Inside the cave.

As Jiang Cheng's fist hit the stone statue hard, there was a constant buzzing sound in his ears.

At this time, special scratches like spider webs began to appear on the stone statue's body.

The frequency of the stone statue's trembling became more and more frequent. After arriving, only a squeaking sound of the stone statue was heard, and a stone cave was slowly cracked at the chest of the stone statue.

At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly erupted from the cave. Wherever the light passed, ripples appeared in the sparkling space.

Under such soft white light, Zhu Kun's expression also changed drastically. He even felt that his legs were weak, and he couldn't control himself and knelt directly on the ground.

Zhu Kun's face turned red, but his body was as if pressed by Mount Tai, unable to move.

"Damn Ancient Emperor Tuoshe, you have been trapped for thousands of years, and now you are still humiliating me like this. You are so bullying!"

The previous white light condensed slightly, and finally enveloped Jiang Cheng in it under everyone's gaze, which also made Zhu Kun feel envious in his heart.

He paid a heavy price for the origin of the emperor and was imprisoned here for thousands of years. Now that he saw that the origin of the emperor chose Mr. Confucian Sage, he felt a little sad in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Cheng had come to a separate space. This space was a fiery red ocean. The ocean seemed to be boiling, and terrifying heat was constantly coming from it.

"After so many years, someone finally came here. It seems that you are the destined person."

As an ancient and majestic voice came from all around, an old man in dark robes with nothing special about his face slowly rose up from the sea of ​​strange fire.

If you ignore his colorful hair, he is almost no different from ordinary old men.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Jiang Cheng bowed his hands modestly. This must be the ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

"The young man has extraordinary bearing. It seems that you opened the cave I left behind." Emperor Tuoshe waved his right hand gently, and a special flame lotus appeared in the ocean of strange fire. "Sit down."

"Thank you."

Jiang Cheng nodded slightly and came to sit on top of the lotus flower before.

Tuo Shegu Emperor didn't show any expression, but sat on the flame lotus like Li Xiao, and asked with deep eyes: "After so many years, has a strong Dou Emperor appeared in Dou Qi Continent?"

"No." Jiang Cheng said faintly: "Since the last trace of the emperor's origin disappeared in the Dou Qi Continent, the nine-star Dou Sheng strong men have only reached the half-step Dou Emperor realm. If they want to break through, it is undoubtedly not a dream."

"As expected..." Hearing the latter's voice, Emperor Tuoshe was not too surprised, but nodded slightly.

It just made him a little surprised. He didn't expect that the little guy in his twenties actually knew something like the origin of the emperor. He was really a young hero.

Emperor Tuoshe flicked his finger, and the boundless sea of ​​​​splendid fire suddenly squirmed into existence. Finally, the fire dragon surged and condensed into a brilliant and dazzling light the size of a fist in mid-air.

"My inheritance is all here. Whether you can break through the Dou Emperor realm depends on your luck."

Jiang Cheng looked at the inheritance flying in his hand and said softly: "Senior Ancient Emperor, does he have other matters?"

Tuo Shegu Emperor replied: "I have been in control of the Dou Qi Continent for tens of thousands of years, and now that the remaining souls of this world are running out of oil, I would be satisfied if I could see the birth of a strong Dou Emperor. "Gone." Jiang Cheng sighed, the original Emperor Qi of the Dou Qi Continent has long since disappeared. If Emperor Tuoshe hadn't vaguely known about this back then and left a legacy, I'm afraid there would be no more powerful Dou Emperors in the world. The birth of.

"By the way, senior, I have a small world here, do you know?"

As Jiang Cheng spread out one hand, a beam of light appeared here.

Emperor Tuoshe frowned. The moment he looked at the beam of light, his expression obviously changed slightly, "Who gave this to you?"

"Lin Yuan Dou Emperor."

Hearing Lin Yuan's name, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor also laughed, "It is indeed him... Lin Yuan is extremely talented and can be regarded as an overlord-like existence in the upper world. It's a pity that he got something he shouldn't have." He got something, so he was chased crazily."

"Does senior know the origin of this thing?"

Emperor Tuoshe shook his head slowly, "I'm sorry little guy, I don't know what this is, but I know that this small world is an existence that transcends the imperial level."

"When Lin Yuan Dou Emperor was chased by countless powerful men, the main reason was because of the treasure in your hand. Remember, after you break through Dou Emperor realm in the future, you must not take it out, otherwise, you will also be in disaster."

"Everyone below the Supreme is just an ant. Even the strong ones above the Supreme will rob things, and you are not qualified to protect them."

The ancient Emperor Tuoshe was originally a remnant soul and had no way of knowing too many things. Now it was not easy to be able to tell Jiang Cheng so much.

"Little guy, remember what I just said, don't take this thing out if you don't have absolute strength, otherwise, you will follow in the same footsteps!"

Jiang Cheng looked at the small world in his hands and was extremely curious as to what was contained in it and why it could shock the two Dou Emperor realms.

It seems that there is more than just the original imperial energy hidden here.

The original Emperor Lin Yuan had already said that his exploration of this world was just the tip of the iceberg. If he goes further in, he can only rely on his own strength. Whether he can get it depends on his luck.

There must be other secrets hidden in it.

If you have time, just go to the auction pavilion and ask Brother Li.

Brother Li is well-informed and should know the origin of this small world.

Tuo Shegu Emperor shrugged and asked softly: "Why don't you absorb the inheritance in your hands? Don't you want to break through the powerful Dou Emperor?"

Jiang Cheng replied with a smile: "Senior, you are joking. Fighting the Emperor is a realm that we practitioners dream of. How can I not want to break through?"


Emperor Tuoshe raised his eyebrows, "Then why don't you absorb it here? If I am here, the energy here will not dissipate. You can also absorb the energy here to break through as soon as possible."

Jiang Cheng looked at the ancient emperor's inheritance in his hand, and the expressions of his wives appeared in front of his eyes, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Senior, it is only a matter of time before the juniors can break through Dou Emperor, but my women do not have the capital to break through Dou Emperor, so I want to pass on the Dou Emperor inheritance to them." (End of Chapter)

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