Chapter 259 Colorful Rough Stone
Space Fair.

Jiang Cheng, who entered the black hole, felt his eyes go dark. When he opened his eyes again, a mixed and lively street appeared in front of him.

In order to hide his identity from others, Jiang Cheng also took out a special mask from his ring and put it on his face. This way he could avoid exposing his identity.

This place is not a real space fair, but a special treasure street in the space fair.

There are some treasures everywhere on the streets, whether it is medicine pills, weapons, armors, or magic cores, everything is there.

The guests around were also dumbfounded, looking at the dazzling array of treasures, they wished to have all of them in their pockets, but they dared not touch the rules of the Space Fair.

Because once touched, it will become a target of public criticism, or even be killed directly.

The street is not long, only a few hundred meters long. However, this short street contains countless rare treasures.

The Space Trade Fair is a first-class existence in the entire Dou Qi Continent. Here, even eighth-grade elixirs or heaven-level fighting skills are no longer a luxury.

As long as you can come up with what the other party wants, then you can achieve it naturally.

Jiang Cheng held one hand behind his back and walked on the crowded streets. There were a dazzling array of treasures everywhere, some of which even he didn't own.

When he came to a stall, Jiang Cheng picked up an eighth-level Warcraft core on the table. It looked like it was a Warcraft that had just fallen not long ago. The energy inside was relatively pure.

Curiously, he asked: "Boss, what is the price of this eighth-level water-attributed magical core?"

The boss sitting in front of the stall raised his head slightly, looked at the evil ghost mask, and said calmly: "An eighth-grade three-color elixir."

Hearing the other party's price, Jiang Cheng also shook his head slightly. The value of the eighth-grade three-color thunder elixir is enough to buy two eighth-order magic beast cores. In my opinion, the one-color thunder elixir can be bought. .

He put it back on the table and looked for what he wanted again.

Among a pile of strange stones, there is a colorful rough stone.

After seeing the colorful rough stone, Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, finally finding a treasure that could improve the bloodline of Color Scale.

"Boss, how much does this rough stone cost?"

The skinny old man in front of the stall glanced sideways at the colorful rough stone in Li Xiao's hand. He seemed to hate people who only asked the price but didn't buy it. He stretched directly and said lazily: "This colorful rough stone is worth two coins." If you sincerely want to buy the eighth-grade three-color Heavenly Thunder elixir, don’t continue to ask about the price.”

Among the many snake monsters, there are two well-deserved overlords. They are the ancient sky snake and the nine-colored sky-swallowing python.

Over the long years, the descendants of these two overlords have almost become extinct, but fortunately, the descendants of the Nine-colored Heaven Swallowing Python were able to evolve to the level of their ancestors through natural treasures such as Nine-colored rough stones.

It's a pity that the timing for the birth of this kind of heaven, material and earth treasure is too harsh, and more than a hundred seven-colored sky-swallowing pythons need to fall in one place at the same time to have a certain chance of giving birth to nine-colored rough stones.

It is precisely because of the rarity of the nine-color rough stone that only the nine-color sky-swallowing python of Medusa was born in later generations.

The skinny old man glanced at Jiang Cheng, and immediately snatched the colorful rough stone back from his hand, and said calmly: "Looking at you, you probably can't afford it. If you can't afford it, get out of here quickly and don't disturb my business. "

Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "Boss, I naturally have to carefully observe such a valuable rough stone. I can't just buy it if I think it's good."

"What do you mean by this?" The skinny old man stared at Jiang Cheng with his brows knitted together. He immediately slapped the table and stood up and said, "Old man, I have been selling treasures here for so many years and I have never deceived anyone. This is a veritable colorful rough stone!" "If you can't afford it, just say you can't afford it. I won't pick on you, but if you say this thing of mine is fake, old man, I'll have to reason with you. "

Seeing the latter being so excited, Jiang Cheng smiled brightly and said, "Don't panic, old man. I just said the price is a bit too much. How about this? How about I give you an eighth-grade three-color elixir?"

"Go ahead and play, don't disturb my business." The skinny old man waved his hand and started to push Jiang Cheng out.

Jiang Cheng could only sigh helplessly after seeing it. It seemed that he could only exchange two eighth-grade three-color thunder elixirs for this colorful rough stone.
Who calls himself a maniac who dotes on his wife?

"Forget it, now that the old gentleman said so, I won't negotiate the price anymore,"

With that said, Jiang Cheng took out two special porcelain bottles from the ring and placed them on the table.

Then he directly put the colorful rough stone into the ring, turned around and walked towards the location of the auction.

The skinny old man was also stunned. He grabbed the jade bottle in front of him and examined it. He was also a little shocked because he had already felt the specialness of these two eighth-grade and three-color sky thunder elixirs.

Immediately, he stared at Jiang Cheng's back with some surprise and murmured: "This guy is so cheerful. Could it be that there is something else hidden in the colorful rough stone?"

However, Jiang Cheng had already walked away at this time, and no one continued to answer his question.

After passing through a few streets, there is an old attic in front of you.

A vicissitudes of life permeated from the attic, as if it had lasted forever, making people dare not underestimate it.

At the same time, there were two old men standing outside the ancient attic. The old man had an extraordinary bearing and exuded an invisible deterrent force, standing there motionless like a statue.

The most shocking thing is that the strength of these two people has reached the six-star Dou Zun realm, and they use the strong Dou Zun as gatekeepers.

Such jaw-dropping strong gatekeepers also make people deeply aware of how terrifying the space trade fair is.

"Please show the invitation letter."

One of the old men stretched out his arm to stop Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng also directly took out the invitation letter and handed it over.

The latter looked at the name above and frowned subconsciously, "Shengdan City Lin Tianqiong... you are not Lin Tianqiong."

Jiang Cheng said: "I am the guest elder of Shengdan City. Today I will replace Lin Tianqiong to come to the space fair for the auction."

After hearing each other's words, the two Dou Zun experts looked at each other, then handed over the invitation letters in their hands again and said: "Sorry, we can't test your identity."

"If the little brother has no way to prove his identity, then he can only go back the way he came."

Because of the special nature of the Space Fair, Jiang Cheng had to prove his identity before he could enter the auction. Otherwise, he would not be eligible to enter with just an invitation letter.

(End of this chapter)

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