Chapter 329 Devouring the Pure Lotus Demon Fire

When Pure Lotus Demon Fire saw that Pure Lotus Demon Saint was about to take action, he roared: "You bastard. You don't need to control my growth at all. If I leave this world, I will become stronger, and so will you after all. It's just a soul body. If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough. Get out of here, otherwise I will refine you today..."

"Little demon, come back." The Pure Lotus Demon Saint slowly stretched out his right hand, trying to gently stroke the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, "I have always regarded you as my child, but now you are too violent, and your temper is too strong. Cruelty, if I let you leave this Zhongzhou Continent, I don’t know what you will become, so I will destroy your soul, destroy your memory, and let you become a strange fire again."

"Ancient Heaven Refining Formation, peel off!"

Pure Lotus Demon Saint does not want to do this, but the matter has come to this, and there is no use saying anything else. If he is allowed to leave, I don’t know how many humans will perish as a result.
As the formation was opened again, countless blood-red fighting energy condensed into a piece of thread, and at the same time, under the control of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, it merged into the body of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Jinglian Demon Fire roared in pain. The severe pain caused him to kneel on the ground and beat his head crazily. Even the hair behind him became extremely messy, and the whole person kept rolling back and forth like a madman.

Seeing the Jinglian Demon Saint here, he couldn't bear it, but thinking of what happened back then, his eyes became extremely firm. "The Ancient Heaven Refining Formation has absorbed thousands of years of energy. You can't resist this complete explosion. Little demon, just let me go."

"I don't want it, I don't want to die here!" Jinglian Demon Fire roared: "Jinglian Demon Sage, you talk so much about benevolence, righteousness and morality, haven't you ever killed anyone? Why do you interfere in my life? You have destroyed me. What’s the difference between my memory and my death? Tell me, what’s the difference?”

Jinglian Demon Fire yelled unwillingly, trying to use his last strength to shatter the power of the Ancient Refining Formation. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to suppress his master.

Seeing his body getting smaller and smaller, Jinglian Demon Fire finally got scared and kept begging for mercy:
"Master, I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me, please, I don't want to die yet!"

After hearing these words, Jinglian Demon Saint was obviously hesitant, but he continued to start.

"Little demon, I don't hate you. Even though you turned against me back then, in the end, I don't resent you. I have no disciples or children in my life. From the beginning to the end, you have been the person closest to me."

The pure lotus demon saint gently stroked the pure lotus demon fire's head with his palm, and a kind smile appeared on the somewhat unreal face.Melt each other's wisdom.

"But I hate you. If it weren't for you, how could I be like this? Pure Lotus Demon Saint, I hate you!"

At this time, Jinglian Demon Fire also knew that his situation was over, and screamed and roared unwillingly. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he was unable to withstand the attack of Jinglian Demon Saint.

In the end, his intelligence was completely destroyed and he became his original lotus form.

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint turned around and looked at Jiang Cheng behind him. He reluctantly handed over the Pure Lotus Demon Fire in his hand and said, "Fellow Taoist, take good care of the little demon. Take care."


Jiang Cheng took the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that was handed over and looked at the gradually disappearing Pure Lotus Demon Saint with deep eyes.

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint chuckled and disappeared as if relieved. From now on, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint will become a legend.

With the disappearance of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, the entire space began to shake crazily at this moment, as if it would disappear in the next second.

The surrounding magma surged crazily, and the splashing magma pillars surrounded the two people.

Fairy Qingyun strode to Jiang Cheng's side and whispered, "It's time for us to leave."

Jiang Cheng collected the strange fire into the system space, then shattered the space in front of him with a punch, and hurriedly left the place with the latter.As Jiang Cheng and the two left, the space of Jinglian Demon Fire completely exploded, and eventually disappeared into the long river of history, never to appear again.

When the light and shadow flashed, Jiang Cheng and the two of them arrived directly at the border area of ​​Zhongzhou Continent. Because the space here has been disrupted, everyone will be teleported to various places after leaving.

Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "In that case, let's return to the Jia Ma Empire and find a safe place to devour the strange fire."

Now Fen Jue has evolved into the intermediate level of heaven. Presumably after swallowing the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, Fen Jue's level will be upgraded to another level, and it is even said that he will become an emperor level that no one in the world has!
If you can break through the emperor level, you will have no rivals in the entire Dou Qi Continent.

Even old guys like Soul Emperor and Gu Yuan don't have this ability.

Three days later.

Jia Ma Empire, Warcraft Mountains.

After sending Fairy Qingyun safely back to Taolin Mountain, Jiang Cheng returned to the position where he had swallowed the strange fire and sat cross-legged.

Immediately, he took out the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that no longer resisted, took out the fire from it, let it enter the entrance, and quietly guided the Pure Lotus Demon Fire into the Naling, and then immediately guided it into Fen Jue, thus achieving the effect of evolving Fen Jue.

With the release of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, the power in the cave instantly surged, and countless monsters also cast terrifying looks.

Warcraft are naturally afraid of flames, and alien fire is something they cannot even imagine.

The raging flames continued to burn in the sky, and everyone on Taolin Mountain also appeared here, looking straight in one direction.

Milky white lotuses bloomed in the sky, and the thick breath of flames shocked the world. Countless creatures did not dare to show any signs of neglect and kept running towards the distance, for fear that this amazing flame would completely engulf them.

As the surrounding power became more surging, Jiang Cheng also grabbed the Qinglian Earth Core Fire in front of him.

The Pure Lotus Demonic Fire immediately began to riot, and the energy generated caused the surrounding boulders to explode inch by inch.

In the cave filled with smoke and dust, the power generated by the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire could not break Jiang Cheng's offensive at all.

Although the Pure Lotus Demon Fire does not have its own wisdom, it is still a strange fire after all, and it is also ranked third on the list of strange fires. It is not that easy to swallow it safely.

"Is this vast energy the Pure Lotus Demon Fire ranked third on the Alien Fire List?" Her jade feet stepped lightly on the air, and Queen Medusa's expression was slightly solemn. With this breath alone, Let the blood in her body be completely suppressed.

"Mother~" The little girl in Queen Medusa's arms pursed her green lips and said in a soft voice: "Is this daddy?"

Queen Medusa said gently: "Well, your father is devouring the strange fire, Xiaoxiao should wait patiently."

(End of this chapter)

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