Chapter 67: The Horror of the Bird Protector
At dawn the next day, the golden rooster announced the dawn.

Jiang Cheng had just woken up when he heard the clanging sound of sword blades coming from outside the courtyard. You didn't need to think twice to know that it was a sparring match between Cai Lin and Yun Yun.

Yun Yun broke through the Eight Star Dou Emperor last night, while Cai Lin broke through the Two Star Dou Sect, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

The sword shadow flashed in mid-air, with extraordinary aura. When he swung the sword, the clouds were split into two, and the thick sword energy shot out like a rainbow.

Jiang Cheng picked up the unfinished books on the table and walked to the room step by step. The Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin were still practicing. After such a long time, their cultivation levels had reached the level of the Great Dou Master, and they were far away from Dou Ling. It's only half a step away.

Breakthroughs happen overnight.

The little Amethyst Winged Lion King cultivates even faster. Because of the blood in his body and the fact that he swallowed the accompanying amethyst source not long ago, his realm is already second only to the Dou Huang level.

Jiang Cheng also decided to wait until it breaks through the Dou Huang, and then give it a seventh-grade Transformation Pill, so that it can fully master the energy of the body.


When the sword blades collided together, sparks flew out, and tyrannical energy also burst out.

"Wind push!"

Yun Yun frowned slightly, her bare hands formed a strange handprint in front of her body, and a violent blue wind rolled out in front of her body, and then roared out.

The corner of Cai Lin's mouth curled up, and the sword blade in his hand fell down, immediately tearing the wind force in front of him into pieces.

Yun Yun's figure flickered and appeared a hundred meters away. She smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, I am not your opponent yet."

Cai Lin took back his weapon and said charmingly: "If we were in the same realm, maybe I wouldn't be able to take advantage."

After saying that, Cai Lin's beautiful eyes turned to the elegant man standing beneath her. She immediately remembered what she had experienced last night, and her face suddenly turned red and her face was filled with joy.

Fortunately, she managed to stop with her own perseverance, but the sound she made last night still made Cai Lin, who was honored as the Queen of the Snake Tribe, feel a little bit shameful.

A faint blush came over Cai Lin's pretty face, and she spat softly: "Thank you, Mr. Confucian Sage!"

When Jiang Cheng heard the other party calling him sir, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He didn't expect Cai Lin to change his normal behavior, and the grudges from the past were probably resolved.

Cai Lin landed lightly on the ground and whispered: "What happened last night... you'd better not tell anyone..."

Jiang Cheng smiled heartily and said, "Of course, I keep my mouth shut."

Yun Yun's cheeks flashed with a hint of red, and she said softly: "Sir, there is actually something I want to tell you."

"But it doesn't matter."

Jiang Cheng turned sideways and said.

Yun Yun's eyebrows frowned slightly for some unknown reason, "Three days ago, news came back from our Yunlan Sect... My teacher wants to meet you, sir."

Jiang Cheng calmed down his emotions and said: "Yunshan is so bold, asking me to meet him in person? Haha, even the first sect master Yun Potian is not qualified to say such a thing."

Of course Yun Yun knew it, but the teacher thought that the relationship between her and her husband was unusual, so she wanted her to take her husband back to Yunlan Sect.

But even if she tried her best to explain, the other party didn't listen.

Cai Lin sneered: "Yunshan is still a little arrogant as before. If it were another Dou Zong, or even Dou Zun, he would probably kneel down and come forward. Your teacher is really brave."

Yun Yun bit her lip lightly and took out a jade slip for sound transmission. She also knew the identity of Mr. Confucian Sage, so naturally she could only ask the teacher to come and kowtow and bow in person.Jiang Cheng didn't care. He turned around and came to the Huaishui Bamboo Pavilion. He sat calmly on the chair and said calmly: "Although I am a Confucian sage, it does not mean that I have no temper. Miss Yun Yun, this matter should be considered." Alright."

Yun Yun nodded her head obediently, knowing that her husband was not without temper, but that he convinced people with reason and put morality first. If he couldn't convince people, he would use force to solve the problem.

Often that situation can be tragic.

Either don't kill, or kill them all and exterminate their entire clan!

"I understand, sir. I have offended you a lot just now, and I hope you will forgive me."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, indicating that it was okay, and that it was better to just let them practice here with peace of mind, and not to worry about other things.

At the same time, Yunshan frowned when he learned about this. It seemed that Yun'er and the other party were not what he imagined.

"Jie Jie Jie, Yunshan, I didn't expect that you would also suffer a day."

Yunshan turned around indifferently, with a sharp look in his eyes, "Why are you here? Didn't you say you were going to Wutan City?"

A penetrating laughter came from within the black mist, "It is said that that thing has been taken away by Jiang Cheng, so there is no use for me to stay there."

"But we are bound to get that thing. The other party calls himself a Confucian Sage, and he may be a strong man who has just broken through the Dou Sage realm. I have already informed the clan about this, and I think it won't be long before some elders come."

Yunshan sneered: "I advise you to put away such thoughts. Do you know how old Jiang Cheng is?"

Heiwu frowned and asked subconsciously: "Yunshan, what do you mean? Are you saying that the other party is a middle-aged man?"

If someone breaks through to the Dou Sheng realm at the age of 50 or 45, he is indeed very talented. Even within the Soul Clan, there are not many people who can break through the Dou Sheng realm at the age of [-].

However, Yunshan sneered and smiled and said: "You are too underestimated the Confucian sage. I have met him once. He is at most in his twenties."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the man in the black mist also changed suddenly, and he walked out suddenly, saying in surprise: "A Fighting Saint in his twenties? Are you bluffing me?"

However, Yunshan snorted coldly. Before he could bluff others and establish his power, he immediately stood up with his hands behind his hands and said:

"Dragon protector. So, Mr. Confucian Sage is not something you can spy on, so you should put away this idea."

"What's his name?" Guardian Ya asked urgently.

"Jiang Cheng."

"Xue Gong...Confucian Sage...Jiang Cheng..."

The bird protector walked in place, and things that the elders mentioned back then came to mind. For a long time, they vaguely mentioned the Confucian sage who rose up in the academy.

It's just that at that time, he was only a strong person in the semi-saint realm. How long has passed, and the opponent has already broken through to the realm of fighting saint. Is this still the limit that humans can reach? !

As the protector of the Soul Palace, the Soul Palace's forces are spread across all the forces in Dou Qi Continent, and their news is also the most accurate. Some strong people with outstanding strength and outstanding talents will record it.

Confucian sage is one of them.

Back then, one person, one sword, and one jug of wine killed their Soul Palace Heavenly Lord, throwing away his helmet and armor. Now, he actually broke through to the realm of Dou Sheng in a short period of time. It was really shocking.

"It's really him!"

(End of this chapter)

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