People are fighting and breaking: Awakening Confucian Saint System at the beginning

Chapter 28 You’re a scoundrel, you’re eating me again!

Chapter 28 You’re a scoundrel, you’re eating me again!

When Queen Medusa saw Jiang Cheng's vow, she didn't pay much attention to it. The opponent was a fighting saint anyway, so this little flame shouldn't pose a threat to him.

As the two of them fell downward at an extremely fast speed, the temperature inside also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even Queen Medusa, who was half-stepping into Douzong, couldn't help but sweat.

Jiang Cheng took out something similar to a crystal, and a cool feeling spread over the two of them, as comfortable as eating a popsicle under the scorching sun.

Medusa curiously looked at the crystal in Jiang Cheng's hand and asked, "What is this? Why is there such terrifying ice energy?"

"This object is the most precious treasure in extremely cold places, the ice crystal stone. As long as thin fighting energy is injected into it, the ice crystal stone will withstand most of the fire-attribute heat."

Jiang Cheng replied softly.

The ice crystal stone was obtained by me when I traveled to the far north. It was originally exchanged from the hands of a strong Dou Zun.

I thought I would save a small amount of ice water to drink, but I didn't expect it would come in handy today, and I wouldn't waste one of my Yin Yang Black Dragon Pills.

Looking at the vast underground world in front of him, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh. The magma was boiling like a ferocious beast.

Magma pillars as thick as a bucket jumped into the air, causing the originally dull magma to become more turbulent.

The fiery magma column, like a ferocious fire dragon, draws a deadly arc in mid-air, and shoots straight towards the passage.

Queen Medusa originally held a battle with the monster here. There is no doubt that the monster in the spirit fighting realm is no match for her.

One slap will make the opponent dizzy.

Jiang Cheng disdainfully took out his folding fan and lightly waved it toward the fire dragon-like magma. The originally violent magma column was shattered in an instant.

Queen Medusa said: "That cunning beast is here again."

As Queen Medusa's voice fell, a harsh roar resounded throughout the underground world, and a snake-shaped monster slowly poked its head out of the boiling magma.

This monster is dozens of meters long, and it has scales like a unicorn on its body. What is even more surprising is that this monster has two huge heads!

This thing is the double-headed fire spirit snake, which usually grows in extremely hot places and lives by devouring magma, with a huge room for evolution.

When it was born, it was only a Tier [-] monster. If there were enough opportunities, it might be able to evolve into a Tier [-] monster comparable to the Dou Huang powerhouse!

The two-headed Fire Spirit Snake didn't dare to make any moves. It vigilantly observed the two humans in front of it, and continuously let out piercing growls.

Especially the moment he saw Queen Medusa, the two-headed fire snake actually became timid.

Damn it, why is she this crazy woman again!
Queen Medusa hooked her fingers charmingly, "Little snake, come here."

The two heads of the two-headed fire spirit snake looked at each other, but still swam over obediently, letting Queen Medusa caress their heads.

"You and I are both monsters. I had no choice but to attack you. This time, you are not allowed to make any more moves."

The two-headed fire spirit snake nodded repeatedly. It had already seen the strength of this woman, and naturally it did not dare to have too many thoughts now, otherwise it would be beaten again.

But after seeing Jiang Cheng, a human being, the two-headed fire spirit snake also cast a puzzled look. This human being would actually come here.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the behemoth in front of him and said: "The bloodline of this two-headed fire spirit snake is too low, and it is not suitable for being a spiritual pet at all. Forget it, let it stay here." The double-headed fire snake Spirit Snake: "???"

Are you polite?

But it is true that the biggest opportunity for this two-headed fire spirit snake is only the magma here, and it can only break through to the sixth level of magic beast in the future. Compared with the Amethyst Winged Lion King, the difference can be said to be worlds apart.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng did not intend to accept it as his mount.

Queen Medusa put her hands on her hips and said, "How do you plan to get down? Without the snake's tail, my speed will be slower."

Jiang Cheng smiled, and as the fighting energy from his body continued to surge out like a stormy wave, the two-headed fire spirit snake also recognized the strength of this human being and immediately returned to the magma, only daring to reveal its two heads.

Because there are space barriers around the alien fire, it is not easy to tear apart the space to get in. I simply took Queen Medusa to tear apart the space and come to the outside of the Qinglian pedestal, which also saved a lot of time intermittently.

"Queen Medusa, you need to offend me next. Because of the space and the fact that you haven't broken through Douzong yet, you can only do this."


Before the other party could react, Jiang Cheng immediately staged a princess hug. Queen Medusa was very light and weighed about 80 pounds. Because of the sudden attack, Medusa's arms wrapped around Jiang unconsciously. Cheng's neck.

The strong milky fragrance on his body also hit his face.

Medusa blushed and said, "Young disciple, you actually did this to me again."

"There's nothing you can do about it, you're too weak."

Jiang Cheng directly tore the space in front of him, and stepped in under the astonished eyes of the two-headed fire spirit snake. As the broken space wall disappeared, the two of them disappeared, as if they had never been there.

Even the two-headed fire spirit snake was confused. What just happened?
Teleport? !
I don't know how many meters deep in the magma, the two people slowly walked out of the void.

The temperature here can burn almost all flints. The hot red magma is almost invisible here, and is replaced by blue magma. This temperature is far better than ordinary flames, and the temperature naturally increases hundreds of times.

Because of the protection of Jiang Cheng's fighting spirit, Queen Medusa was not harmed in any way, but her body was cold and comfortable.

"Is this the birthplace of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire?"

Jiang Cheng frowned and stared ahead.

In front of the two people, cyan light enveloped the magma.In the green light, a blue lotus flower is standing gracefully.

When she came here again, Queen Medusa couldn't help but look moved. She had suffered a lot and suffered a lot of sins to obtain the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, but now it has become someone else's wedding dress.

But fortunately, he is about to break through to the Douzong realm, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Queen Medusa licked her seductive red lips and looked at Jiang Cheng's clean neck. If she tasted Jiang Cheng's blood, she wondered if she could be directly promoted to Douzong?

Jiang Cheng, who felt the blazing light, turned around and saw Medusa staring at his neck like a vampire, and also reminded:
"I advise you to put away your evil thoughts. The blood below is simply not something you can bear."

(End of this chapter)

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