Chapter 248 Han Family Han Xue
Zhongzhou Continent.

After half a month's journey, everyone successfully arrived at Zhongzhou Continent. Looking at the endless plains, the girls couldn't help but open their arms and enjoy the comfort brought by the breeze.

Jiang Cheng sat on the bow of the boat, enjoying the long-lost comfort with everyone else. Looking at the sunset that was about to set, he couldn't help but drink and talk.

In the next few days, everyone bought some needed items in the surrounding cities, punished evil and promoted good, and had a great time.

one night.

Jiang Cheng's gaze suddenly shifted to the depths of the forest in the distance, where he saw several figures constantly moving back and forth, speaking obscene words.

"Don't be afraid, little lady, don't be afraid, my brother is not a bad person."

"Yes, little lady, my brother is very gentle. If you are wise, stand here for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Several strong men in the Dou Wang realm gave out stern smiles, with deep vulgarity in their eyes, as if they couldn't wait to taste the woman in front of them.

The hunted woman kept vomiting blood from her mouth.

The woman's eyebrows are like willows, her skin is like snow, she is tall and slender, wearing a purple shirt, and under the wrapping of the purple shirt, her bumpy figure looks extraordinarily plump.

It's just that the only shortcoming is that there is a slight indifference on the cheeks, and there is a sense of sternness in the beautiful eyes.

The woman was trembling all over, and there was a deep wound on her chest. The blood had already penetrated her clothes, making her look particularly embarrassed.

However, the strong man behind had no intention of pitying her, he just wanted to hold her down completely, and no one would care about her even if she screamed.

The leading Nine-Star Fighting King appeared behind the woman in an instant, and slapped her spine hard with his palm. The woman had no time to react, and blood spurted out again.

The whole person hit the ground like a cannonball, throwing up a cloud of dust.

"Quickly, the master of the family said, we must do it cleanly, otherwise the old immortal of the Han family will find out, and it will also be a threat to us."

"Brother, didn't the young patriarch say that he wants us to take him back?"

The leading man in black robe stared at the dying Han Xue indifferently, and said calmly: "This matter was arranged by the patriarch himself, and we can only follow orders."

"Let's put aside the matter of the young patriarch for now. If we let this woman leave here alive, it will be a disaster for us. The Han family is very powerful in Tianbei City. If we capture her sister again in the future."

Hearing these words, the other black-robed fighting kings couldn't help but smack their lips. It would be such a pity to kill such a beautiful woman like this.

If it really doesn’t work, it’s not impossible to play by yourself for a while.

"Boss, let's have a good time. It's a bit too..."

Listening to these words, the leader Dou Wang, who was at the peak of his realm, nodded slightly. What he said was quite reasonable. Such beautiful women were rare in the entire Zhongzhou Continent. It would be a pity to kill her like this.

Thinking of this, the fighting king took off his shirt in front of everyone, walked over with a vulgar expression, and said with a smile: "Little sister, don't be afraid, brother just wants to discuss the mysteries of life with you. ."

Han Xue lay on the ground extremely weak and said feebly: "Get out... don't touch me... get away."

"Hey, if I don't touch you, then touch me, little sister, come on, hahaha!" Just as these people were preparing to treat Han Xue, a long sword came from the distance, almost In an instant, a fighting king was broken at the waist.

Seeing this, the expressions of the remaining strong men also changed drastically, and they suddenly drew out their weapons and carefully observed their surroundings.

"Whoever is pretending to be a ghost, get out of here, grandpa!"

"Come out, come out!"

"I didn't expect you to be so vicious and do such obscene things to a little girl."

As soon as the voice fell, the previous Dou Wang flew out like a cannonball, hitting the ground hard and throwing up a cloud of dust.

Jiang Cheng landed smoothly on the ground, and the fighting king who spoke arrogantly turned into a puddle of minced meat, and he could no longer die.

Han Xue climbed up from the ground with difficulty, took out a healing pill and threw it into his mouth. After recovering some fighting spirit, he also fixed his eyes on the person who came, and quickly bowed his hands: "Thank you, senior, for saving your life. I am grateful, junior." Not enough."

Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, then turned around and looked at the group of guys who were eyeing him eagerly and said, "Who are you?"

"Hmph, kid, you are not qualified to know grandpa's identity yet. Get out of here if you know what to do, otherwise don't say we are rude to you!"

Seeing his men being killed by this man, this strong man at the peak of the Dou Wang Realm was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wished he could kill this guy right now.

However, if the opponent can kill a fighting king with one slap, his original strength must have reached the fighting king level. Such a strong person can only let him leave, otherwise everyone on the field today will die on the spot.

"Senior, they are guests of the Hong family in Tianbei City. They were ordered to hunt me down this time...and I am a disciple of the Han family, Han Xue, and my father is Han Chi, the head of the Han family."

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows when he heard that he was a guest of the Hong family. The Han family and the Hong family in Tianbei City were incompatible. If they found an opportunity, they would not hesitate to start a fight.

The ancestor of the Hong family, Hong Xiaotian, is a five-star Dou Sect strongman who can be considered invincible in Tianbei City, and the young patriarch of the Hong family has a great relationship with Fenglei Beige.

This also made the Hong family feel unprecedentedly swollen, suppressing the Han family everywhere, and now it seems that they no longer intend to hide it.

This is to annex the entire Han family.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and said: "Go back and tell your Hong family ancestors to come to the Han family to see me. Otherwise, there is no need for the Hong family to exist in Tianbei City."


Hearing the latter's arrogance, the fighting king could no longer suppress the ridicule in his heart. He immediately laughed, pointed at Jiang Cheng's nose and said, "Who do you think you are? You want me, the ancestor of the Hong family, to see you? It’s really rampant.”

"Do you know the power behind our Hong family?"

The Dou Wang raised his hands with great admiration and said: "Have you heard of Fenglei Pavilion? I'm a native, you look like you are from another continent. In Fenglei Bei Pavilion, the young patriarch of my family is the future Bei Ge Pavilion." Lord. If you are sensible, please let me keep this woman, otherwise, it will not be a clear move to offend our Hong family."

Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly after hearing this. Since this guy is looking for death, let's give him a ride.

(End of this chapter)

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