Chapter 316 Xiao Zhan is solely to blame

That night, Xiao Ding led his tribe to prepare to move to the Warcraft Mountains, where they would have a chance to survive.

Otherwise, they would simply not be able to bear the revenge of the Soul Palace.

Even with the protection of Mr. Confucian Sage, no one can guarantee whether something will happen as time goes by.

In this case, it is better to make plans as early as possible.

At the same time, Xiao Ding told the story and asked the people living in Shimo City to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The people in Stone Desert City also chose to leave after hearing this. Only a few people felt that there was no big problem and continued to stay here.

However, all that awaited them was to be massacred.

It is naturally impossible for the Soul Palace to let these guys do whatever they want here.

On the way to the Warcraft Mountains, countless strong men also sighed. We all know that we don’t know where to go after leaving here. We can only follow the large army to the Jiama Empire. Whether we can survive depends on our own destiny.

Xiao Ding sighed when he looked at his clan members. He recalled that when he established the Motie Mercenary Group, he never thought about leaving Shimo City.

However, things took a turn for the worse, and in the end he was forced to leave, otherwise his people would perish, and even the mercenary group he worked so hard to create would wither. If he had known this, he should have believed in Mr. Confucian Sage earlier, and always Proliferate and develop in the Warcraft Mountains.

But now, there is no use saying anything.

Jiang Cheng sat on a carriage, took off the wine gourd from his waist, raised his head and took a sip of wine, and said softly: "After you leave this time, don't come back again."

Xiao Ding nodded and said: "Well, I think so too. From now on, I will build up my troops in the Warcraft Mountains. If I have the opportunity in the future, I can also go back to Wutan City. I should be able to develop a lot there."

Jiang Cheng glanced meaningfully at Xiao Ding beside him, and said in a calm voice: "It's all your Han family's fault. Originally, I didn't intend to continue to help you, but since I happened to meet you, I Let me solve this problem for you.

The survival of the Xiao family depends on one thought. Xiao Zhan is left to his own devices, causing the Xiao family to face danger again. You need to be deeply thirsty for this.Although the fact that you are your tribe has nothing to do with me, sometimes I still need to remind you. "

Xiao Ding nodded. Of course he knew that if his father hadn't rashly left the Warcraft Mountains for the desert this time, it would have been impossible for the Soul Palace to know their specific location.

There are many high-level magic beasts in the Warcraft Mountains as well as the strong men of Taolin Mountain. No Soul Palace strongman dares to set foot there, but the desert is different. It is deserted here, so many spies of the strong soul clan will naturally be born.

So all this was caused by his father. If it weren't for him being the patriarch, I'm afraid those great elders would also have to impeach him half of it?

"I understand. Sir, I will hand it over to my father when he wakes up. We will never leave hastily again in this life."

Jiang Cheng took back the wine gourd in his hand, stood up slowly, shrugged and said, "Since you have all looked away, I won't stay any longer. I have other things to deal with, and I can't stay all the time. I’ll escort you to the Warcraft Mountains.”

"It's okay, sir. If you have anything to do, please go ahead. We have been traveling for a few days and should be almost out of the desert."

Jiang Cheng nodded, looked meaningfully at the disciples and experts of the Xiao family, and immediately grabbed Zi Yan's wrist, and disappeared in the blink of an eye before the latter could react.Xiao Ding sighed: "Well, whether the Xiao family can truly survive depends on this time."


Two days later, Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family, also woke up from a coma. He looked at himself lying in the carriage and the clan members who were still migrating around him, wondering what had happened.

Because he was too weak, he could only lie on it, unable to move.

He didn't even have the strength to speak. Over the past six months, his bones had deteriorated.

After regaining some strength to fight Xiao Zhan, he couldn't help but ask: "What happened? Where are you going?"

After hearing the commotion, the two brothers Xiao Ding and Xiao Li, as well as several elders of the Xiao family, hurriedly ran over and helped the patriarch who had woken up. They had already burst into tears. The patriarch's awakening meant that the Xiao family was still alive. Able to rise.

"Lord Patriarch, since you were in coma, our Xiao family and the mercenary group have suffered unprecedented attacks. The strong soul clan has occupied Stone Desert City for half a year, but we can only become fish and turtles in the urn."

Xiao Zhan obviously didn't believe his ears when he heard this, but when he saw the person leaving like this, he knew that all this was true, and a deep surprise flashed in his eyes. Sex, could it be that my decision harmed the Xiao family and the mercenary group?

After learning about his fate and that the Xiao family was saved by Mr. Rusheng, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but blush. In the end, he still relied on Mr. Rusheng.

My husband has saved the Xiao family from fires no less than several times, but now they are still on the verge of death.

"Where's sir? I want to thank him in person!"

Xiao Ding said: "Good morning, sir. He left a day ago. He told me... that the power of the Xiao family should be left to himself."

"If you don't want the Xiao family to be destroyed, leave as soon as possible. Never come back here again. The Warcraft Mountains are our last residence. Father, let's follow your husband's instructions this time."

"Otherwise, once the family is destroyed, everything we have done will be lost. Have you forgotten what grandpa said back then?"

"Your grandpa..."

Xiao Zhan exhaled a deep breath and looked at the tribesmen and mercenary groups behind him.
He knew that there would be no chance for him this time. If he persisted in his persistence, the Xiao family would eventually completely disappear until they disappeared from the Dou Qi Continent.

It would be great if Yan'er was still around. His strength must have reached its peak.

"In any case, Mr. Confucian Sage is the savior of our Xiao family. No matter which of you becomes prosperous in the future, you must never forget your life-saving grace and teachings."

Everyone knelt on the ground and kowtowed, because they knew that all this was given by their husband. Without him, the Xiao family would have perished long ago, let alone them who have broken through to King Dou now.

Xiao Zhan stood up with difficulty. Even if his legs were weak, he still had to look at the mountains in the distance. Then in front of everyone, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed deeply to thank him.

(End of this chapter)

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