Chapter 286 Ice Crystal Three Soul Grass

"Good boy, I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. Well, I want to see who is stronger, you or me, the veteran Seven-Star Fighting Saint!"

The Rakshasa girl gritted her teeth, moved her hands quickly, and a special mark appeared in front of her.

Thunderclouds rolled, and plasma pierced the sky and fell straight down.

No grass grows wherever it goes.

"Heaven-level intermediate fighting skill, Rakshasa Demonic Scythe Slash!"

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color. The Rakshasa Sickle that had been hanging directly above the Rakshasa Center disappeared and slowly appeared in mid-air between the two people. As the clouds were pushed aside, the fierce Rakshasa Demon Scythe appeared. It's just a welcome move.

The terrifying purple-black color also makes all living beings within a hundred miles feel fear. It is a fear that comes from the soul!
Jiang Cheng looked at the weapon that suddenly appeared in front of him, with an indifferent expression on his face. From time to time, he would pick up the gourd of wine at his waist and take a few swigs.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. It seems that the girl has indeed improved a lot over the years."

Looking at the vision coming from the sky, Fairy Qingyun, Cai Lin and others also rushed over from Jingjiang City, heading straight towards the position of Rakshasa Sect, and murmured: "Thunder disasters are everywhere, all beasts are afraid, the thin spiritual energy in the world is He also gradually recovered, this is my husband’s fighting skill, he is in danger.”

Everyone turned into several colorful rays of light and flew straight into the distance, and immediately entered the clouds, hoping to enter the Rakshasa Sect as quickly as possible.

"The setting sun makes all beasts fearful. If you enter this formation, you will be baptized by thunder and disaster from the sky. Anyone who fails will be transformed into a pure land to nourish the world."

Jiang Cheng muttered softly, and with a flick of his finger, the folding fan turned into light and flew away. The original folding fan also turned into thousands of stars, falling towards the ground like a meteorite.

The Rakshasa girl's expression was startled, and then she raised her eyebrows slightly, "You little guy can actually use your fighting skills to such a terrifying situation. What on earth did you do?"

Jiang Cheng said: "Girl, people will always change, let's face this fighting skill next."

Seeing the meteorite so close, the Rakshasa girl also retracted her weapon, raised her head and closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng could only stop his fighting skills and said helplessly: "Since the winner has been decided, girl, you can hand over the Ice Crystal Three Soul Grass to me."

"I really didn't expect that after so many years, your strength would actually improve to this level. Well, in that case, I'll leave this Ice Crystal Three Soul Grass to you."

The Rakshasa girl said nothing nonsense, waved her right hand, and threw an ice blue clover directly over.

After Jiang Cheng saw this, he bowed his hands and saluted, took out a weapon from the ring and handed it over: "Girl, the weapon you have is an earth-level weapon, and now you should be worthy of a heaven-level weapon, so that you can explode. Real power, this is the reward for this ice crystal three-soul grass."

Looking at the weapons suspended in front of her, the Rakshasa girl was also deeply surprised. She didn't understand how this little guy had been promoted to such a level after so many years and had so many heaven-level weapons and fighting skills. ?
"It seems that you made a wise choice when you left here. If you stayed here, it would be impossible to improve so quickly, let alone have so many heaven-level weapons."

The Rakshasa girl breathed a long sigh of relief, turned around, looked at the clear water and green mountains in front of her, and said lightly: "Since you have found what you want, you can leave here."

Jiang Cheng did not leave in a hurry, but landed on the ground and stood side by side with the latter. He glanced at the Rakshasa girl beside him and said, "I still don't know your name."

"My name is Lin Muwan. I have been selected as the young master of the Rakshasa Sect since I was ten years old. I succeeded to the position of master at the age of 30."

Lin Muwan smiled calmly and said, "You must be a famous Confucian sage in the academy, right?" "Young lady, do you know me?"

"Although I stay behind closed doors, it doesn't mean I don't know anything. I've heard of the name Confucian Sage. The world says that Mr. Confucian Sage is an elegant and easy-going young man, and you fit this profile."

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything after hearing this, but just nodded slightly. It seemed that his reputation had spread throughout the country.

"Now that you've got everything, why don't you leave? Aren't you afraid that I'll regret it and take it back?"

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to speak, he saw the latter walking towards the distance. Although there were many things he wanted to say in his heart, he thought about it and let it go.

It can only turn into a ray of light and disappear here.

Lin Muwan turned sideways and looked at Jiang Cheng who had disappeared. She had mixed feelings in her heart. Maybe Jiang Cheng made the right choice by leaving this place. With his own strength, he was not qualified to train him into a seven-star in just a few years. Fighting saints and strong men.

If I can see him grow up, I will have no regrets.

It's just a pity that I can't talk to him freely after all.

Lin Muwan silently shed a line of crystal-clear tears. Under the refraction of the night light, a touch of sadness appeared on her face.

At the same time, outside the Rakshasa Sect.

Zi Yan and others also flew over. When they saw the Rakshasa Sect Empress in front of them, they wanted to rush in to save Brother Jiang Cheng, but they were stopped by Fairy Qingyun.

Fairy Qingyun stood there, because she had already felt that Jiang Cheng had returned, and it seemed that she was just rubbing him.

It wasn't until Jiang Cheng returned here that the girls flew over. They were relieved to see that there was no injury on him, because the previous energy was too much.

It is even said that it can make them all feel deep fear, so you and Jiang Cheng are so powerful.

"In my opinion. Did you meet your old friend again? Otherwise, you wouldn't have come up to fight."

"Well, we are just friends. You are overthinking it. The sect leader here, Lin Muwan, met by accident back then, and there were some reasons for it. I will tell you about it when the time comes."

Jiang Cheng turned around and looked at the Rakshasa Sect behind him. Although he did not see the Rakshasa girl Lin Muwan, he knew that she had been looking at him.

He cupped his hands and saluted and said: "Girls, we have not seen each other again for many years. We will meet again later. Maybe we will meet again in the future."

After saying these words, Jiang Cheng took the others and left here. It was not until they completely disappeared that the Rakshasa Girl led the sect's strong men to appear at the previous location.

"Sir, Sect Master, this little guy is no longer the little guy he used to be. If he can be promoted to the realm of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, he will definitely be extraordinary in the future..."

"Yes, looking back at the time when he was just a child, he was only in the realm of Dou Zong. Now he not only has broken through the Seven-Star Dou Sage, but also possesses such terrifying fighting skills..."

(End of this chapter)

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