The moment they heard these words, the three fighting saints in the field froze on the spot almost at the same time. Even Hun Sha, one of the four demon saints of the Hun clan, couldn't help but frown.

"The Three Immortals of the Ancient Tribe! He's actually here too!" The old man in green exclaimed in shock.

There were flashes of fear in his eyes.

He may not know Fairy Qingyun, but he cannot but know the ancient path of one of the three immortals of the ancient tribe!
As the Supreme Elder of the Gu Clan and one of the Three Immortals of the Gu Clan, Gu Dao's strength has already reached the late stage of Seven Star Fighting Saints, but he is also extremely powerful.

Gu Dao narrowed his eyes, "Hun Sha, one of the four demon saints of the soul clan, I didn't expect that a guy like you would actually take action against a junior. You are really shameless."

"The Soul Clan just has no style."

Back then, there was a saying that there were three immortals of the ancient clan, six heroes of the Xiao clan, and four demon saints of the soul clan.

As the three most powerful groups among the eight ancient clans, whether it is the ancient soul clan or the Xiao clan back then, almost all of them are comparable to the other five clans.

In these three ethnic groups, there are not only dozens of masters who have reached the holy level, but there are even three very powerful combinations. In front of them, there are three elders of the ancient clan, known as the three immortals of the ancient clan!

Later, the four masters of the Soul Clan were called the Four Demon Saints of the Soul Clan, and among the descendants of the Xiao Clan, six amazingly talented and brilliant figures appeared at the same time.

Even if only one of these three combinations came out alone, he could be the king of the Dou Qi Continent.

The four demon saints of the soul clan, everyone's strength. In the later stage of the seven-star fighting saint, the four demon saints of the soul clan are composed of Hunyan, Hunjing, Huntu, and Hunsha. They are not even afraid of the eight-star fighting together. Holy strong.

The three immortals of the ancient clan are also in the late period of Seven Star Fighting Saints, they are Gu Dao, Gu Xing, and Gu Xian.Compared to the Four Devil Saints of the Soul Clan, the Three Immortals of the Ancient Clan are slightly inferior.

Although these seven people are all in the late stage of the Seven Star Fighting Saint, and their personal strength is also comparable, but in terms of the number of strong people.The three Supreme Elders were clearly at a disadvantage.

Regarding this point, Gu Dao among the three immortals of the ancient clan once said frankly, if it weren't for the four demon saints of the soul clan relying on their numbers, why would the three immortals of the ancient clan be afraid of them?
It is also because of this that every time a war breaks out, the three immortals of the ancient clan can only stop three of the four demon saints of the soul clan.As for the remaining one, it needs other strong men to resist.

Hun Sha said with a serious look on his face: "Gu Dao, this matter has nothing to do with you. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise you will definitely get your blood splattered on the spot!"

Gu Dao frowned and said: "Hunsha, who do you think you dare to talk to me like this? What kind of skills do you old immortals bully a girl have? If this spreads out, where will you put your faces?"

The old man in green clothes obviously wanted to quit. He was just a casual cultivator. It would not be a clear move to become an enemy of the ancient clan.

"No, I know you are powerful, but the two of us are equally matched. If we really fight, it is not certain who will lose and who will win. Moreover, if you become an enemy of our Soul Clan because of a stranger, aren't you a little too arrogant? ?”

Hun Sha wants to use the majesty of the Hun clan to force the latter to leave here.

Gudao turned around slightly, looked at Fairy Qingyun not far away, and said, "You are Qingrou, right?"

Fairy Qingyun looked stunned and said, "Senior, do you know me?"

"Yes." Gudao, who stroked his goatee, said with a smile: "I have known your grandfather, the gunsmith Liu Batian, for many years, but we were separated later due to some special reasons. Since I can meet his heir today, Then I will definitely not sit idly by. Is your grandpa okay?" "Thanks to you, everything is fine."

Hearing these words, Gu Dao also nodded with satisfaction, turned around and looked at Hun Sha, one of the four demon saints of the Hun clan, again, summoning a silver-white long sword with one hand. The moment the long sword touched the air, Makes a harsh buzzing sound.

"Hunsha, I said, no one is qualified to touch this girl today. If you are not convinced, you can give it a try. If you want to use the other two old guys to attack me, I think they don't have the guts. Offending the ancient clan is not a clear-cut move.”

Gu Dao was indeed right. The remaining two strong men did not dare to be enemies with the Ancient Clan. They were not afraid of Fairy Qingyun, but they were not afraid of the Ancient Clan, one of the eight ancient families.

Gu Dao snorted with disdain.

Faced with the threat of the ancient road, the old man in green could only say: "It was all a misunderstanding just now, hahaha, I'm sorry Fairy Qingyun, I was rude. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come and apologize."

Another Seven-Star Fighting Saint expert also bowed his hands and said, "I am the same. I will apologize in person when I have time someday. I hope the girl will not remember what happened today."

Although Fairy Qingyun wants to kill these people, she still knows which is more serious. If they are really forced into a desperate situation, they will definitely fight to the death. As the saying goes, a dog in a hurry will jump over the wall.

Now her main thing is to help Jiang Cheng delay, and the rest is just side effects.

Otherwise, if these two people join the battle again, it will easily lead to the failure of this battle.

"Since the two seniors have said so, the junior will naturally not say anything more. If there is a chance in the future, the junior will ask the senior for advice."

"I hope the two seniors will not tell anything about what happened today."

Fairy Qingyun slightly cupped her hands and said.

The old man in green chuckled, turned around and quickly disappeared from here, leaving the rest to the old immortal Hun Sha.

They have no background, and there is no way to compare with the behemoth of the Ancient Clan. Now they can only avoid it, lest they get burned.

Seeing that these two old immortals had already run away, Hun Sha clenched his fists. He didn't expect these two guys to be so greedy for life and afraid of death!

But this is fine, after I kill these people, their treasures will all be my own.

"Hahaha." Gudao stroked his goatee and said, "Hunsha, it's still too late to leave now. Otherwise, if you take another step late, I can't guarantee whether the long sword in my hand will chop off your head."

Faced with the threat of the ancient path, Hun Sha also sneered and said: "Hehehe, the ancient path, the ancient path, although you have some strength, your brain is a bit useless. I forgot to tell you, my powerful soul clan are all nearby. , I will let you see what will happen if you offend our soul clan."

After hearing these words, Gu Dao suddenly realized that something was wrong, and immediately said: "Qingrou, follow me immediately, this guy wants to call someone!"

Fairy Qingyun nodded quickly, and her whole body turned into a blue light, which suddenly shot towards the position of the soul evil spirit. (End of chapter)

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