Chapter 280: Killing Soul Evil
"Everywhere: The Funeral of the Soul!"

Hunsha roared like crazy and struck out, and his entire body disappeared completely like fragments, and his entire soul had been integrated into this special skill.

An unusually strong black light surged out from its seven orifices, and after an instant, under the gaze of countless horrified eyes, it suddenly burst!

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng was too lazy to continue talking nonsense.

As he clasped his folding fans together, the originally dark clouded sky was suddenly torn into a huge hole, and a dazzling ray of light was reflected from the hole, shining directly around Jiang Cheng's body.

The strong power of heaven and earth also caused all the powerful men within a hundred miles to look in this direction. It can be seen from his face, how terrifying is this amazing deterrent?
"Borrow, the power of heaven and earth!"

Just as Jiang Qing's crisp voice fell, the folding fan in his hand suddenly erupted with an aura that was no less than a sharp sword. As he waved it calmly, a touch of ordinary fighting spirit whizzed past like a sword blade, and the strong power of heaven and earth also The surrounding space was completely awe-inspiring.

In the black mist where Hunsha's soul merged, he also let out a harsh roar: "Crazy, even if I die today, I will die with you!!"

Darkness enveloped the earth, causing everyone to panic. A moment later, endless dark energy gradually occupied the sky, suddenly swallowing up any living thing within ten miles.

Jiang Cheng waved the folding fan in his hand disdainfully, and the sharp sword energy suddenly shot out like a thunderbolt.

A bang!

Countless pale white fragments shattered in the sky!
The sky and the earth shook, and the dark clouds were split into two halves almost instantly under the sword energy. People hundreds of miles away could clearly feel the sharp sword energy. The feeling was so dazzling that people fell into temporary blindness. .

Slash the sky with one sword!

The wind was blowing and the rain was howling.

Jiang Cheng stood proudly on the top of the mountain, his hair flying in all directions, and the same was true for his white robe. The folding fan gradually opened, and the poisonous miasma around him was completely shattered.

The ancient path in the distance was also stunned on the spot. With just one move, not only did she break her strongest fighting skill, but even the remaining sword energy made her feel an unprecedented shock.

Using a fan as a sword and using the power of heaven and earth as sword energy is really appalling!
The previous black mist also disappeared, and Hun Sha, one of the four demon saints of the Hun clan, completely disappeared on the spot, with no bones left.

Jiang Cheng looked at the devastated battlefield and sighed slightly. The strength of the fighting saints was too terrifying, and every move could destroy the world.

It seems that we need to kill the enemies as soon as possible in the future to avoid causing unnecessary trouble here.


Jiang Cheng, who returned to the war boat, also said, "Thank you, Senior Ancient Dao."

Gudao chuckled, stroked his goatee and said, "Thank you for that. I didn't expect that just a few years have passed, and this little guy like you is actually so powerful. I feel shocked by it." , it seems that it won’t be long before you will shock the entire Dou Qi Continent, and by then, I will also be able to get some light.”

Jiang Cheng also said modestly: "I don't know how many years have passed since I broke through the Nine-Star Dou Sage, and I don't know what this continent will look like by then."

Gu Dao, one of the three immortals of the ancient clan, nodded slightly. It is indeed true. We still don’t know what the future will be like. The soul clan is getting more and more rampant. Regardless of the shock of the big family, it resolutely slaughters souls, causing unparalleled consequences on the mainland. Obliterating damage.

"Yes, I just didn't expect that in order to hunt you, the Soul Clan would go out of their way to hunt down three Seven-Star Dou Sheng peak experts. These three people are famous in the entire Dou Qi Continent. Now they have lost three Seven-Star Dou Saints. At the peak of the Holy Spirit, the soul clan is in physical pain this time."

Gudao burst out laughing.The death of the three soul mirrors is a great help to the three immortals of the ancient race, because these guys are an organization founded specifically to restrain the three immortals of the ancient race.

Now that there is only one soul flame left, there is nothing to fear.

"When the soldiers come, they will be blocked by water and earth. If they continue to attack without mercy, then I can only resist with all my strength until I kill the opponent."

Gu Dao nodded slightly. Although he knew that Jiang Cheng did not want to fight and kill, if he was really forced into that situation, then the other party would pay a heavy price, and even said that he would use his blood to repay all the accidents he had done.

"Where do you plan to go next? If it doesn't work, just return to the northwest continent as soon as possible. Zhongzhou is not peaceful now."

Jiang Cheng said: "I've been planning to take them to the southern continent for a while, so it's time to take the family for some fun."

"Oh?" Gu Dao frowned slightly. He was planning to go to the world of two.

"Well, if something happens in the future, you can come to the Ancient Clan to find me. Generally speaking, I will not leave the Ancient Clan. I happened to pass by not long ago, so I came to help girl Qingrou."

Jiang Cheng cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Ancient Dao."

"Harm." Gu Dao waved his hand and said: "Now that you and I are both in the Seven Star Fighting Saint realm, and it seems that I can't beat you, there is no need to call you senior in the future, just call me brother Gu Dao. "

Jiang Cheng said hurriedly: "Senior, what are you talking about? You are many years older than me. How can I transcend this relationship?"

"Okay, whatever I say is what I say. Don't refute it. You little guy is really outstanding."

Gudao turned around and looked at Fairy Qingyun, "Qingrou is a very nice girl. You must treat her well in the future. If I know you bully her, I will fall out with you."


Jiang Cheng nodded.

After Gu Dao explained a few words, he flew towards the location of the ancient clan.

Only Jiang Cheng and Fairy Qingyun were left on the war boat.
Jiang Cheng clutched his chest, and the tearing pain caused his expression to change slightly. The previous breakthrough was forced by him, because breaking through the Seven Stars Dou Sheng must comprehend the energy of heaven and earth before it can be successfully completed.

And it had only been a few days, so naturally he couldn't make a complete breakthrough, so Jiang Cheng also forcibly raised his level to the Seven-Star Fighting Saint.

Now he has also suffered a backlash, and he can only sit on a chair to adjust his breathing, with a slightly solemn look on his face.

Jiang Cheng looked at Fairy Qingyun's gradually recovering vitality and blood, and silently breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that she was fine, he could rest assured.

The rest is just side details.

Jiang Cheng took out an eighth-grade elixir and threw it into his mouth. With the help of the elixir, he must have recovered quickly.

"It seems that we need to work steadily in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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