Chapter 314 The Confucian Sage Arrives
The strong man from the Soul Palace laughed loudly and started to provoke Xue Lan.

"Little lady, you'd better support us honestly, otherwise, I don't mind killing all of your so-called Motie mercenary group, and you don't want to see your family die because of this."

Xue Lan clenched her fists, her eyes filled with murderous looks. If she was a powerful Dou Huang warrior, she would definitely make these guys pay a heavy price.

At this time, the Motie Mercenary Group has already become a plaything in their hands. Anyone who dares to disobey their words will only die.

For the powerful soul clan, these guys are weaker than ants. If you want to kill them, you only need to move your fingers or even a thought to make them disappear.

The reason why they were not killed was because the Lord had already issued an order. They only needed to get the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, and the rest was just a side issue.

Just when the Soul Palace was about to attack Xue Lan, a javelin shot straight towards him like lightning. The Dou Huang's face changed slightly, and an invisible force suddenly appeared in his right hand, which directly hit the speeding warrior. The javelin was shattered by the shock, and then he shouted:
"Who! Dare to attack me secretly!"

I saw three figures slowly falling into the courtyard.

Xiao Li saw his men dying one by one in front of him. He immediately shouted, got the weapon again and rushed forward. However, in front of the strong Dou Huang, Dou Wang was just throwing an egg against a stone.

"It's just a fighting king, but he dares to be so presumptuous!"

The Dou Huang in the Soul Palace snorted coldly in his heart when he saw that the other party was just a strong Dou Wang. He thought some strong man had come here, but it turned out to be just a small Dou Wang.

After a brief battle between the two, Xiao Li was beaten until he vomited blood and fell back.

"Boy, from the looks of it, you must have just broken through the Dou King. You dare to challenge the Dou King. Do you really think you can beat me?"

The strong man from the Soul Palace also directly threw the woman in his arms out and strode over. A cold chill flashed in his eyes. This boy is too arrogant and dares to challenge the strong Dou Huang in public. He really doesn't know how to live or die. .

"You bunch of beasts, you all deserve to die for killing people from my Motie mercenary group and mutilating Xiao family disciples..."

The leader Dou Huang's brows moved slightly, he looked up and down at Xiao Li in front of him, and suddenly seemed to realize something, and immediately burst into laughter.

"Who is it? It turns out to be Xiao Li, the bereaved dog who escaped not long ago. How dare you come back?"

The strong men in the Soul Palace have already taken good care of the Xiao family. They also know who is outside and who is in the clan. The reason why Xiao Li was able to escape not long ago was the distraction of these Dou Huang strong men. caused by.

Otherwise, relying on Xiao Li's strength, trying to escape from the powerful Dou Huang would be just a dream.

"Boy, you shouldn't come back. Since you've run away, you should just linger in the outside world instead of provoking the Douhuang warriors in public. Do you really think we can't kill you? Or did you find some helper outside? ?”

Xiao Li was about to speak, but was stopped by Jiang Cheng beside him.

Jiang Cheng waved the folding fan in his hand with one hand, walked over slowly, and said calmly: "Are you from the Soul Palace?"

Several people's eyes once again rested on Jiang Cheng. After seeing this guy, they snorted unceremoniously.

"Since you know our identities, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy? Boy, I think it's difficult for you to practice and you are not the person we are arresting. If you have sense, get out of here. Otherwise, the fate of the Xiao family today will be your fate. I Think about it, you don’t want to lose your life because of this matter.”

At this moment, a Dou Huang strode over, his eyes fixed on Jiang Cheng's position, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn't remember.But after thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an elegant and easy-going young scholar in white robes on the list of people being hunted by the Soul Palace and the Soul Clan.

After thinking of this person, the strong man's face suddenly changed, his body began to tremble unconsciously, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground out of control, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

The Dou Huang warriors beside them looked at each other, a little confused. Why did this guy suddenly fall to his knees on the ground? Could it be that his legs were cold?

"Hun Li, what are you doing? Stand up quickly. If someone sees this rude look, wouldn't it mean that I, the Soul Clan, are laughing at my incompetence?"

"He he he he... he is..."

Hun Li's voice suddenly trembled, "He is..."

"Can you tell me clearly who he is?"

At this time, Hun Li didn't have the courage to speak. He could only kneel on the ground, kowtow continuously to apologize, and just begged the other party to spare him.

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "Let me introduce myself, Jiang Cheng, the Confucian sage of this academy."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at him in shock, especially the expressions of several people in the Soul Palace. Of course they knew the name of the Confucian Sage in the Academy.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him is the powerful person that their Soul Palace has been chasing for many years, and even killed their deputy palace master, as well as the Academy Confucian Sage who severely injured countless powerful people from the Soul Clan? !
"You, you, you... you are the Confucian Sage of the Academy!"

The strong man in the Soul Palace could no longer suppress the fear in his heart and knelt directly on the ground, with fear in his eyes.

The disciples of the Motie Mercenary Group and the Xiao Family knelt on the ground one after another, tears welling up in their eyes, because they all knew that with Mr. Confucian Sage here, the Xiao Family and the Motie Mercenary Group would be safe.

"You should come here just for the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, right?"

Hun Li said quickly: "Senior Confucian Sage, we really don't know your relationship with the Xiao family. Please spare us. We don't dare to do it anymore."

The other powerful souls in the Soul Palace also cried bitterly. They did not want to die here. They thought that there would be no powerful warriors above the Dou Huang in the small Tagore Desert, but they did not expect that a Dou Sage came, and he was still a soul. The palace has been hunting down a strong warrior for many years.

"In this case, there is no need for you to live. I told you back then that I would kill every strong person in the Soul Palace."

As soon as Jiang Cheng's voice fell, these Soul Palace experts seemed to have been subjected to some kind of force, and they transformed into glass shards and disappeared without a trace.

He didn't even have time to scream, which is enough to show how terrifying Mr. Confucian Sheng's strength is.

Everyone in the Motie Mercenary Group also burst into laughter. These beasts were finally dead.

During these six months, they suffered inhuman torture and faced the threat of death every moment of every day.

They have really had enough of this kind of life where the people have no livelihood and no food to eat, and now they have finally solved these troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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