Chapter 257 The Soul Killing Master in the Soul Palace

Elder Lin Tianqiong looked around and personally filled the glass of water for Mr. Confucian Sage under the eyes of everyone, and said softly: "I wonder if Mr. Confucian Sage has any good ideas?"

"Soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. Since the opponent is so uncharacteristic, then we should treat him in his own way."

Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "What the Soul Palace has done recently is indeed a bit too much. As the Holy Dan City is second only to the Yao Clan, it must have a lot of friends."

Old Monster Lin nodded slightly.

That's right.

The reason why their Shengdan City has been able to stand on the mainland for so many years is not just because of its reputation.

The most important thing is the alchemist level and the alliance with that group of strong men.

The combat ability of an alchemist is usually not very strong. He spends most of his time studying his alchemy level and no longer pays attention to matters in practice.

As a result, there is a big difference between one's own strength and those of the same level.

However, they can make friends with strong people to protect themselves, such as the guardian of Dan Wang Guhe, the Lion King Yan Shi, one of the ten strongest men in the Jia Ma Empire, the Wind Walker Feng Li, etc.

As long as your level of refining medicine is good enough, even fighting saints will rush to make friends with you, and even call you brothers.

After listening to Mr. Jiang Cheng's words, Old Monster Lin also decided to start a life-and-death battle with the Soul Palace!

The Dan Pagoda is regarded as a "holy place" by all alchemists, and is as famous as the Soul Palace.Its status is one that no force dares to underestimate, and it has unparalleled appeal.

As long as Old Monster Lin gives the order, I am afraid that many Dou Zun and semi-saint realm experts will come here to form an alliance.

The force formed by the Soul Clan in Zhongzhou is the strongest force in Zhongzhou.

Because the Soul Palace captured the souls of alchemists all the year round, it became enemies with the Danta. Later, in order to control the Danta, the Soul Palace made a tribesman named Hun Xuzi become a disciple of the former tower master of the Little Danta.

In an accident, the identity of Hun Xuzi's soul clan was exposed. Hun Xuzi injured the former master of the Little Dan Pagoda and fled. The master of the tower let him go out of consideration for the friendship between master and apprentice.

But in the end, Hun Xuzi secretly united with the powerful soul clan men to attack and kill him.

Because of this matter, Danta had a big battle with the Soul Palace, but in the end it suffered heavy losses, and he had to suppress this hatred. These hatreds will not dissipate with time, but will only become more and more powerful. strong.

Now that the Soul Palace relies on the strength behind it, it wants to kill them many times, so let's show them, the rabbit bites people when it is anxious.

"Mr. Confucian Sage, is this the reason why you came to Shengdan City this time?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, "Not entirely. This time I plan to go to the Space Fair. The Great Elder also knows that entering the Space Fair requires their special token."

Lin Tianqiong also smiled when he heard this and said: "So, what the Space Trade Fair needs is an invitation letter, not a token. However, I happen to have an invitation letter here, combined with your ninth-grade alchemist's Identity, I believe the space trade fair will not embarrass you."

Speaking of which, Lin Tianqiong also took out a special invitation letter from the ring. This was the only way to go to the Space Fair. Without this thing, he could only stay away.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, took the invitation from Mr. Lin, and immediately took out some pills and put them on the table, treating it as a favor.


that night.

The powerful men in the Soul Palace have also started their hunting operations. Any alchemist they target will be mercilessly killed.The bright moon was gradually obscured by dark clouds, and outside Shengdan City, where I couldn't even see my fingers, there was a clear and sweet sound of the collision of iron chains.

A special soul body ran forward anxiously, with a look of fear in its eyes.

"Jie Jie Jie, no matter how glorious and infinite you were during your lifetime, as long as you become a soul body, you will be my property in the soul palace. You can just capture me. Maybe for the sake of the past, I can spare your life."

In the darkness, a burst of creepy laughter suddenly sounded, and then a black chain shot out from the darkness, like a black snake, wrapping around the white soul body extremely flexibly.

The sharp chain penetrated directly through the latter's body without any warning, and he withdrew it forcefully, with a strange smile on his lips.

With screams one after another, the soul of this Douzong strongman was trapped hard, and his power was absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The man in black robe turned around and looked at the city not far away, his brows knitted together, and the chain in his hand lightly hit the ground, making a crisp collision sound.

"Who is coming?"

"I didn't expect that the Soul Palace would send out Dou Zun realm experts to hunt souls here. You guys really have no sense of style."

Xuan Kongzi and Tianleizi appeared here almost at the same time. After looking at the soul body that had been brutally killed by him, they also showed deep anger.

The Dou Zun licked the blood on his lips and laughed strangely, "Jie Jie Jie, it turns out they belong to Xuan Kongzi and Tianleizi, one of the three giants of Danta. We haven't seen each other for several years."

"Honored Soul Killer?"

Tianleizi's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body trembled slightly. It was obvious that he knew this Lord of the Soul Palace.

Master Soul Killer is one of the peak powerhouses in the Soul Palace. His strength has already reached the peak of the ninth-level Dou Zun, and he is only one step away from being a semi-saint.
It is said that he had reached the ninth rank of Douzun as early as 30 years ago, and there was no breakthrough during this period. Now that they meet again, it is jaw-dropping.

"Hahaha, Tianleizi really has a good memory. I remember that you were just a waste who had just stepped into Douzun. If your Danta Ancestor hadn't taken action in time, I'm afraid you would have died in my hands. "

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"That's why I shouldn't die!" Tianleizi yelled: "You soul palace beasts actually ignored the rules of Dou Qi Continent and attacked the alchemist without permission. Do you want to become the public enemy of everyone?"

Tianleizi suppressed the fear in his heart, pointed at the ghost-smiling Lord Soul Killer in front of him and cursed.

However, the latter just snorted coldly, shrugged and said: "It's up to you. As long as I kill you all, Shengdan City will no longer need to continue to exist."

"Hehehe, it's really a funny excuse."

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him, and Master Soul Killer's expression changed drastically when he saw this. He didn't even feel when the people behind him came out.

He immediately turned around quickly and was about to take action when his whole body flew out like a cannonball, hitting the ground hard and throwing up a cloud of dust!


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The Master Soul Killer stood up uncontrollably and stared at the man in white in front of him unwillingly. His voice was slightly angry: "Who are you? You dare to sneak attack on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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