Chapter 57: Fen Jue is promoted to heaven level
After hearing this, everyone had no time to think too much and hurriedly backed away. Even the strong men of Canaan Academy could only avoid it. However, the two slow-running fighting kings in the Black Angle Domain unexpectedly were able to speak in this direction. There was no trace of the burned bones underneath.

Under Han Feng's deep eyes, he took a breath of cold air. It can be seen from this that the so-called Fallen Heart Flame is indeed well-deserved.

However, at this time, he had no idea of ​​snatching it. To snatch the strange fire from the hands of a strong Dou Sheng would be to ask for trouble.

Jiang Cheng stared at the fallen heart flame in front of him, and immediately said: "Has the heart fire entered the body? But you have to choose the right person."

Jiang Cheng slowly raised the folding fan in his right hand, and a strong strong wind immediately appeared here. The tornado was only two meters in size at first, but after a moment, the tornado surged in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it became a huge tornado of more than ten feet. Tornado.

Between the sky and the earth, golden tornadoes roared and rotated. The giant trees on the ground were constantly being forcibly pulled out, and then twisted into sawdust all over the sky by the violent whirlwind.

"This amazing deterrent force, could it be the top ten strange fires!"

Han Feng was the first to notice that something was wrong, and exclaimed: "The golden flames, the top ten on the list of strange fires are only... the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame and the Nine Nether Golden Ancestral Fire, and this amazing power, could it be the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame ?!”

Everyone who heard this sentence was shocked again. They didn't expect Mr. Confucian Sage to actually possess the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, which is the fourth in the list of strange fires. My God, who is this powerful person? He actually possesses such terrifying power. of strange fire.

Under the dance of wind blades, Fallen Heart Flame could no longer suppress the flames around him and was immediately completely subdued.

Jiang Cheng put it into his bag without changing his expression, turned around and looked at the stunned people, and also smiled.

"The strange fire has been collected by me, there is no need for you to continue watching."

Han Feng swallowed his saliva and immediately took a step forward, "Senior should be the eighth-grade alchemist not long ago."

"Senior may also know that an alchemist can only possess one type of strange fire. If a second type of strange fire is allowed to repel each other, there may be a risk of explosion and death."

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "I don't need to bother Medicine Emperor to worry about this. I have my own way to subdue the Fallen Heart Flame."

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly, "It's the junior who was rude, I hope you can forgive me."

Elder Su Qian came to Jiang Cheng's side and turned to stare at Han Feng. "Medicine King, since the strange fire of Canaan Academy is no longer here, isn't it a bit..."

"It's natural, let's go."

Although Han Feng felt unwilling in his heart, he did not dare to have any objections. Who said that the other party was a strong fighting saint? If he liked it, he would probably have his strange fire taken away.

It's better to leave here before the other party changes his mind to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Seeing Han Feng and others leaving in annoyance, Su Qian also snorted coldly. If Mr. Confucian Sage hadn't been there, a battle would have been inevitable today.

Based on his understanding of Han Feng, he naturally knew that if it were another person, Han Feng would probably make a comeback.

Su Qian cupped his hands and saluted: "Congratulations, sir, on obtaining the most precious treasure."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Thank you very much, Elder Su Qian."

"Sir, I'm afraid Han Feng won't interfere too much. Now that he knows your identity, he will definitely hide to prevent his strange fire from being snatched away by you."

"Haha." Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "I never bother to rob other people's things. If so, what is the difference between me and a bandit? Can't the name of a Confucian sage be insulted on me?"

"Chivalrous sir."

Now that the strange fire in the inner courtyard has been collected, we only need to get some other herbs before we can go to another place.

In order to maintain the energy of the Sky Burning Qi Training Tower, Jiang Cheng also injected part of the energy of the Fallen Heart Flame into it, so that the Heart Fire Tempering Body could always be maintained.

Elder Su Qianda is also very grateful. Although this energy can only be maintained for ten years, he only needs to inject a little bit every ten years.Jiang Cheng's gaze remained on the Tianfen Qi Training Tower. As a time traveler, he naturally knew what was underneath.

The place where Fallen Heart Flame lives is a world of magma. In the magma, there is not only another Little Fallen Heart Flame, but also a group of terrifying creatures, which are more special beings than creatures.

Because they have no flesh and blood, they are salamanders born from magma, not one person, but a group.

The strength of these lizardmen is terrifying. It is said that many years ago, Venerable Skyfire Yao Tianhuo conquered the Fallen Heart Flame and never expected to encounter these salamanders.

Every Salamander man had reached the strength of Dou Zun, and even the leading Salamander man had reached the semi-saint realm. Being besieged by such a group of Dou Zun powerhouses, Lord Tianhuo with the same Dou Zun strength was definitely no match, and he died in the end. here.

Although Jiang Cheng is not afraid of the so-called Salamander Man, he can only peek inside. The next level is the cave where he is the ancient emperor of Tuoshe.

It can be said that this bottom level of genius is the greatest treasure and secret, and there is even the source of fighting spirit that makes Dou Emperor possible.

"Sir?" Elder Su Qian looked at the stunned Jiang Cheng and couldn't help but say, "Sir? What's wrong?"

"Ah?" Jiang Cheng reacted and responded: "Nothing, I'm going back to rest first. If you have the herbs, come find me."

"Okay, then you can go and have a rest. Leave the matters here to us at Canaan College."


When Jiang Cheng returned to the room, he took out the still trembling Fallen Heart Flame and swallowed it directly into his mouth in order to prevent it from making any small movements.

Thick energy swept through Jiang Cheng's limbs and bones in an instant. Although this process was much more difficult than refining the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, it was not difficult for him as a two-star fighting saint.

As the alien fire was completely swallowed up, Jiang Cheng also integrated it into Fen Jue. With the help of Fallen Heart Flame, Fen Jue's level could only reach the low-level heaven level skills.

Although his cultivation level has not exceeded the Dou Sheng three-star level, it has also provided him with twenty experience points, which is not bad.

Immediately, the system cutting board automatically popped out, and all his information came into view.

Name: Jiang Cheng

Age: 21 years old

Realm: Two Star Fighting Saint

Fighting skills: Three Thousand Phantoms (intermediate earth level) God-killing Palm (advanced earth level) Green Lotus Sword Shadow (low level heaven level)
Cultivation method: Burn Jue (lower level of heaven)

Treasures: countless

[Experience value: 60/100]

There are only forty experience points left to break through to the Three-Star Fighting Saint.

Fen Jue compresses the energy generated by the fusion of different fires together to form a more unique color of different fires, the Burning Sky Flame of the Golden Emperor, the Fallen Heart Flame, and the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire.

Gold, white, green.

The fusion of three different attributes of the flame actually formed a strange three-color, and dazzling light burst out.

(End of this chapter)

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