Chapter 295 The wretched soul clan strongman

Medusa frowned slightly, and the snake sword in her hand suddenly shot towards the strong Fighting Saint in front of her.

The black-robed fighting saint shrugged disdainfully, "How dare the light of fireflies compete with the sun, moon and stars? You really don't know how to live or die."

Looking at Queen Medusa who was so close, the black-robed fighting saint just snorted coldly, then stretched out a finger, and a black light wave condensed at the fingertip.

The moment the light waves burst out, ripples appeared in the air.

The ear-piercing explosions were ups and downs, and countless terrifying air waves followed one after another. People subconsciously covered their ears to prevent the sound from shattering their cochlea.

Queen Medusa also fell back under this vast energy. After all, she had not yet broken through to the semi-saint realm. Even if she had broken through, she would not be a match for the strong Saint Fighter.


A mouthful of bright red blood spat out from Queen Medusa's mouth, and she fell back a hundred meters. The snake sword in her hand couldn't withstand the attack of the strong Dou Sheng, and exploded.

The eight leaders of the snake people and several elders hurried over and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Queen Medusa gritted her silver teeth and said: "It's okay...this old immortal actually aimed at my belly. If I hadn't reacted in time, I'm afraid the child in my belly would..."

Elder Snow knitted his brows after hearing these words. He didn't expect that this bastard actually knew that Her Majesty the Queen was pregnant.

This is obviously to eliminate the queen of their snake people.

Elder Snow said with red eyes: "Your Majesty, please go back and rest first. We will leave this place to us. Don't let anything happen to you and your child. If an accident occurs, we will not be able to explain it to Mr. Confucian Sage."

Cai Lin wiped away the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, raised his eyebrows, and said with a fierce look: "If you can't explain it, don't do it. I, the king, will never give up on my people."

Medusa attaches great importance to the ethnic group. In order to win a better territory for the ethnic group, she is willing to use the different fire that conflicts with her own attributes to carry out extremely dangerous evolution.

He has an arrogant personality, but he will not fight for things that have no results.

But now that she saw that her people were about to be destroyed, how could she stop willingly? Even if she died today, they would have to pay a heavy price.

The black-robed Dou Sheng clasped one hand behind his back, looked coldly at the strong snake man below him, and said lightly:
"Queen Medusa, if you are wise, surrender as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble for yourself. Our Soul Clan has always loved talents, and you are very powerful and have a lot of room for promotion in the future. As long as you choose to surrender, you will become This saint’s woman, this saint can preserve your bloodline and even keep the child in your belly.”

Cailin touched her belly with one hand and said indifferently: "I just said that I have only one man in this life, and that is the Confucian sage Jiang Cheng, and you, old guy, even if you are just a toe cap, I have only one man in my life. I won’t give you alms either.”

"You are really stubborn. Since you are looking for death, I will personally give you a ride. There is no one young or old on the road to hell. After I kill you, I will kill all the creatures in the Snake City. I would like to watch See how you protect your people."

The black-robed Dou Sheng also had his little patience worn away. He liked the appearance of Queen Medusa and wanted to get this woman. However, he did not expect that Queen Medusa would rather die than obey. In other words, I’m afraid it’s hard for anyone to accept it.

"go to hell!"

The black-robed Dou Sheng rushed forward, tearing the void with his withered right hand, and rushed straight towards Medusa in front of him.

The strong men of the Snake Tribe all rushed forward and used their lives to help the Queen build a barrier.However, in front of the strong fighting saints, these fighting kings and fighting emperors were just ant-like existences. In just a moment, they were all slapped away, and then they hit the city wall heavily, splashing pieces of debris. stone.

"You're an ant with a mantis' arms like a cart. Since you don't agree, I'll take you back and train you properly. I'd like to see if the snake people have a tough mouth or a tough body."

Speaking of this, the soul saint strongman showed deep greed in his eyes, as if he had seen this woman wailing under his crotch.

But just when he wanted to take action.Several figures landed here in unison, until they blocked the latter's steps.

Looking around, several young and beautiful women suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, namely Yun Yun, the leader of the Yunlan Sect, Qingxue of the Tian She Mansion, the Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin, the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and Mei Shibao.

"I didn't expect to meet so many beautiful and touching women today. Jie Jie Jie, I must capture you all and train them well, hahahaha!"

"Sister, are you okay?" Yun Yun took out a pill and put it into Cai Lin's mouth, and said worriedly.

Cai Lin shook her head and said, "It's okay... Where is my husband? How is he doing over there?"

"My husband's side is fine. They met several strong soul saints and couldn't get away for a while, so let us come here to help you first. But with Fairy Qingyun here, nothing should happen."

After hearing these words, Cai Lin nodded slightly, and immediately stood up with difficulty. The previous pain made her delicate cheeks look a little pale.

"You go and rest first, leave this place to us."

Cai Lin waved her hand, indicating that she had no problem.

"Oh?" The black-robed Dou Sheng said with a smile: "With so many powerful Dou Zun warriors, it seems that this battle is becoming more and more interesting. Wait, after I arrest you all, I must let you experience what it means to A woman’s true joy.”


The girls stared at this strong Fighting Saint from the Soul Clan with disgust on their faces.

"You don't have to look at me like that. If the Snake Man's departure has nothing to do with Jiang Cheng, I will naturally not come to this ungrateful place in the Northwest Continent today. Since it was the order given by the patriarch himself, then naturally I will not If you violate it, come on, come on together."

The black-robed Dou Sheng has little patience anymore. He doesn't know what the adults are like, but he needs to make a quick decision and deal with the guys in front of him as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble for himself.

Yun Shan looked at Yun Yun with red eyes, and said in a choked voice: "Yun'er..."

"Teacher, don't worry, my disciple will definitely avenge you."

The long sword in Yun Yun's hand was filled with a special ring of fighting energy, "Injure the teacher, injure the sister, die for me, the extreme wind, kill me!"

The strange long sword in his hand suddenly trembled, and a deep light that was almost the size of a thumb shot out instantly.As soon as the light appeared, the space trembled a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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