making sure there was still some wine left.

The five people rushed over quickly and slammed the weapons in their hands on Jiang Cheng's folding fan, shattering the surrounding energy.

Jiang Cheng thrust forward with all his strength, and the five of them were thrown away almost at the same time. They hit the ground hard and blood spurted out wildly.

"Damn it, how could this guy be so strong...We are both fighting kings, why is he more powerful than the five of us?"

Yan Ci looked at the great elder with a shocked face.The Great Elder of Yinshi said with a solemn face: "This guy is very powerful. No wonder he was able to escape from Her Majesty the Queen's hands. He must have reached the half-step of Fighting the Emperor!"

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and said, "Guys, it's not too late to leave now, otherwise I will have to use some special means."

"Arrogant human!" The slightly pale Yan Qian spat out a mouthful of blood with phlegm. At this time, his clothes were in tatters and blood was flowing all over his body.

The battle just now made him feel an unprecedented sense of oppression, and there was still a vague pain in his chest.

Today, Jiang Cheng is only 13 years old. Although he looks a bit adult-like, he still looks like a child.

The skin is so tender that it makes people want to rub it.

The Great Elder of Yinshi glanced fiercely at Jiang Cheng, and said with a solemn face: "Your Excellency is indeed powerful in combat, but don't forget, our snake people can stand in the depths of the Tagor Desert for thousands of years, so we are not soft persimmons. !”

"As long as you are a member of the Jiama Empire, we snake people will launch crazy revenge on you!"

"Oh, it's an insignificant threat."

Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly, turned around and looked at his fading eyes and said, "Come on, let's make a quick decision, I have other things to deal with."

"Sharp-tongued juniors, everyone gather together and form the Five Snake Venom Seals!" Looking at Jiang Cheng who was chattering away, the Great Elder of Yinshi shouted with a gloomy face.

Having said that, the Yinshi Great Elder waved his fingers crazily without any hesitation, and a special mark was highlighted in front of him.

Not only that, the other four leaders of the Snake Tribe also looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and followed the elder to wave their fingers, forming a special mark.

The green light loomed, and the surrounding air also underwent earth-shaking changes, creating a shocking force wherever it passed.

At the moment when the five people bonded together, a faint light energy shield emerged out of thin air, wrapping them tightly. Obviously, this was a measure to defend against the opponent's sudden attack.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back, stared at the sky with sparkling eyes, and said softly: "Is this the fusion fighting skill of the snake people, the five snake poison seals? It's interesting."

"Five snake poison seals, activate!"

The five people shouted loudly in unison, and the special green seal under their bodies also revealed a more dazzling special light.

The surging power caused the world to change color, and five barrel-thick turquoise light pillars shot straight into the sky. A strong wind suddenly rose, and an aura filled with blood and violence suddenly emerged from the energy pillar.

Within the light pillar, an extremely huge energy green snake poked its head out directly from the void, and the earthy smell also filled the air, making people feel like vomiting when they smell it.

The huge snake spirit let out a deafening roar that resounded within a hundred miles.You can't help but swallow your dry mouth and tongue.

"Hehehe, how dare the light of fireflies compete with the sun and moon?"

"Crazy!" The Yinshi Great Elder was filled with anger after hearing these words. This guy was too arrogant and dared to talk to the snake spirit like this.I really don’t know how high the sky is!

Jiang Cheng slightly waved the folding fan in his hand, and a strong wind directly hit the shield in front of the five Yinshi elders, making a clear and sweet sound.

(End of this chapter)

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