People are fighting and breaking: Awakening Confucian Saint System at the beginning

Chapter 341 Taixu Ancient Dragon 1 Clan Old Dragon Emperor Zhukun

In about half an hour, the two people also successfully reached the bottom of the magma. At this time, the bottom of the magma was deserted, with only a special small space wormhole standing here.

Zi Yan blinked her big watery eyes and asked curiously: "Is this the same place as Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's cave?"


As long as you pass through this momentum hole, you can enter the cave of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.Many people must have come here over the years.

From the skeletons on the ground, it can be seen that all these powerful men died here. This is why the location of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's cave has not been teleported.

Presumably, these people were all killed by the guardians inside. Anyone who breaks into Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave will face punishment and eventually die on the spot.

It's a pity that these people have been dead for too long, and the contents of the Najie were also swallowed up by the power generated by the magma, and were eventually burned up.

Zi Yan looked around with eyebrows raised. She was a little afraid to enter this place. No one could guarantee whether the cave behind this space was the cave of the ancient Tuoshe Emperor.

If not, then wouldn't they have to stay here forever like the white bones on the ground?

"Brother Jiang Cheng, do we really want to go in?"

"Hahaha, now that we are here, of course we have to go in. We can't return in vain. Besides, our goal is not just the cave of Emperor Tuoshe."

Jiang Cheng could see what Zi Yan was thinking, and then he took her little hand and entered directly into my eye space.

What appeared in their eyes was an endless space of darkness and silence.

This space has been silent for many years, and the whole space is filled with an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

Looking at the ancient and vicissitudes of space, one can't help but feel a bit of surprise, because this space is so similar to brother Jiang Cheng's space. It seems that the strength of this powerful Dou Di warrior is really terrifying.

Jiang Cheng's small world was created from the Great Thousand Worlds. Even the powerful Dou Di, who is at the pinnacle of the supreme realm, would be shocked by it, which is enough to show that his small world is at the supreme level.

It even reached the holy object space.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, let me enter your space first. I want to see if this dad can smell me."

"Okay then." Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, then waved his right hand, and Zi Yan returned to her own little world.

Jiang Cheng strode towards the distance. Although this was a special space, the space was not too big. Walking straight along a path meant that he could see a vast stone gate.

The stone gate stands quietly in this vast space, as if it is eternal, an ancient, wild aura slowly diffuses from it, rippling in the world.

It is enough to show how much effort and energy Emperor Tuoshe spent in building this cave.

But the most important thing is that Emperor Tuoshe wanted to leave some treasures to his descendants, and at the same time he didn't want those who got something for nothing to get it. This is the glory.

There is an equally huge square in front of the stone gate. Although there is nothing on the square, it contains extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

Standing on the top of the stone gate, four large gilt characters are engraved, which reads "Ancient Emperor's Cave!" '

"Who broke into Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave?!"

As an old voice sounded from the surroundings, a huge creature moved its body that covered the sky and the sun. The buzz produced by the phosphorus armor touching the wall also made people want to cover their ears.

In the dark void, a pair of huge eyes that had been closed for a long time suddenly opened!This pair of eyes is faintly red, with overlapping pupils. This pair of eyes alone is hundreds of times larger than Jiang Cheng's entire body!
"Do humans have ancient jade?!"

Jiang Cheng looked at the behemoth in front of him and knew who he was, but he still waved his right hand, and a complete version of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade appeared in mid-air.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, someone would actually get the complete version of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, hahahahahahaha!"

The laughter in the abyss was deafening, and the huge body began to shake violently as if it had been reborn. Immediately, a black dragon hundreds of meters long rose into the sky.

The ancient and majestic aura rushed to the face, and strong winds and yellow sand blew wherever it passed.

"Human boy, you're not afraid of me?" The giant dragon lowered its head and blew out its thick breath. The eyes that stared at Jiang Cheng showed a little surprise.

"You have actually reached the imperial realm of soul?"

Black Dragon looked at Jiang Cheng in front of him, and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He didn't know why this human boy had an emperor-level soul, and he couldn't see through his own strength.

Could it be that he is using some kind of elixir to hide his strength?

"Forget it, no matter whether you have an emperor-level soul or not, you have the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade. If you want to enter it, you have to defeat me, otherwise you have to die here."

The huge dragon head shook slightly, but for some reason, he smelled a familiar scent on Jiang Cheng, and his nose subconsciously moved towards Jiang Cheng's position.

"Wait a minute...! You actually have the breath of a child!"

With the flash of light, the old dragon king of Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan transformed into a human being. He was a middle-aged man with long purple-gold hair that was a bit messy. He grabbed Li Xiao with joy. The shoulder said.

"Child, where is my child?" Zhu Kun asked extremely excitedly.

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "Zi Yan, come out."

As a purple light lit up, Zi Yan appeared here.

Zhu Kun, the old dragon emperor of the Taixu ancient dragon clan, was even more excited and needed words to describe it. With trembling hands, he wanted to touch his daughter's cheek.

"It really looks like she is my child..."

"I didn't expect you to recognize me. If it weren't for brother Jiang Cheng, I would have thought I had jumped out of a stone."

Seeing Zi Yan's face suddenly turned cold, Zhu Kun was a little at a loss.

"I'm sorry, kid. It's my fault. I shouldn't have been so greedy for treasures. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to say sorry to me. I'm an orphan. I have no father or mother."

Zi Yan said in a cold voice, but there was a bit of sadness in the voice.

There were tears in her eyes that were a bit unsatisfactory. Father... what she had been looking forward to the most was this scene.

For many years, she fantasized about her family coming back every time, but what she got in return was endless indifference and ridicule.

If it hadn't been for brother Jiang Cheng, a ray of light in her life, she might still be immersed in pain. (End of chapter)

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