Seeing Zhu Kun's excitement, Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Zhu Kun, don't be so excited. You will know how wise my decision was in the future."

"Besides, I will also help you break through to the Dou Emperor realm."

Hearing this, Zhu Kun, who was still chattering, was suddenly startled.

Some couldn't believe their ears.

Does he help himself?
What do you mean?
Zi Yan crossed her arms and said with a smile: "It's all for free, dad. Brother Jiang Cheng is a veritable ninth-grade alchemist, and now that his soul has reached the imperial realm, he will be more than enough to refine imperial-grade elixirs in the future."

"When brother Jiang Cheng gets some original imperial energy, he can refine a complete version of the imperial elixir and help you break through. Isn't it just around the corner?"

After listening to his daughter's words, Zhu Kun suddenly realized, and he quickly raised his hands and said: "It turns out that Brother Jiang Cheng is a ninth-grade alchemist. I am really surprised. Then there will be Brother Lao."

Jiang Cheng nodded, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt several extremely terrifying auras exploding toward this location at extremely fast speeds.

Zhu Kun also felt it. He was also a strong man in the Nine Star Fighting Saint realm. If he couldn't feel this breath, then he might as well die.

A few rays of light and shadow suddenly appeared, and the leader of the soul clan, Emperor Hun Tiandi, and others were already standing here.

"No!" When Wuwu Tunyan saw the damaged stone statue, he immediately knelt on the ground, his eyes filled with pain.

"The inheritance of Emperor Dou... is not... impossible..."

The words of Void Swallowing Flame also made the Soul Emperor gnash his teeth, and he immediately scolded Jiang Cheng, "You are a cunning rat, you are a Confucian sage in the palace, you actually do such a heartless thing, Jiang Cheng, you beast?! "

The soul clan's thousand-year foundation was actually destroyed by this guy today!

hate it!

Hate! ! !

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and said with a smile: "Who is it? It turns out to be brother Huntian Emperor. Didn't you return to Zhongzhou? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Shut up!" Emperor Huntian's eyes widened angrily and said with blood red eyes: "Jiang Cheng, you despicable villain, I am waiting for you to open the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave with the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade! "

"Tell me, why do you know this place?!" Emperor Huntian trembled with anger, "Or have you always known the location of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor and have been deceiving me?!"

At this moment, Soul Heaven Emperor seemed like a crazy wild dog. Seeing Jiang Cheng get the things in Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's cave, he was also furious to death.

Jiang Cheng smiled elegantly and said: "The difference mentioned by Brother Huntian Emperor is just that I happened to encounter the cave of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, and Brother just happened to give Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade to me, so I Come in search of treasure.”

"You are presumptuous!"

Wuwu Tunyan gritted his teeth and said, "Where are the Emperor's Young Pill and Dou Emperor's inheritance? Hand them over to me!"

"The inheritance of Emperor Dou?"

Emperor Soul Heaven immediately shifted his gaze to Wuwu Tunyan beside him, and asked curiously: "What is that thing?"

Only then did Void Swallowing Flame realize that he was in a hurry. He spoke out what was in his heart and vetoed it on the spot: "It's okay. It's just a treasure left by the ancient Emperor Tuoshe. It will be of great help to the strange fire."

Emperor Hun Tian was too scheming, so he naturally knew that the rebellious boy Niuwu Tunyan was telling lies. It seemed that he would definitely find an opportunity to kill this bastard in the future.Only in this way can the great cause of the Soul Clan be continued.

But the most important thing now is to deal with the guy in front of him first. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng did not take the Imperial Grade Young Pill, otherwise he would really have no chance if he came here today.

Emperor Soul Tian suppressed his impulsiveness and said in a low voice: "Jiang Cheng, give me the Imperial Grade Young Pill. I will pretend that what happened today never happened. Otherwise, the Northwest Continent will be littered with corpses because of your decision. , leave no chickens or dogs behind!”

"If you do this, there is no need for the Soul Clan to continue living."

Jiang Cheng replied unceremoniously.

This is a warning to the Soul Emperor, if you dare to touch any plant or tree on this continent, I will massacre all your disciples in the city!
"You arrogant boy, do you think I care about the death of my clan members?!" Emperor Soul Heaven sneered sternly.

He has paid so much to get to where he is today, how could he just let Jiang Cheng take the Imperial Grade Young Pill away safely, so even if he fights to the death today, he still has to pay a heavy price!

"Gu Yuan, Lei Ying, Yan Jin, I know that you three major families have joined forces to form an alliance, but you should also be for the Imperial Grade Young Pill. Now that this pill has fallen into the hands of Jiang Cheng, you say, Should he get out of here?"

The three people who heard this suddenly frowned. This Soul Emperor obviously dragged them into the water...

But the temptation of the Imperial Grade Young Pill was too great.

They have already penetrated deep into their bones in order to break through Dou Di. Now that this elixir is in front of them, who among you here would not be moved?
Lei Ying looked at Gu Yuan, wanting to see how Gu Yuan solved this problem.

After Gu Yuan was silent for a while, he said, "Brother Jiang Cheng, is this Imperial Grade Young Pill really in your hands?"

Jiang Cheng shifted his gaze to Gu Yuan, slightly cupped his hands and said, "You are Xun'er's father, Gu Yuan, right? I've admired him for a long time."

"You're serious." Gu Yuan returned the gesture with his hand.

"The Imperial Grade Young Pill is indeed in my body, but does Brother Gu Yuan also want to snatch it away?"


Gu Yuan didn't know how to answer. There was no doubt about Jiang Cheng's strength. He had long heard Gu Dao mention that the last time he used his own strength to kill three of the four demon saints of the Soul Clan, he had just broken through the Seven-Star Fighting Saint.

Now that his strength has reached the level of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint, there must be no benefit from fighting against these guys.

Yan Jin took a step forward and said calmly: "Brother Jiang Cheng, I know that you are very powerful, but the Imperial Grade Young Pill is indeed too precious. Can you take it that we don't have to hurt our friendship?"

"Hahaha, what a funny joke. When did the eight ancient families become like this?"

At this moment, Zhu Kun, who had been watching the excitement, couldn't help laughing anymore, and the aura on his body made Yan Jin and Lei Ying take two steps back at the same time.

The strength of Lei Ying and Yan Jin are both at the Eight-Star Fighting Saint realm, but Zhu Kun is at the peak of the Nine-star Fighting Saint. Even the Soul Emperor may not be his opponent based on strength alone.

"Nine Star Fighting Saint..."

Yan Jin's face darkened and he frowned: "Who are you? This is a matter between us. I hope you don't get involved, otherwise it will be of no benefit to anyone."

Zhu Kun said with a smile: "I didn't expect that after so many years, I have forgotten my name." (End of Chapter)

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